
Please note that you have a (or .co.anything) email address then you are likely to experience problems receiving turns. It’s out of our control. Yahoo is updating something or other and so we need you guys to contact them and complain on our behalf.

Ideally give us another email address. is free for example - anyone got any other free providers?


I have 100 invites for Google Mail. If anyone would like one, you can post here or PM me or something and I can send an invite to the address that you used to register on this forum (or just reply with your e-mail address, but I can see how the more privacy-conscious wouldn’t want to do that). GMail currently has a quota of over 2GB so there’s plenty of room for your turns. :wink:

caveat emptor:

Gmail is free, but they data mine every email you send. you give up any pretense of privacy. Talk about big brother…

It still makes a good second account to use as a repository for turnsheets, which is what I use it for.

In theory, since I run my own mail server (and web server, etc.), I could start handing out e-mail addresses, but I’m not sure if the administration required would make it worth my while…although with my new server online I now have 202GB of free space.

Actually, I’ve toyed around with the idea of hosting a service similar to Yahoo! Groups, but I have no idea how to set it up and I’m not sure I could afford the bandwidth costs that would result.

I guess I’ll look into what would need to happen to make some kind of automated webmail system with addresses. Then the only “Big Brother” you need to worry about is me! MUAHAHAHAHA!

Note: Since I’m an active MEPBM player, I can see how this could not sit well with a lot of people, considering the obvious conflict of interest issues, but I figure I’d throw it out there anyway…

aussiemail is free. 25meg mailbox and has decent filters get v.little spam compared to most others.


HOw do I complain to Yahoo? MOre than willing to raise the cudgel…
