UW variant anyone?

Anyone interested in an open-ended UW game? I have not played the game due to the scavenger hunt victory conditions but I would be very interested in seeing how an open-ended game turned out.

There may well be cons but I see a lot of pros for such a game.

Comments welcomed,

So what would the pros and cons be??? How would this “open-ended” work???

By open ended I mean each side would hammer the other side till one side was no longer viable. A non-ring dump victory as occurs in most all 1650/2950 games i.e. one side cries “uncle”

Well the “pro/con” is subjective I guess. Again I know game mechanics and nuances very well but I have NOT played this scenario so I could be way off base.

My thoughts on this matter are as follows:


  1. Not sure how the game would fair over a prolonged period
  2. Is the game balanced if there are no victory conditions present?
  3. General uncertainty on my part however newness in a TA game is a huge plus for me


  1. Only need 10 players to start.
  2. Much easier to put together an all friend or grudge game with 5 nations.
  3. 1v1 would be a lot cheaper. Rob mentioned 20% off as a possibility/probability.
  4. 1v2-5 (as above)
  5. Greatly improved characters over 1650, improved characters over 2950 i.e Saruman is 80E 90M at start.
  6. No +20 k/a since some of you care about that sort of thing
  7. 2 super-nations (10&12) that have 12 characters (ran by team in UW scenario)
  8. PC’s are more 1650ish (8-15 in number) at start rather then the 4-5 as in 2950.
  9. Armies are more 1650ish (Rohan starts with 1700HC, 1300LC and 900 of all others (on a confined map space)

Of course all this is JMO.

I posted to see if there is any interest since I am a bit bored ATM.

Any rules for this sort of game would be up the participants, not me other than as one of the participants

Steven, might be interested. There is no escapeing the Harley ‘standard’ game is getting a bit thin. Depends on when the Kin Strife comes out—it has been just-around-the-corner for the past four years.

Yes, KS would be superior but I gave up on that some time ago.
