Updates on the MEPBM Forums

Hi everyone. I have a few updates to share concerning the MEPBM Forums (http://mepbm.com). I have volunteered to help improve the MEPBM Forums for the player community.

Problems with Forums Account / Inability to Post

A number of people have reported problems with sign in / inability to post to the Forums. I have created a help post that should solve login and/or posting issues:


If you are unable to fix the problem yourself by following the steps Option A and Option B listed in this short article, there is an email address in this post (Option C) you can contact to have your account fixed. I’ve fixed a few accounts in the past two weeks already.

Updated Front Sheet

The Front Sheet post listing open positions in upcoming games is being updated regularly now (every few days). You can view it here:


The Future of the Forums

Thank you to Darrell Swoap for managing the MEPBM Forums for the past 15+ years! This has been a great asset for the player community. Assuming everything goes well with a test migration, the MEPBM Forums will be getting an upgrade to new forum software called Discourse, and includes a mobile app for iOS and Android, optional new post email notifications on topics, and support for signing in with your Google or Facebook account, if preferred. It also uses a more modern responsive web design that looks great on devices from PCs to tablets to smartphones. The migration is still in the testing process and should take place by the end of September (perhaps sooner). Stay tuned for more details.

Use the Forums

It would be great to see increased player use of the MEPBM Forums. This is a great resource to:

  • Connect with Neutral players in your game

  • Have a post-game discussion with the other team when a game concludes

  • Ask a question about games rules

  • Use the search function to research a topic

  • Find other players for a grudge game

  • Talk about anything MEPBM related!