I look at this a little closer and the one item I did not report on T-0 to you because I did not realize it until I did my turn was a Mage 30 actually had LA.
Beyond that all was correct. Never expect my M30 to have LA
I look at this a little closer and the one item I did not report on T-0 to you because I did not realize it until I did my turn was a Mage 30 actually had LA.
Beyond that all was correct. Never expect my M30 to have LA
That’s ok, me thinks that I didn’t tell you everything either. But, Saerol? Come on, at least you could of sent a respectable character for me to kill.
Haha, no killing a lonely 40M. He was one of the few char in range. I am sending in Elrond now so that should be a good target for you
Elrond? Isn’t he the one who wanted to abandon the poor human folk to the treacheries of the Nazgul? Me thinks Elrond is a coward. Send in someone good, like Bain or Argeleb.
By the way, turns are in.
Bain and Argeleb are subcommanders in armies…opps…was not suppose to say that…challange time.
As the hours dwindle down before the arrival of the turn 3 results, I wonder what the possible results might be; will the good guys (who are really the bad guys) beat up on the bad guys (that are really the good guys) or will the bad guys (that are really the good guys) stem the tide of good guys (that are really the bad guys). Those Arthedainians and Cardolanians are too aggressive to be good guys, they must of been Orcs in a previous life, or maybe they are wanna be Orcs, who must kill as much as possible to get into Orchalla (which is right down the hall from Valhalla). The turns will be coming out soon, and I for one, can’t wait.
Turns are in and I think this turn will be huge for one of us as a lot of troops are being throw at you all over the place and depending on where your agents are and what you wish to protect it could be huge for one of us. Of course Harad is taking a beating. Some day I will get down there and help him
Good Luck. John
Turn 3 results are in and for the most part I am very happy with the results outside of North Harad (which as you can tell I have given it no support).
Arty Hunt:
–So far all appears neutral with you a little ahead based on info I got this turn but I think we are on a number of hexes together so it will be interesting to see what happens this turn and next.
–Confused still on food. Sold about 50k of food this turn vs 80k last turn and it stays at the same level of about 6k food?
–Prices for LE, BR, ST, FO at 2 and TI at 4, MO at 6. MI at 48. So not bad but the food at 2 is helping the evils greatly! Need to get LE and FO down to 1 asap but not sure how to do that when selling does not seem to help here.
–CL (I assume) gets its first kill of Argirion-SG and 1000 HI go poof at 3024.
–LR agent fails to take out another commander at 3024 :-). Those 60 commanders in high moral armies are hard to take out.
–Agent takes out bridge in NM area.
–That’s about it so happy with results but this can change fast.
NW (WK/Rhu) area:
–Arth Destroyed village of WK at 1905, big deal. Now face army of WK of ~2000+ troops. So my starting army will be neutralized or destroyed this turn.
–2004 DW T/F still recruiting troops here. Thought you would have moved up this turn with your 2400 troops but you did not. Lets hope no agents came to visit DW. I doubt it do to all the other battles going on in ME.
–Destroyed your small army at 1907 so no recruiting there for you.
–No other threats to WK so that is not good for goods.
–Rhu is looking a little better outside you placing a camp at 1609 before I could get there.
–Rhu will lose 1910 this turn (MT/F) yayayaya!. The question is where to move next?
–Duns army at 2011 is the one that lost food last turn and could not make it to 1910 this turn. Good news it did not cost me the pop center but might cost me later if a dragon shows up.
–DW’s starting army destroyed DrgL’s Goblin Gate army but did not try to take Castle/Fort as I did not think I could have (DrgL army had Maben, Lhachglin casting spells and combat artys, so good decision not to try to take down Goblin Gate. Advanced to NE MT to help protect that and to continue siege on Rhu area. However, should have moved to 2208 Rhu’s town, opps.
–Goblin Gate: Now have to figure out how to take and how fast before another army is thrown up there.
–Good army at 1608…where is it headed?
–Summary: Rhu area looking ok but Dragons soon to be in area.
–Goblin Gate is a MT/Castle. Per above need to figure out how to deal with this.
–2405 WK vs WM battle was fought and WK won easily but did not attack town of WM as he was not sure what was in my army (900LI) :-). Now WK faces a real army and should be destroyed! So for now the NW Mirkwood area is safe. Still need to figure out how to take down WK MT/F at 2305.
–2912 battle with DrgL’s main army vs NM’s starting army and some EO recruits has the DrgL army being destroyed! That takes care of that threat.
–2715 DrgL 800 HI vs SE 1000HI 900AR battle saw SE winning and now face another battle against new 400 army under Khamul. That is interesting so maybe I can get lucky and kill him this turn in battle?
–3116 DogL starting cav at NG’s T/T at 3116 so that will fall. How to stop this mass cav army with all of my armies in Mordor? I do have army next to DogL so hopefully I can at least block you from getting to EO area?
–Summary: Happy with results so far but now need to take out pops of DrgL ASAP so no dragons can come into play here.
Rhun Area:
–Some one took down one of the two bridges north of NM cap.
–LR starting cav tried to threat NM town at 4415 but it resisted…yayaya! Now a NM army has ran into LR just se of 4217 MT/F of NM.
–Summary: Happy with area so far but waiting for BS army and agents to show up.
–EO cav army took down BS V/T at 4025 and did a backup move to get next to DrgL backup capital at 3822 and it worked. Now if there are no agents to take me out I believe I can get up to DrgL backup and nothing you can do about it unless you can hire army this turn and block me. So reasonable chance I will burn this next turn
–Wonder who moved to block my cav force from moving to central Mordor?
Mordor-North Gate:
–DW army under Bain I sits at 3120 MT/F of DrkL with Duns cav facing DrkL’s starting troops (except cav) and recruits. So this pop should burn this turn. The question is does DrkL have his main guy in army also? And if so, is he or me, willing to risk a 1 to 1 challenge with the leaders of their nations? Now if only I can get up the road ASAP before agents take me out.
Mordor-Ithil Pass:
–took back 3024 and advanced main SG army east to FK capital and had my EO army instead of moving up to IK capital go down road to meet at FK capital as I guess that CL army would arrive also. Plus, thought DogL cav was going to come back to IK’s capital to help protect it but they did not.
–So that means FK capital is toast I think, need to do the math still. Now where to if I am willing to risk challenge?
Mordor summary: I am very happy how this is going. Taking down FK capital, maybe DrgL backup capital next turn and DrkL’s upgraded town to MT and tower to fort at 3120.
Harad Area:
–North Harad will loss last of towns to LR/CL cav this turn.
–At least I took out QA’s army here.
–Now if I ever decide to send a Harad army up here…Harad’s gov does not like me much!
–South Harad currently looks ok for now as my block on Corsairs seems to have worked and all pops still owned by Harad in the South. Granted I can not hold this up to long but will try.
–Summary: North Harad I am being taken to task but I have not really tried to defend it…yet! South Harad holding my own. So for now I give the edge to Evils but happy with area for the most part.
Game Summary:
–Still to early to call but looks like goods stand a chance this game…depending on agent work this turn….
John aka Ruler of the Goods
I’ve come to the conclusion that I really don’t know what I’m doing (especially as the DS), but I will fight on hoping to get some wyrms soon. I have only played the DS nations of the Dragon Lord, Cloud Lord and Fire King before (it seems like I’ve always been the Free), and I will undoubtedly, get schooled in this game.
More news will come after I have myself a couple of six packs to get over the bad news (besides, I have more time on the weekend).
:o John,
Not real happy with turn results, but not as bad as I initially thought with a quick looky see.
Arty Hunt:
–So far all appears neutral with you a little ahead based on info I got this turn but I think we are on a number of hexes together so it will be interesting to see what happens this turn and next.
You must of gotten more info than me, it must be that “Reading a matchbook and discovering the secrets of the Universe” thing. I know that the few I’ve scryed might or might not have a “Good” character there.
–Confused still on food. Sold about 50k of food this turn vs 80k last turn and it stays at the same level of about 6k food?
–Prices for LE, BR, ST, FO at 2 and TI at 4, MO at 6. MI at 48. So not bad but the food at 2 is helping the evils greatly! Need to get LE and FO down to 1 asap but not sure how to do that when selling does not seem to help here.
I’m confused on the food also, but not too worried. Prices are still pretty good for me, but having the goods to sell is another thing. As I stated on the previous post, having not played all that many times as a DS, is taking it’s toll on me.
–CL (I assume) gets its first kill of Argirion-SG and 1000 HI go poof at 3024.
–LR agent fails to take out another commander at 3024 :-). Those 60 commanders in high moral armies are hard to take out.
–Agent takes out bridge in NM area.
–That’s about it so happy with results but this can change fast.
Well, agents are coming, rest assured. I just had a inkling of what I wanted to do first and didn’t get them all to the focal point quick enough, but as they say, “Better late than never” - at least from my point of view. Now, if I can just get a few of them there “Agent Artifacts”… (you had them all last game).
NW (WK/Rhu) area:
–Arth Destroyed village of WK at 1905, big deal. Now face army of WK of ~2000+ troops. So my starting army will be neutralized or destroyed this turn.
–2004 DW T/F still recruiting troops here. Thought you would have moved up this turn with your 2400 troops but you did not. Lets hope no agents came to visit DW. I doubt it do to all the other battles going on in ME.
–Destroyed your small army at 1907 so no recruiting there for you.
–No other threats to WK so that is not good for goods.
–Rhu is looking a little better outside you placing a camp at 1609 before I could get there.
–Rhu will lose 1910 this turn (MT/F) yayayaya!. The question is where to move next?
–Duns army at 2011 is the one that lost food last turn and could not make it to 1910 this turn. Good news it did not cost me the pop center but might cost me later if a dragon shows up.
–DW’s starting army destroyed DrgL’s Goblin Gate army but did not try to take Castle/Fort as I did not think I could have (DrgL army had Maben, Lhachglin casting spells and combat artys, so good decision not to try to take down Goblin Gate. Advanced to NE MT to help protect that and to continue siege on Rhu area. However, should have moved to 2208 Rhu’s town, opps.
–Goblin Gate: Now have to figure out how to take and how fast before another army is thrown up there.
–Good army at 1608…where is it headed?
–Summary: Rhu area looking ok but Dragons soon to be in area.
Tough area for me, not terrible yet, but not good. Let’s see… This is turn 3, and dragons start showing up on turn 5 or so, that’s having to hang on for at least two more turns–damn, and double damn. I do agree with you that the WK is in better shape than the Rhu, but both are looking on hard straights. Now, if the agents start helping instead of sitting on their duffs…
–Goblin Gate is a MT/Castle. Per above need to figure out how to deal with this.
–2405 WK vs WM battle was fought and WK won easily but did not attack town of WM as he was not sure what was in my army (900LI) :-). Now WK faces a real army and should be destroyed! So for now the NW Mirkwood area is safe. Still need to figure out how to take down WK MT/F at 2305.
–2912 battle with DrgL’s main army vs NM’s starting army and some EO recruits has the DrgL army being destroyed! That takes care of that threat.
–2715 DrgL 800 HI vs SE 1000HI 900AR battle saw SE winning and now face another battle against new 400 army under Khamul. That is interesting so maybe I can get lucky and kill him this turn in battle?
–3116 DogL starting cav at NG’s T/T at 3116 so that will fall. How to stop this mass cav army with all of my armies in Mordor? I do have army next to DogL so hopefully I can at least block you from getting to EO area?
–Summary: Happy with results so far but now need to take out pops of DrgL ASAP so no dragons can come into play here.
You’re happy with the results? Well, if you’re happy, that means I should be unhappy, but I’m not, what does that mean? I haven’t lost any pop centers yet… I did lose the Dragon Lord starting cap army and the Goblin Gate army, but Orcs are cheap (actually they cost $2.95 a gross, which is not expensive), so I’ll just get more:D .
Rhun Area:
–Some one took down one of the two bridges north of NM cap.
–LR starting cav tried to threat NM town at 4415 but it resisted…yayaya! Now a NM army has ran into LR just se of 4217 MT/F of NM.
–Summary: Happy with area so far but waiting for BS army and agents to show up.
Me thinks you just took down your own bridges just to have something to blame on me (since I’m not doing much of anything anywhere else). As for your NM army–he’s toast:) . Then it’s to destruction time, where I forgo the usual take it for posperities sake, and just burn it for fun!!! As for the BS army, maybe I dismantled it for golds sake, but maybe it’s heading to the Ithil or Black Gate, maybe it’s just running around inside of Mordor wanting to catch that stray Hobbit…
–EO cav army took down BS V/T at 4025 and did a backup move to get next to DrgL backup capital at 3822 and it worked. Now if there are no agents to take me out I believe I can get up to DrgL backup and nothing you can do about it unless you can hire army this turn and block me. So reasonable chance I will burn this next turn
–Wonder who moved to block my cav force from moving to central Mordor?
Ahhhh, the back door. This is an area of concern for me since I didn’t think that you would concentrate much resources there, just shows my inexperience with the LR and BS (never played them before). I’ll try to think of something, maybe…
Mordor-North Gate:
–DW army under Bain I sits at 3120 MT/F of DrkL with Duns cav facing DrkL’s starting troops (except cav) and recruits. So this pop should burn this turn. The question is does DrkL have his main guy in army also? And if so, is he or me, willing to risk a 1 to 1 challenge with the leaders of their nations? Now if only I can get up the road ASAP before agents take me out.
I think you’re blowing smoke up my buttocks. I’ve done the combat calculator a half dozen times and each time I’ve come up with the destruction of the my army, BUT THE MT/F STANDS. Could it be that you’re just going to try to bypass it and get into the guts of Mordor? If you bypass, you get to Morannon, another MT with even bigger fortifications and another army!!!
Mordor-Ithil Pass:
–took back 3024 and advanced main SG army east to FK capital and had my EO army instead of moving up to IK capital go down road to meet at FK capital as I guess that CL army would arrive also. Plus, thought DogL cav was going to come back to IK’s capital to help protect it but they did not.
–So that means FK capital is toast I think, need to do the math still. Now where to if I am willing to risk challenge?Mordor summary: I am very happy how this is going. Taking down FK capital, maybe DrgL backup capital next turn and DrkL’s upgraded town to MT and tower to fort at 3120.
Yes, my precious, this is a nasty place for me. Too many menses and not enough orcses. Could it be a sneak might get in with a garrot? Let us hope so, but even so, the FK capital is toast (sigh:( ). Where will the men go after that? Inquiring minds want to know…
Harad Area:
–North Harad will loss last of towns to LR/CL cav this turn.
–At least I took out QA’s army here.
–Now if I ever decide to send a Harad army up here…Harad’s gov does not like me much!
–South Harad currently looks ok for now as my block on Corsairs seems to have worked and all pops still owned by Harad in the South. Granted I can not hold this up to long but will try.
–Summary: North Harad I am being taken to task but I have not really tried to defend it…yet! South Harad holding my own. So for now I give the edge to Evils but happy with area for the most part.
Yes, YEs, YES:D All the areas should be more like this area, especially like Northern Harad. Is there anyway I can convince you to run away (or not defend) the rest of Middle Earth like you did North Harad? Maybe if I had all the Orcs fight naked it would either scare you to death or make you laugh yourself to death;) .
Game Summary:
–Still to early to call but looks like goods stand a chance this game…depending on agent work this turn….
I agree that it’s too early to call, but I don’t think that the whole game hinges on agent action THIS coming turn. I think that it will be a longer game than the last one but the outcome will be the same…The DS will win.
***Sorry, I miss spoke. I did not mean the game hinges on agent actions this turn. I ment the following:
–is there an agent with the EO cav next to DrgL backup?
–are there agents at FK capital
–are there agents at DrkL MT/F at 3120
–is there an agent in Rhu land to take care of DW/Dun/Cards big armies
–do you have agents at the arty sites to protect or steal artys found by our mages
That is what I ment. The game is long from over and it can change fast.
*** FYI, I am still trying to figure out how the reply with your comments in the correct place works (like you replied to my comments) so I put “***” in fromt of my comments so you and other know what I said and what you said.
Hope to have my turns done maybe by thursday night but for sure by Tuesday next week.
John, King of the Goods
Turns are in. Something very unique could happen this turn that I have never seen happen before. I will let you know in my Turn 4 report what that was.
Good Luck!
John, King of the Goods
Turn 4 results I am still going through and will give a full report tomorrow but I think you are not going to like them because I love the results.
The Unique Items (which I have not seen before) that could of happened:
I will give full report tomorrow after I finish reading all the turns.
John, King of the Goods
Turn 4 Results in the eyes of the Goods:
I think I had a very good turn!
The Great Challenge of the two strongest character in game:
–Elrond challenged Murazor and won out to get the ROW off of him and his many other starting Artys!
–Was seconds away from having Bain I challenge Urzahil (the 3rd and 4th strongest in game) at 3120 but decided to have Bain I advance onto DogL capital and let Urzahil challenge Bain I if he was in the DrkL army, but he was not.
–No kills/kidnaps or attempts by evils?
–Was a lot of gold stealing/attempts so lots of training going on now.
–Now where are all your agents and artys?
–Goods netted their first kidnap of DogL, Lord Bulrakur! Now where did my agent come from and where did he go? Good for you having a backup in the DogL’s main starting cav army, I was hoping you did not. Now I have to deal with their army somehow.
–Finally got food down to 1 but LE still at 2:
–Summary: LE-2; BR-2; ST-2; MI-46; FO-1; TI-4; MO-4
----Summary: Ok with this but still work to do on LE and BR
–Got some info you had encounter(s) in the Mts. I do not like this as that means a chance I will see some dragons in your armies. Not good at all as it is only turn 4.
–It is a hot battle now. I did get ROW off of Murazor via challenge:
–The other artys are still up for grabs depending on who has agents and mages in the right place at right time. At #15 curse arty, my mage was challenged (I refused) but no agent action…I like that….
–Based on some of my info not sure I like a few of the spots but we shall see.
----Summary: If I can get away with 50% of the main artys I will be happy.
NW – WK/Rhu area:
–Starting to like this area (mainly Rhu) now a little better:
–WK has lost 1905 and will lose 1907 (not defended) this turn to Cards and Arth armies.
–DW still owns T/F at 2004 and WK army of 2600 did not come up. Must be waiting for agent or Dragon I guess? Time to send in backup or move out I think…….
–Took 1910
–Defeated 2209 Rhu armies by DW
–2010 Duns will take this turn
–2009 Cards will take while taking out small Rhu army
–2109 DW army ran into Rhu large army so I think I am toast but he will be also is my guess. So starting DW army will die with 4 armies take out but no pops…booooo.
–I have placed 3 camps in the Rhu/WK Mts hoping to slow down Dragon recruits so far. Never tried this before but have to limit the recruiting of dragons at what ever the cost I think.
–Goblin Gate: A huge WM army with SE army sits at its door. Will it fall, I think so and where will the armies move to???
----Summary: Happy with this area now. Depending on if a dragon shows up or not in next 3 turns will determine if Rhu lives in area past turn 7 I think. WK is a different story as I think it will take more time to root him out.
–Goblin Gate should fall this turn to WM and SE.
–WM army in NW Mirkwood (2405) took out WK army.
–DrgL capital battle had SE beating army lead by Khamul. I captured him and his artys but than my commander decided to kill himself on the walls and Khamul got away. Good news was that DrgL capital was under siege for the turn! Now another army sits on DrgL capital with no enemies to fight…
–DrgL could be in trouble this turn with armies on 4 of his starting pops (Goblin Gate, Backup capital at 3822, village at 3506 and capital). Wonder if he has gold in bank to keep him alive this turn as he will have no revenue…hehehe!
–DogL cav army took NG T/T at 3116 but due to lose of army commander is still there facing an army of EO. You will win battle most likely but will weaken you some.
----Summary: Happy with Mirkwood now. Still need to figure out how to take DrgL capital and WK MT/F at 2305, recruit, recruit, recruit….
Rhun Area:
–LR cav beat my small NM army now face a good size army of NM. Not sure who will win this but I think LR will but need to calculate.
–Now where is that LR navy I have been looking for all game?
–Second bridge around 3612 went down so no DW help from the North now.
–Waiting on BS army to show up but it did not so I must have at least got it to move on Turn 2 to protect DrgL backup so now trying to figure out where it is?
----Summary: Happy with this area as I have lost no pops.
Mordor’s Back door:
–EO cav army made it up to DrgL’s backup with no DrgL army on it…yeppppeee. So I hope I can burn this to ground this turn. Need to calculate.
----Summary: If I can burn DrgL backup I will be very happy with this area. No other threats to back door…right now!
Mordor’s Black Gate:
–DW and Duns took down 3120 (MT/F) from DrkL and DW’s advanced while Duns stayed at 3120.
–Not sure what DW can do at DogL capital but I will destroy the army. Now question is do I attack pop to make it siege?
----Summary: Ok with area as no more evil armies will be coming out of Black gate for at least a few turns now. IK sent army to protect DrkL capital so few troops in area. Now where are those agents???
Mordor’s Ithil Pass:
–FK’s capital burned to ground!!!
–Moved one army to DrkL capital but it is defended by IK and DrkL army so most likely can not take pop.
–EO cav moved over and up to Mt hex at 3326. Wish I would have moved with SG to DrkL capital but figured you where going to block me, opps. Now where to move my EO army? Middle of Morder (BS MT area) or to FK backup or to Black Gate….How much food does my army have left? Those are the questions Scott must answer!
----Summary: Mordor sees 5 armies inside of Mordor and 3 more next to it. Got to be happy about that. Now where are those agents at?
Harad’s area:
–Hahahaha, Harad is debating joining the evil side as he is getting no support for SG or NG and SE moved navy out of area (where to is the question).
–North Harad LR/CL own all the Towns and now sit on 1 of 2 MT’s of Harad. I assume you can take it but have not done math yet. SOS to SG or NG help me please says Harad.
–South Harad is the battle:
—Harad has armies on all pops finally.
—2535 (MT/F of Harad) major battle between Harad and Corsairs. Close battle (still have to do math) but a nice size army of Corsairs is next to it at 2435 so not sure how to deal with that yet.
—Harad did do a little sneak attack with some cav to Corsairs town at 2437 and no Corsairs army there to defend it so it will burn……
----Summary: I expected to lose North Harad fast as I am putting no resources there and South Harad is ok as no support there either. So I think I am ok with the results on a team bases but Harad does not like Elrond much right now….maybe we can change that soon.
Other – SG has had a navy/army order mistake at least every turn. They must be cursed this game or they became nomads that like to roam around.
Game Summary: Starting to like Goods chances (55 to 45) next few turns will show if I can do some real damage inside of Mordor and Rhu’s capital.
John, King of the Goods
:stab: Yes, I agree, you had a very good turn while I had the worst turn I’ve ever had. I guess that’s what I get for believing what you said about your artifact retrieval.
Not sure what you mean by your comment about believing me on arty retrieval? Everything I said has been true. The only thing I did not say because I missed it myself until I did my T1 was that a 30M had LA. After that I had all my mages double learning and the like to catch up with your mage casting. On T2 I had my main mages that learned LA and RA on T1 learn LAT and cast LAT and ones that learned RA only learn LA and cast LA. That allowed me I think to catch up with you for the most part I think.
The arty hunt is long from over depending on who you and I have in which arty hexes.
This game is still long from over. You just need to kick my troops out of Mordor ASAP and than lock down the gates.
Don’t worry about me, I’m just sulking about the horid turn. If I’m bad at the free, I really suck at the DS. The learning curve is steep and the cost is great, but I’m hanging in there.
As for a turn report, don’t know, took a quick glance, put them down and haven’t picked them up till today.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head, don’t know what else to say except “Where are the Klingons when you need them?” (They do remind you of Orcs, don’t you think?).
Good, wanted to make sure you where not upset with me or something.
My advice for you is to look at the other game we played and think about what worked for me early on. Which was I protected Mordor with all of my agents and starting artys at the beginning of the game. Get the agent artys into the CL hands ASAP so they can become killers (40+20+arty can make some trouble for the goods). If you can repeal my current attack inside Mordor after next turn, you still have a good shot at the game. But if I live inside Mordor for 3+ turns that means a lot of stuff is burning and no armies are coming out to challange EOPLEX and elsewhere.
Good Luck! I hope to have my turn knocked out by Thursday night.
John aka King of the Goods
Only had about 15 min to look at turn 5 map results and I think I did good again I will send out detail report later this week (Thur or Fri) as I am very busy until that time but main points I see from Map:
That is all I have until Thursday or Friday.
John aka King of the Goods