I have a commander who does not have the required number of troops in his army to threaten. However there is another army in the hex of a nation of the same Allegeance with lots of troops.
Will my threat have a chance to succeed, or are the basic requirements of the order that my nation have the required number of troops (in whatever number of armies) - with any addition armies of other nations simply providing a bonus?
Only armies of your nation will count towards the threat, you will still have a chance of success even without the required number but it will be greatly reduced in it’s chance of succeeding.
Take VEO’s response with a grain of salt… I’ve used 40ish commanders with 3k+ troops to threaten MT/Forts many a time. Numbers probably have the same impact as command rank (in relation to ‘required’ numbers).
I don’t know if this is what Brad is talking about.
"…Start by finding the “Force needed to threaten” figure from the “Population size factors” table in the rule book. Then turn your actual troops into a percentage of that, so you might have 90% or 150% of the troops theoretically “needed to threaten”, then apply:
Chance = comm rank + % of troops - pop centre loyalty - 20 per level of fort - 25 if capital