We're back! (Forum outage 02Feb16-07Feb16)

Well, that was a bummer.

I would like to apologize for both the extended downtime and the loss of data from the forum. My service provider experienced a physical hardware failure that required me to rebuild the server, and the only backup I had that I was able to get data from was done a year and a half ago. So basically, the forum is back online exactly as it was on April 11th, 2014. Anything that has happened since then is gone…threads, posts, new users, account modifications, etc.

I would like to solicit feedback if anyone notices anything that appears to not be working as intended. The backed up database had several missing/corrupted tables that I’ve tried to recreate (I don’t think they were necessarily important in our case) and everything appears to be back up and running just fine, but there may be some things wrong that I just have not noticed yet.


Thanks for your efforts Darrell


Where did the threads go?? Filtered for “last year” and this is all I got…

Game 16 is a massacre and I want to be able to remind the remaining FP of that… :wink:

Thanks for keeping the thing up and running!

To all my opposition–die die die!

To the GMs–hey can I sign up for those games on the front sheet? Ha!

/ironic mode on
Masacre? Where? When? How?
Did I miss something?
/ironic mode off


Ya know, “denial” is more than just a really big river in Egypt.

Also, you might wanna grab some hotdogs. I know where there will be a huge bonfire…:wink:

Game 16 was hard fought!

Dean :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if this is related to the outage but search seems to be malfunctioning. Searching for very common terms seems to only pull up threads that have been started or added to recently. For example, search for “dragon” returns only 5 threads - 4 of which were started in 2016, 1 of which was started in 2008, but added to recently.

Is search broken for all the older posts? Any way to repair it? There is so much great info in the older posts that is nigh impossible to find without search working.

I didn’t think it was broken, but perhaps there is a problem with the search index. I’ll have a look see and hopefully find a resolution. Thanks!

EDIT: Okay, rebuilt search index, searching for “dragon” now produces 199 results. Hopefully that fixes that. Thanks for mentioning it!