Uploading MEOW turns

Our server is being updated so if you are attempting to send turns
automatically via MEOW then you’ll need to instead send it by hand.

It’s reasonably simple - but if you get stuck give us a call and we can help

If you Save the file then look in the MEOW/orders directory you’ll find the
file (eg me25v05.021 for game 21 nation 25 order version 5).

Attach that file and send it to us


Apologies for the inconvenience. We’re working on something better for you
all soon.


Sent email, no autoresponse after 1.5 hours. I’ll send it again, but are there other issues here also?

Im having the same problem- I have manually sent my orders in with no autoreply.


Nope no problems otherwise. Which email address are you using?


I did finally get a reply about 25 min ago (I sent to me@middleearthgames.com) It just took extra long.

Ditto. Took 3 hours, and I got the “autoreply” for my second message first!

Brad, scratching his head again

Still being updated…?

Nope should work fine. If not if you follow the instructions above it will work fine.


MEOEW gave me the internal server error. METurn.com appeared to accept the turn (no error message) but never sent me an autoreply. Emails sent instead, but “should” would appear to be “doesn’t” in this case.

Yep you’re correct. My apologies (just tested it out). We’re on it but for now if you Save and then attach by hand and send to us that would be best.
