Threats - When will they work?

I seem to remember somewhere in my long-lost past, reding an article that gave some guidance as to when threats would work, and when they would not. I cannot find this little article among the numerouls ones that I have printed in compiling my little library on the mechanics of the game itself. Can anyone tell me if this (my memory) is just some ghost of a recollection (like that Pink Floyd concert in '77) or if there is an article that spells out what affect the chances of success in a threaten (498) attempt. Any guidance that I might get would be appreciated.


B. D. Percival

Once threatened with a 20 commander and it worked. Mind you it was only a camp and he did have 900 HC and 600 LC, not surprisingly he got +8 to command rank.

Laurence Tilley’s web site gives the following advice

A suggested formula, which I am testing and regard with slowly increasing faith. It may at least serve as a rough rule of thumb: Start by finding the “Force needed to threaten” figure from the “Population size factors” table in the rule book. Then turn your actual troops into a percentage of that, so you might have 90% or 150% of the troops theoretically “needed to threaten”, then apply:

chance = comm rank + % of troops - pop centre loyalty - 20 per level of fort - 25 if capital