There was a poll some time ago on the most popular 2950 neutral. The WW garnered the most votes, but people never explained why this nation was their favorite. So why do/would you enjoy playing the White Wizard? Also, it is my understanding that 2950 neutrals are much more popular than the aligned nations. So if you prefer neutrals in 2950, why is that?
Speaking for myself, I think it would be great fun to roleplay Saruman in diplomatic communications. That’s the main reason. I also like the locations of his population centers. Mountains are always good.
Cool location, nicely fortified capital, best mage and emis in the game, free hire, starting emis and agent to name regular ones at 5,000, Palantir in your hands.
Both Easterlings suck, Corsairs have navies and 1 nation to attack with them, Duns interestingly balanced with without the pizzazz Saruman brings.
2950 seen as a “slower” game without the 10 turn holocaust that decides everything ala 1650, neutral players tend to take a few extra turns to “build” nation and characters - ideally suited to 2950.