Has anyone ever published a table of the locations one finds dragons and where?
Thanks in advance.
Has anyone ever published a table of the locations one finds dragons and where?
Thanks in advance.
In the mountains…
Not all of them you waster Throkmaw for instance seems to cross great distances on the plains to influence my camps when I’m Freep
Hey are you down for Ruggha’s 25 neutral FA game? If not, hurry up and grab a spot.
Winsten Wun Toof
Hi Scott
I got this off Bobbins site penned by Brian Mason. The last paragraph is pertinent. I’d say - start a list of all dragons you see and within a few games you’ll start working out the extremeties of their wandering territories
Cheers Rob
I’m in the process of completing a survey on the range of particular dragons that move outside the normal bounds of the Grey/Misty Mountains, the Withered Heath,and surrounding rough hexes. No real surprises here, but some information you may find marginally useful: Rough hexes in Northern Gondor: the group of rough hexes in Northern Gondor just east of Angrenost and south of Dol Guldur will sometimes see visits by dragons. The most common encounters are with Itangast, Khuzadrepa, and other dragons that are generally found in the Southern Misty Mountains. Strangely enough, these dragons won’t be found in any of the non-rough hexes between this location and the Misty Mountains (i.e., no encounters in plains or forest hexes).
Sarn Goriwing: Sarn Goriwing and the two rough hexes to the north will commonly be haunted by Nimanaur, Bairanax, and other dragons found in the Grey Mountains to the north. Again, they won’t be found in the intervening forest or plains hexes.
Iron Hills: dragon visits are very infrequent in these rough hexes, but the most common encounters are with Bairanax and Gostir. These dragons can also be found in the Northern Wastes between the Iron Hills and the Grey Mountains. No dragons range east or south of the Iron Hills (with the exception of Lamthanc in Mordor).
All other dragons are encountered in the mountain hexes of the Misty or Grey Mountains, adjacent rough hexes, the Withered Heath (the plains hexes between the two branches of the Grey Mountains), or rarely, in the Northern Wastes north of the Grey Mountains. Dragons are not found in any other location on the map, unless attached to someone’s army (so far as I know).
If you’re looking to find the recruitable dragons, the best places to be are pop centres in Angmar (mountains), Gundabad, Goblin’sGate, or the mountain hexes within this triangle. Most of the recruitable dragons have ranges which cross in this area.
What is “Ditcop…”
I’m guessing it doesn’t contain all of the information you were after
Winsten Wun Toof
I did some searching on the interwebs and it seems DITCOP is MEPBMese for Discover in the course of play. I am guessing that is like telling me to figure it out for myself.
Also Rob, thanks for you help. I forgot that bit of the Bobbins advice about dragons.
I’ve done some checking around and that golden triangle appears to be sage advice. However that may also mean that the games from which the data was created predominately put camps in the area. THe only way we are going to test the theory is to spread camps.
On the one hand: Yes, others had to, why do people think they deserve silver spoons and silver platters…?
On the other hand: Keith answered it with “In the mountains” frankly… Brian’s old article is about all there is. Their starting locations are random and they move randomly. Lamthanc is a Mordor dragon, Gostir is a North/Eastern dragon - he has been found on the plains. Some dragons frequent the hills “around” the Misties while others never do.
Either way, it’s a crap shoot and having a vague understanding of approximate “ranges” really does nothing but make people feel important that they think they know something.
If you’re the DS - fill the misties with camps.
If you’re the FP - fill the misties with small, mobile camp burning armies (fed LC with some metal ideal here…)
No, there is no “golden” anything in the misties in my experience. I’d hazard that the hexes “around” 2119 are more valuable than all along the spine from there heading north, but as you point out - how many games do you see all the hexes filled for long enough to really chart? (Game 4 my DS team notwithstanding… :D)
Hey there Mr Cranky THere is the real problem, some hexes are ALWAYS with pops eg 2305, some hexes may almost never see a pop so how do we know what is the frequency of dragons in it. But here’s the rub, if you know for sure the area is frequented by dragons - then put camps around it
So any information gathered on frequency is a waste of effort. However information gathered to show outer ranges encountered by dragons is useful. As Brian Mason puts it, see where more of these ranges intersect, or alternatively, just be a lazy bastard like the majority and put camps anywhere and not worry about it (or be an even lazier bastard like me and just not bother
Winsten Wun Toof (PS me personally I’d spread those camps wide to make it hard for the freep to remove them all)