Trick Question of the day!

four (4), five (5) if want to count the forced march order
Split army to B from A
transfer command order from C to B and join
B buys food as part of army A
D joins A and
B force marches to wherever



----- Original Message ----
From: Jeffery A. Dobberpuhl <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:10:49 AM
Subject: [mepbmlist] Trick Question of the day!

I've finally lost my mind. I know others have thought this for years, but
now its official!

In the nation owned pop center are the following commanders:

A - Army Commander

B - In the Army with A

C - Other Army Commander

D - In the Army with C

What is the fewest orders to:

1) Put B in charge of an army consisting of ALL of the troops except
for 100 HI

2) Allow B to do a force march

3) Put C in the army with B

4) Put D in the army with A

5) Leave A with 100 HI

6) Buy food for the army B will command?


I tried this once, but the Army of Dwarf Labor and Union protested my use of
cheaper Hobbit workers.

Thanks in advance.

Jeffery A.

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Thanks John! That actually makes sense. :slight_smile:

Jeffery A. Dobberpuhl

2500 New Brighton Suite 201, Highway 88

St. Anthony, MN 55418

612 788-9699 (Voice)

612 788-9799 (Facsimile)



From: [] On Behalf
Of John Choules
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] Trick Question of the day!

four (4), five (5) if want to count the forced march order
Split army to B from A
transfer command order from C to B and join
B buys food as part of army A
D joins A and
B force marches to wherever


----- Original Message ----
From: Jeffery A. Dobberpuhl <attorney@electricat
To: mepbmlist@yahoogrou <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:10:49 AM
Subject: [mepbmlist] Trick Question of the day!

I've finally lost my mind. I know others have thought this for years, but
now its official!

In the nation owned pop center are the following commanders:

A - Army Commander

B - In the Army with A

C - Other Army Commander

D - In the Army with C

What is the fewest orders to:

1) Put B in charge of an army consisting of ALL of the troops except
for 100 HI

2) Allow B to do a force march

3) Put C in the army with B

4) Put D in the army with A

5) Leave A with 100 HI

6) Buy food for the army B will command?


I tried this once, but the Army of Dwarf Labor and Union protested my use of
cheaper Hobbit workers.

Thanks in advance.

Jeffery A.

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Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.

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