Victory Points

I was hoping others on here could enlighten me on this issue:
How are the victory points calculated?
I get the individual victory conditions, but how are the rest done?
For pop centers is it better to have more camps or bigger pop centers?
And characters: more or bigger? Better to have really high challenge on one or two, or spread out over all the characters?
Etc, etc, etc…

Any thoughts are welcome…

who pays more for chars, pops or armies has more VC for them… at least so i think they are calculated.
who has more gold has more VC on that field.

VP, not VC. And with any luck, they’re ignored with a single exception - charting your allegiance’s overall VP’s, you have a reasonable idea as to the overall state of the game - are you steadily gaining them or losing them…?

There is a considerable body of evidence that says there is an inverse relationship between pursuing victory points and being pursued to play in teams :slight_smile: VP’s does not the best player make. Usually the player that contributes most to the victory is also the one that suffers most and everyone that plays the game knows it! They don’t count for much by the by if you miss the war for pursuing them only to have your team lose. Better by far to build your reputation for playing hard and hurting the enemy deeply. Many of us ancients have had more than one occasion to spank the VP hog for temerity on the battle field. Quite memorable for all involved! :slight_smile:

“I’ll join your allegiance if you waste orders transferring a pop I have as a VC to me…”

Okay… :wink:

I appreciate the commentary, but I think you miss my point. I was asking a simple question. What determines the victory points? I’m not saying play into the victory points…people should play to the best ability and to the best for the side they are on. Ignoring the team is never a good plan…

4 items calculated - Characters, Armies, Pops, Gold. Nations are ranked from 1 through 25. The first x places get descending points, from 500 through to 100. Max Victory Points any nation can have, if it leads in all categories, is 2000. Nobody goes below 400. I routinely end games with 400.

How are they ranked? Gold is easy.

Pops - dunno. Total levels, total levels of fortifications, then some Loyalty % modifier…?
Armies - dunno. Some algorithm similar to Str and Con calculations that smashes it all together?
Characters - dunno. Total skill?

If you have the top ranked gold, you get 500 points. Then:


The guy who got me into this game in the 90’s sent me this file way back then. Enter your VP’s and it makes a statistical guess as to what scores you have/where you rank in the 4 categories.

Thanks! It was simply a curiosity thing…