We need a new poll…one that’s more fun and (hopefully) won’t get anyone too riled up. This poll is based on an article that appears on page 3 of News from Bree Issue #24 by Bernd Luehrsen.
1. The Statistician
This guy is likely to study computer science. His characters and pops are named in alphabetical order. He is the one who keeps the map, character and artefact lists. Collects game data about encounters and riddles. Knows the probability of Woodmen being out of game before turn ten. Developes complex formulae to calculate if one will successfully threaten or influence an enemy population centre and can always tell how a battle will result. Very reliable - special service is something that happens to other people - but lacks creativity sometimes. Very useful to have him on the team. Will never play Woodmen, though.
2. The Organizer
The (would be) mastermind of the team, he likes to be called “captain”. He keeps all threads in his hands. Army movement, direction of curses- agent- and emis squads are his calling. Writes elaborate messages with plans to his team mates. Always states that they are “open to discussion” but will be hurt if criticized. Tends to patronize newbies. Strongly identifies with the course of the game, i.e. if winning he leads it back to his good coordination, if losing he finds somebody else to put the blame on. Likely to be a German.
3. The Wargamer
The grunt of the team, leading thousands to the shamble. His other hobbies are tabletops and strategic computer games. He doesn’t care for the more subtle aspects of the game such as giving names to his characters or pops. Thanks to him we stumble over characters like “Ulbar” and camps like “Mukatana” in every game. Dreams of equipping his troops with mithril and drains the teams timber stores to produce war machines. Likes to push his commanders to Lord Marshal and reads his combat reports with gritted teeth. Needs consolation occasionally when an agent has eliminated his 2000 hc with st/st.
4. The Builder
Emissaries are his favourite characters. He likes to see his nation grow and flourish. Sometimes arranges his pops in a nice floral pattern on the map. Often finds himself using lots of orders for sending a steady stream of gold and resources to team members because he has plenty but cannot make proper use of it, while the others are broke but have better characters and armies. Rejoices when his emmies hit rank 70 and his companies become a major nuisance to the enemy. One will most probably find “Sim City” on his computer hard drive.
5. The Role-Player
His messages will often start with “Greetings to Thee” and end with “XY, Head of the Order of XY, Leader of XY, Bearer of the golden banner of XY”. His turn reports are written like a bad fantasy novel and make his team mates yawn before they get to anything important. Fond of mages and agents and, the contrary of the Wargamer, will put much thought on naming his pops and characters, referring to books he read and RPGs he played. Will proudly show his girlfriend that he named a character after her and have difficulties explaining her that she was eaten by a giant spider a few weeks later.
Great poll, Darrell! But I require a combo category: I’m part statistician (Computer Science and all), part Wargamer, part Builder and part Role Player. I have no part Organizer in me (as described in the News from Bree article) – hence my love for the Gunboat variant.
But to be a good sport, I’ll go with the Wargamer category.
Darrell, this reminds me of an old article in “Whispers”. You are funing, of course. But you left out a couple of other classifications. The “Professional Neutral” and the “Snake”. The former’s leadership skills are lacking so he searches for a ME Rommel in his games and joins that side. The later does not care if he wins or loses as long as he can fool someone. I’m sure our membership can come up with some more.
Yeah, we can go into crazy detail here, and that’d be kinda cool in a way. The particular options here are swiped directly from the News from Bree article because I lack any writing talent of my own. But hey, that’s why we have these replies, so we can argue about the different player types.
(I’m just waiting to see this baby degenerate into name calling and insults.)
Having a look on the descriptions in the top of the message … well, I don’t fit any description, but a little bit of each.
I mean. Of course I like building armies of about 2000 Hc St St and I shout desperatelly when one agent crushes it (well usually they crush the comander and the back up)
Of course I use my 70 level emissair to begin to bother my neightbours and of course without a proper sim city play, you cannot build a strong nation.
I believe all is mixed up.
So I propose another cathegory.
Mad Spanish Player
The player who tries to destroy his enemies with legal or ilegal ways, even bribering the moderator (Wanna one Jamon?) jajajaja
Hmm . . . I love tabletop wargames . . . Love building war machines and heavy troops . . . I spent half my Christmas break last week playing Sim City . . . I love emissaries . . . and I often name pop centers in some sort of sequential order . . and my diplos start with “Greetings Lord of the XYZ”. Oh well, next poll!
Actually, that’s my plan. I’m hoping to come up with some kind of entertaining, non-abrasive poll every week or two. Nothing scientific, just something entertaining.
Everyone has forgotten about the “vanilla” player. His most used orders are Prentice Magery, Manoeuvre Army, Influence Loyalty and Guard Location/Character.
It’s a great way to build characters but a poor way to play a game.
Believe me I know !
The (would be) mastermind of the team, he likes to be called “captain”. He keeps all threads in his hands. Army movement, direction of curses- agent- and emis squads are his calling. Writes elaborate messages with plans to his team mates. Always states that they are “open to discussion” but will be hurt if criticized. Tends to patronize newbies. Strongly identifies with the course of the game, i.e. if winning he leads it back to his good coordination, if losing he finds somebody else to put the blame on. Likely to be a German.
Originally posted by johnstrac Everyone has forgotten about the “vanilla” player. His most used orders are Prentice Magery, Manoeuvre Army, Influence Loyalty and Guard Location/Character.
It’s a great way to build characters but a poor way to play a game.
Believe me I know !
Hey, it’s a great way to improve your chars !
If none will kill this well trained-chars away, you’ll be the winner !
Ha, Ha, Ha
What’s about the “pink”-players not able to understand what other players are doing !
I think we could have an endless list of player-types !
You should close this poll and re-start it as multi-optional.
Seems that most people think they are a little bit of lots…
I think they are probably being aspirational, and fit nicely into 1 category, but see themselves as better than they really are.
Ooooohhh, how about another category
The master
This type of player always knows everything, regardless of how good/bad (s)he plays his position. Can always find a reason to blame a team mate for his problems, and there’s always something stopping him fom sending aid to his teammates.
Uh, oh, I am a little embarassed that my article gained such late honours…
In fact almost everybody is a mixture of these player types - if he is a good player. I just summed up what players I encountered in my games and added some of the things that seemed characteristic for myself - thus the organizer. Now you know how the german came into it, Gixxer…
But meanwhile I met some guys from UK an US who are by far better organizers than me, and the name Sacco does not sound as if there were any german ancestors…