Be it known that team Veta Schola records another victory in the 1650 scenario. In game 33 we (DS) have beaten the spanish star-team Catalonia Earth.
It was this game in which the OBN strategy was applied and made public. So measures have been taken to prevent this exploit for future games. we offered CE a restart of the game or a rematch with switched sides after game end. they chose the latter and we played on. OBN is huge and we never were in danger of losing this game. OTOH the FP put up stout opposition and came up with some surprises, so it took us longer than we had expected to bring this victory home when they conceded the game on t 27.
still we think OBN is not unwinnable for the FP and would like to prove that (note that this is not a pledge to legalise it, just a challenge we would like to try ).
the offer for the rematch still stands and will stand but CE has decided to take a break for now. this means we might be looking for opposition soon.
kudos to Catalonia Earth for their tenacious defence and some skillful moves!
and thanks to my teammates, I am looking forward to future games:
Drew Carson - Dragon Lord, Blind Sorcerer
Dave Holt - Witch King
James Howl - Long Rider
Marty Cinke - Quiet Avenger, Harad
Tony Huiatt - Ice King, Rhudaur
Tim Huiatt - Dog Lord
Kevin Given - 89 Kill Cloud Lord