Two 430's on same troop type?

Just wondered if the following is possible.
I have an army with 3 commanders. Its purely hi, and would this turn like to let the two backupcoms each make a 430 on the hi.

Anyone ever tried this? And is the training of the hi raised twice min this case?

Thanks in advance!


IMHO, you can train as often as you like. Many times I had capital armies with more than one backup comm - the armycomm did 435 while all others did 430. No problem there.

It’s a great way to improve your backup commanders command rank quickly.
It’s a great way to improve the training of the HI quickly.
It’s a standard tactic I use when playing neutrals and hanging around waiting to join a side.

Greetings Per,
In the case you’ve ten com’s with this army, nine should do the 430 and the Comm should do 435.

Hey, how you’re training your armies in the grudge-games ?

It’s a great way like ScOrp10 ( something like seven of nine ? )

Have Fun !


You will notice when your back-up commanders issue 430 on the same turn the army commander issues 435 that all the back-up com’s ranks will improve 2-12 pts. The lower the rank, the more they have to learn, so it’s not unusual for a 10-20 com to jump 9-10 points in such a case.


And that’s how you get your new C10A20 to be C40+A30+ in 3-5 turns.

Thanks for all the answers, I just wanted to know if it was possible in the same turn to 430 the same troop type, and I got that answer in plenty. Thanks :slight_smile:
