War of the Ring 2950 variant

Richard Devereux was kind enough to send me a PDF that describes the exact changes that make a regular 2950 game into a War of the Ring game. I added a link to that PDF in this thread, where all of the different variants are discussed, but that may be a little obscure. So, I figured I’d post about it and attach it right here so that everyone who is interested can download it and check it out.

In 2950 don’t the free get a LOT of character point bonuses to bring them in line with the Darky’s due to the less pop centers?

With this variant, I would imagine the free have a pretty massive advantage considering they now have the added pop centers AND characters, while the dark servants get 15K in gold…

How have the games of this variant gone thus far???



I am unsure how many WotR games have been played, but 223 finished on turn 23 with a DS victory, I would also be interested in other reports on this variant.

Neutrals in 223 were prealigned as follows:
Duns + WW = FP
Khand + Corsairs = DS

I do not think the FP have any advantage in this scenario.


239 was WotR. Ended on GT21 with a FP victory.
WW+Duns FP
Corsairs+Rhun DS

234 is an ongoing WotR.
WW+Duns DS
Corsairs+Rhun FP
GT10 and things are looking very good for the DS.

Don’t underestimate the advantage the DS get from all that extra starting gold. It helps keep the market up, and helps them with market manipulations.

The larger Mirkwood armies also help, keeping the FP on their heels long enough for dragon and agent support to reach the theater.

If I had to place money on which allegiance in this variant or 2950 would win, I would choose DS.

I played in 29(old style numbering) and 222. Rohan and Dk.Lieuts. Its a cool variant. Bit more like 1650 in the beginning with some basis for large attacks. The character game really gets going if the initial army exchanges don’t settle things. Well worth a try if looking for something close to what 1650 plays like.