Volunteers needed - free game

Hi everyone

We’re connected to a project which is looking for PBM gamers who would be interested in playtesting a simple game on a mobile phone.

You’d need to be able to commit to about 30 minutes per session, 3-4 times a week, for about a month. The game will last about 10-15 turns. The game involves a simple quest system, where you move across a map, gaining riddles, trading answers with other players in the game, and (hopefully) successfully answering those riddles enabling you to move forward across the map until you reach your objective. I can tell you more if you’re up for this…

The phones that are compatible are these:

Nokias N-seria (except n-gage).
SonyEricsson K,T,W,S (500), 600, 700, 800, 900.

So, if you have one of these phones, would be interested in getting involved, please mail me directly, with the subject ‘ME Mobile Phone’.

There will be a prize of £20 turn credit for the winner of the playtest.


Would love to - but don’t have one of the listed phones. I’ve often wondered how mobile phone gaming works - is it possible to make a game that can be played on ALL (or most) models?

It might be that your phone would work on a different model. Your question is not a simple one to answer Steve I’m afraid.

Most MIDP2.0 phones will work so if you’ve got one of those get in touch if you’re interested. It’s great fun (we’ve done a boardgame version of it and it’s cool).


Now you’re talking ! Games should be on boards.

We’ve had some replies to this but really could do with some more



if only i had a compatible phone…

N90 Nokia ok?

We’ve had a few people from this now but could do with more.


There’s a rather useful list of which phones are MIDP 2.0 compatible here: http://www.club-java.com/TastePhone/J2ME/MIDP_mobile.jsp

For non-geeks (like me) MIDP stands for Mobile Information Device Profile :slight_smile: Read more about it here: http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2002/12/18/midp.html


Great thanks Colin - okay how about if anyone is up for it get in touch and I’ll tell you if your phone will work and we’ll go from there…
