Army A attacks army B and C. How are Army A’s troops allocated between the two? Do we compare number of troops, Force vs COnstitution, etc…how is this done?
And what if 3 armies square off against 4, and they involve 3 allegeances…
If I order to move my capital, will it generate a rumor if…
a) order succeeds, but not enough gold
b) order fails, gold or no gold
Is the following true:
a) I lose my capital multiple times during a turn but I will only pay relocation costs once, at the end of turn, and only if the relocation succeeds (if there is no MT then I am eliminated and will not expend gold).
b) I lose my capital multiple times, and each time the computer theoretically calculates my possibility of paying at 100% tax rate, but only raises taxes at the end of the turn to the necessary amount. Thus, it is possible that when I lost my capital to combat in the beginning of the turn I might have enough gold, but the second time around due to emissary action at the second capital, having for instance spent money between the the attack and the 520 order, the check at 100% taxes fails and I am eliminated.
c) you can indeed receive a backup MT at end of turn, as long as at 100% taxes you can pay for it at that instant.
If you loose your capital then one of yous MTs or cities become your new capital. This is free, but then all your pcs will loose loyalty because of the sad news of loosing the nations capital.
If you use the relocate capital order (before you loose it) then it will cost you much gold, but then you will not loose so much loyalty when you loose your (ex-)capital.
In a recent turn, we had 5 armies going up against 2. Armeis contined HC, HI and some starting LI and even MA. I plugged the base numbers into Eichman’s old Combat Calculator and used the default “split on number of troops” setting. I found we actually took about 10% more casualties than expected. We were fighting on the enemy fortifications, so I figure he must not have the defenseive bonus exactly correct… Or the troop terrain modifiers, or I didn’t have the command and moral quite close enough… or there is a larger random factor than the rule book indicates… Whatever…
I was able to up the enemy offensive combat artifacts to the point that my army had exactly the right number of troops after combat. My allies HI total was off by 3 troops and his HC total was off by 8…
Using any of the other Split options available in the old CC made the numbers WAY off.
Assumption would be that each army’s “troop strength” would be split based upon the armies that it is in combat with, before being adjusted for tactic vs. tactic and relations.
Note, If you and I are allies, and we’re facing armies from two different enemies, I can attack enemy, while you attack nation. My troops would be split between the two, yours would not be split (unless the enemy that you didn’t attack, attacked you… in which case, it is as if you’d attacked both as well).
Generally, rumors are generated based on an order being issued, not based on success. A steal gold rumor will be generated whether it was successful, failed, or succeeded but there was no gold to actually take. Issue Challenge also generates a rumor, even if refused.
I’ve not seen evidence specific to Relocate Capital, but see no reason to assume it does not work the same.
No cost if your capital is relocated automatically because it was lost… Only if you issue the relocate capital order. I’ve never seen a rumor generated from automatic capital relocation… Only the order to relocate capital.
Not my understanding… I’ve never gone bankrupt, but here is my understanding of how it works.
Receive taxes. Buy goods. Sell Goods. Pay bills.
If you don’t have enough cash in your treasury at the “pay bills” time, then your taxes are raised to bring in enough extra taxes to just pay your bills. Example: You have 20K taxbase and are 2K short, your taxes are raised by 10%. If at this point, there is not enough room left under the 100% rate to bring in enough to cover your deficit, then you’re immediatly bankrupt and no additional orders fire for your nation.
If any orders fire “after” pay bills, and there is not enough gold in your treasury, then the order simply fails.
If you lose your capital, it is moved to the largest pop with the highest loyalty, for free. You can’t go bankrupt because you lose your capital.
(Correction/clarification… Pop combat occurs before you receive your production. Therefore, if your capital is captured by the enemy, you won’t receive taxes from it, nor will you have any good to sell from it, nor will you be able to issue NatSell orders from it… etc. So, it is POSSIBLE to go bankrupt by losing your capital, but not from the way you thought… based on cost of relocation, since automatic relocation is free. Understand?)
Note, if you lose your capital, and don’t have a MT or City, then a town or smaller will become your capital and the remainder of your orders for the turn WILL fire. Example, let’s say you have a couple towns, and happen to have a couple characters at the town with the highest loyalty. If you lose your capital in combat (255), then the town with the highest loyalty will be your capital when sells (325) fire. Your characters at your town can NatSell and NatTran and execute any of the other “capital only” orders.
If you then capture a MT or city or are given one by an ally through transfer, your capital will then relocate again for free at the end of the turn. If you don’t have a City or Major Town at the time this second free auto-transfer occurs, then you’re out of the game.
ad 1. The way I expierenced multible armies fighting is as follows:
Each armies calculated strength/constitution, (nations/terrain modifiers, relations, commander rank, formation, moral, trooptype/quantity, training, weapon, armour and additional combat value (arties, spells and npcs)) is added up for each allegeance. Losses are calculated relative to each armies constitution(not all sure, could be strength) or just by % (it must be the last though, the same is true for every trooptype in an army). In theese situations I always use ComSim, a little nifty progamm that not can give you the excact outcome, but will point you in right direction or better. You will have to guess a lot about the opposing armies characteristics, but if you and your allies have lost to it in combat before, it isnt that hard, starting armies are even easier.
ad 2. ?
ad 3a. Forced relocation is absolutely free, wont cost you a penny, just loyalty:D. If your capitol is sacked by an army you wont get taxes or gold production for it (no NatSell either), if your tax rate exceeds 100%, your out. Logically, if you loose your capitol, you cant issue the relocate order.
ad 3b. If you loose, lets say your last 2 MT´s in the combat and still have a taxrate of 100 or below you will survive. If you just loose one in combat and the 2. to emies your still in the clear. You can recieve a new MT from your allies.
ad 3c. Yes, taxrate at 100 or below is no problem, you recieve your MT even if you cant survive the next turn without extra gold, NatSell/gold send.
Some of your questions concern the order sequence, the most important part of this game. If you dont know if a combination of orders and events is possible, look at it and you will know the answer.
Hehe, it seems that Dshimels and my reply where somewhat simultanious.
If you belewe you will loose your capital and you have characters at a MT or a city you belewe will become your new capital then these characters can do capital orders, like nationsell or even relocatecapital.