Xmas Card

Clint & Company: Thank you for the Christmas Card. It arrived before Christmas this year :slight_smile:

You are very welcome.

Seasons Greetings to all - thanks for your support, kind comments and here’s to an excellent year’s gaming in 2006.

Santa Clint

Yes, Thanks for the card… it’s very nice/clever too.


I applaud your choice of charities to support with your cards, having had two close family members struck with the disease in the past year, as well as my father being a survivor for several years now.

No card here, what is this I’ve been left out of?

Someone emailed me and asked me to which charity I referred:


(not that I have any UK relatives, but you catch the drift)

And here I was jealous that Ed got his card before me; I’m sure he’s proud he beat both of us. <g>

'04s Christmas card arrived in late Feb of 05. Talk about walking around in a huff.

As for Brad, the dog slead is still delivering in Alaska.

All cards have been sent out - chat to your postie if you haven’t got them yet… he’s probably looking for the buried treasure… :stuck_out_tongue: (No offence John - you’ve been great!)


If you’re gonna do something, do it right… I’ll leave some raw meat down the trail for them so they don’t pass me by…

Yes, well done. Best x-mass wishes to one and all.
Rob S.

Huskies took the drugged meat and I rifled through the bags for mine. And merry xmas to you.

Thx guys… and an excellent charity…something very close to me…