Hello all. I was wondering if anyone had some imput regarding a potential WK strategy. I had recently found someone who claimed to have moved all their starting WK armies into a combined army and attacked the Arthedain capitol on 3 with the benefit of an overrun of the Artedain army.
This seems like a fine opening move for the WK as it has the potential benefit of knocking out Athedain turn 3. My questions are:
Can you overrun an army that is in the same hex as a PC?
What about moving Murazor into the Arthedain capitol before the attack to Issue Personal Challenge, snoop around and such and potentially joins up with the army as a sub commander before the attack?
I know the idea of IssPerChal is a bit risky, but Argeleb would most probably still be the army commander, and as such, could not accept Murazor’s challenge thus killing off at least one lower ranked charachter… maybe more if Argeleb stayed the army commander. Also, the fact that most of my starting armies are now massed as one, even if things went south, I could still break off cav and move against Arthedain towns in the rear while the infantry retreats back into angmar.
The whole idea of this strategy again is to knock out Arthedain qickly, and moreover, it seems best suited for a 1650 GB game. It seems to allow for a back up plan of attack in the event something went wrong while moving on the capitol, potentially kill some starting Arthedain characters and has the chance of aiding Rhudaur if only psychologically. My overexposure on turn 2 and the fact that all my armies would be fielded are all hidden from other players except Arthedain and Rhudaur (EDIT: forgot the Dwarves). Heck, even the WK MT @ 2305 (which is on the Woodman map due to the PC right next door) could perhaps be fooled into thinking I still had my starting army present if I were either lucky enough to start with a 2nd command ranked character in 2305 or I delayed the movements of armies by one turn so as to start moving out the 2305 army only after I had moved in a second commander and split off all but 100 MA. Think about it… in a 1650 GB game Arthedain is paired with the Woodmen, so one could possibly get away with fooling a single opposition.
Bounce that one around and tell me what you think… let me know how something like it worked out in the past… or tell me I am crazy and I will move on.