1 vs many (or 1) Scott Moyes

Found some time yesterday to work on ME. Now it looks like I will be done next Wedesday night.
–Mage plan worked out
–agent plan worked out…getting scared yet :slight_smile:
–Mordor/Cor/QA plan worked out
–Rhun plan still working on…so many options for my LR cav and navy :slight_smile:
–DrgL plan have no clue based on what I see right now
–Rhu/WK, still have not reviewed but noticed your nice Cards cav move, I had blocking army out there that only left 1 path for cav to go and you picked it but good news is I brought in an army also to counter that :slight_smile:
–4 turns finished

Shoot, with all your plans working out and my whopper errors, I might as well throw it in, pack my bags and run away…

Whoa is me, now I’m doomed…

Got my butt kicked on turn 1, a new record…


:smiley: Nah, let’s play it out and see what happens:D


I ment my plans for this upcoming turn have been completed not that my mage/agent/battle game plans are going great…I will not know that for a few turns depending on what you do :slight_smile:
So far everything is a push.


I thought I had new alltime low, lost badly on turn 1. That’s a record that no one would ever break, not that anyone would want to. One of us is going to be suprised soon, my plans seem to be working also, well, most of them. Minas Tirith wasn’t as I planned, but not terribly bad. I do have some suprises for you coming up;) , so be ready and as my old friend Gixxxer always says, “Have fun”.


Just so you know I will be finished with my orders no later than tomorrow but maybe even today. Good Luck with your turn. I look forward to running into all your forces :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about running into my forces, they will be running into you all too soon. We have plans within plans, all waiting for the right trigger. Wait, that’s a book I’m writing, in this game I’m only on turn 1 and don’t really know how things are going.


Just so you know my T-2 turns are in and I let ME know they can run them once they get yours. Good luck to you this turn and my guess is we will be running into each other all over the fronts this turn :slight_smile:


Mines been in awhile, but there’s never a rush. I thought you were going 3 weeks between turns? I might have to soon because of the money.

Good luck,


So you’re rewriting Frank Herbert’s Dune? <g>

November through January is when I need the 3-weeks or if something comes up at work (acquisition ect) but for the most part I should be able to get them in two weeks. Plus, this turn was driven by excitement…when you start to trash the DrgL or Rhu or WK ect…I might not be that excited to continue to take a beating :-)…of course there is no quit in me either :slight_smile:

Well, I got greedy at Carneth Brin, wasn’t satisfied challenging and killing two of your characters, had to try and get two gold steals in there too. Well, I paid for my greed, Poor Elrohir, killed by militia–what a unglorious end to a fine Elf.

Me thinks you are a bit greedy too, having Urgubal and his troops at the hidden City of Caras Galadhon instead of protecting your poor capital, alas, Dol Goldur will fall badly this turn (turn 2), you might of made me pay a wee bit if you had stayed home.

Blowing the bridge at Osgiliath? Whole lots of troops at Minas Tirith, are ya afraid of the big bad Gondor?

Again, I must say, why, oh why, are you picking on the poor Harad? Monoquim, I will avenge thee. From hell’s heart, I will stab at thee… (Khan on Star Trek II, The Revenge of Khan). Botony Bay, Captain we got to get out of here…


Turn 2:

WK/Rhu/DrgL area:
–Rhu’s capital move was a good one. A little risky but taking out 2 new characters (1 emmy) was huge! How did you find them and my pop did not even report you (high loy).
–Looks like Duns, Cards and Arth will be on there way soon to the outskirts (hopefully) of Rhu/WK.
–DW army at Zarak-dum (2004) looks to be toast this turn.
–DrgL’s Goblin Gate army blocked DW’s starting army. Wonder who I might have in my army :slight_smile:
–Yes, I notice the EO and WM do not like the DrgL to much so DrgL King will be moving his capital this turn so no reason to take it out :slight_smile:
–Yes, my DrgL army at SE City keeps waiting for the darn mages to reveal you city…some day they will :slight_smile:

Rhun Area:
–Looks like LR found a NM undefended town to burn :slight_smile: You NM must be recruiting like crazy at your MT’s as I see no troops moving around. I guess when the EO head out of dodge to take the DrgL capital you have to sit back and hope Darks do not send much this way…

–Took 1 bridge down and seems a NG army did not make it across the river.
Wonder how your 100 man army will fair against half the IK starting army and can I take Osgiliath? Need to check with my generals and how many war machines I have :-).
–Minas Ithil taken by FK. Now we have another big battle against your other NG armies here. Glad I brought in some extra help :slight_smile: Nice job on the FK army commander challange…was not sure you would do that with the DrkL there plus knowing that you where going to lose Ithil anyways. So took a chance and attacked and moved. Good thing I planned on the backup to take pop center :slight_smile: That is 3 characters you killed of mine so far in this game.
–North Gate showes NG’s cav moved on T/T of Tir Nindor I just took. Can you at least let me have it for 1 turn…guess not. Calling all orcs that have been waiting on the EO…go get those NG cav…Nothing else for me to do at North Gate…
–LR did an end and around on you to get to T/T of Bar-enTinnen (3026) so that will burn. Only bad news here was my army commander was unable to take down bridge…shot…now how to get my army back there to take it down or do I send an agent and will it be fast enough.

Corsairs/QA area:
–Burned 2 towns but unable to get 2 orders right so no one else doing battle this turn…shot…These are the only 2 orders I messed up this turn. Without saying to much I learned something new with these mistakes at least.

–Just for your laugh…my kingdoms that have good chance to get stealth is 0-9 on their pure agents…hahahaha. I again have some nice commanders and emmys with stealth…hahahaha! Not sure I should have told you this but had to get it off my chest…oh, the other agents of non-stealth nations I hired also did not get the stealth (3 I think)…hahaha!
–Arty hunt heats up, I think…
–Elrond, how safe does he feel by sitting in the same place…, not sure I should have said this but not sure it matters either :slight_smile:
–Agents, lots of options this turn just not sure which ones I like the best yet.

Good Game so far…very early but looks like you will control Mirkwood early but at what cost…


Is the south reversed in this game (i.e. FP Harad, DS Corsairs)?

Just curious.

  • Keith

Yes, FP is Harad and DS Corsairs. I have played both ways before and thought this is a better matchup as SG/SE/NG/Harad Navy’s and related support makes for a better battle with Corsairs/QA. Harad and QA stand no chance against goods in my opinion.


  • Yes, The move to the Rhudaur capital is one that is a make or break; you could end up loosing both of the “twins” (Elrohir and Elladan), but most of the time, I always get a newly named emissary.
  • You really don’t think you can block all my Agmar armies, do you? If you can, then you deserve to keep the NW (even though you might deserve it, I won’t knowenly allow it).
  • Yes, Zaruk-Dum is toast, but I will get Mt. Gundabad by turn 4. Fair trade, I think.
  • It’s easy, you have Duran and my little Fulla would be a fool not to refuse challenge (I might make a ton of mistakes, but I’m not one to be a fool (well, most of the time)).
  • I wouldn’t say that the EO and WM don’t like the Khamul, but well, they don’t, they hate him and move the capital or not, Dol Guldur will fall.
  • I don’t personally think that you have a reveal spell at 2514 or you would have already used it there and at Imlandris.

Rhun Area:
–Looks like LR found a NM undefended town to burn :slight_smile: You NM must be recruiting like crazy at your MT’s as I see no troops moving around. I guess when the EO head out of dodge to take the DrgL capital you have to sit back and hope Darks do not send much this way…

  • The Rhun has always been a hard area for me, it seems to me you have to sacrafice something as the free, either the EOplex or the Rhun area… I, on the other hand, don’t like to sacrifice anything, so I’ll run you down like the warg you are.

–Took 1 bridge down and seems a NG army did not make it across the river.
Wonder how your 100 man army will fair against half the IK starting army and can I take Osgiliath? Need to check with my generals and how many war machines I have :-).
–Minas Ithil taken by FK. Now we have another big battle against your other NG armies here. Glad I brought in some extra help :slight_smile: Nice job on the FK army commander challange…was not sure you would do that with the DrkL there plus knowing that you where going to lose Ithil anyways. So took a chance and attacked and moved. Good thing I planned on the backup to take pop center :slight_smile: That is 3 characters you killed of mine so far in this game.
–North Gate showes NG’s cav moved on T/T of Tir Nindor I just took. Can you at least let me have it for 1 turn…guess not. Calling all orcs that have been waiting on the EO…go get those NG cav…Nothing else for me to do at North Gate…
–LR did an end and around on you to get to T/T of Bar-enTinnen (3026) so that will burn. Only bad news here was my army commander was unable to take down bridge…shot…now how to get my army back there to take it down or do I send an agent and will it be fast enough.

  • Was suprised at the bridge going down only because you had me totally outnumbered and possibly could of had the battle front at Minas Anor soon, but now it’s a defensive battle for you over there, and I might ask, “Can you afford all those troops?”
  • If there’s one thing that I can’t do (sorry Ed) but I can’t willingly sacrafice anything (a pop center, a character or a nation). I always think in the back of my head that there’s a chance.
  • Again, moving the cav to Tir Nindor goes back to the thing that I don’t want to allow the DS the revenue or allow the poor citizens of Gondor to suffer the torment of a prolonged interaction with the Ice King’s rule.
  • Another suprise move against me, did not expect it at all, but you’ve suprised me a bunch so far this game (it’s only turn 2) and I look forward to many more.

Corsairs/QA area:
–Burned 2 towns but unable to get 2 orders right so no one else doing battle this turn…shot…These are the only 2 orders I messed up this turn. Without saying to much I learned something new with these mistakes at least.

  • Just you wait, you bully. It was two against one and that one was maimed with really bad, and I might add, really UGLY characters…

–Just for your laugh…my kingdoms that have good chance to get stealth is 0-9 on their pure agents…hahahaha. I again have some nice commanders and emmys with stealth…hahahaha! Not sure I should have told you this but had to get it off my chest…oh, the other agents of non-stealth nations I hired also did not get the stealth (3 I think)…hahaha!
–Arty hunt heats up, I think…
–Elrond, how safe does he feel by sitting in the same place…, not sure I should have said this but not sure it matters either :slight_smile:
–Agents, lots of options this turn just not sure which ones I like the best yet.

  • Stealth? Haven’t gotten any yet, but hey, haven’t named any mages yet :wink:
  • I thought you were going to give me a 5 turn head start on the arty hunt, that’s about how long it’ll take me to get a decent LAT mage.
  • Come on now, he’s trying to learn LAT, he’s not hurting anyone, just leave poor Elrond alone. His daughter (you know Arwen) left to join a traveling cat house and Elronds trying to figure out how much gold she’ll bring in.
  • As for your agents, I think they should train inside of Mordor stealing from each other till about turn 32 or so, then unleash the agent storm to beat all storms.

Good Game so far…very early but looks like you will control Mirkwood early but at what cost…


So far, great game!! You know it’s a good game or better when both sides think they’re winning.


I have finished 3 of 12 turns now, mages moving out, investigating encounters, locating other artys; agents spotting their targets, stealing that gold thing; armies moving out, pop centers burning (DrgL capital included:-(); I need more troops, more characters and more information…

I should have everything in by Thursday so we can have the turns on Friday from ME. Some nice weekend reading…I hope!


No problem, and no rush.


Turn 3 in.
-Looks like I had an ok turn when it comes to armies. Now I know where your SG starting army is (Harad). Not sure how I am going to stop it and the Harad troops but will have to try.
-Looks like WK/Rhu will be having Cards and Arth moving in this turn and next. Was able to block Duns again but I think my blocking days are numbered now.
-Got my first kidnap of NG char and took down the south bridge of NG.
-Look like EO/NG/Harad will lose some more pops this turn.
My sickness/weakness/curse/sickness squad got its first kill…did you expect that as I did guess correctly that your EO army was moving there.
-Artifact battle looks like it will begin this turn…hummmm what do I mean by that :slight_smile: In 2-3 turns I will let you know some interesting stuff about the arty hunt but that has to wait until the main artys are picked up by you or me.
-Elrond lives :slight_smile:
Well that is about all I have until I go throught the turns.
John the Evils +Cor/Rhu

John you evil one,

We hates the cursers, yes we do, nasty, stinky, orces with big heads who mumble strange wordses. We hates the agent orces too, always slinking around stealing and slinking, gollum, gollum, we hates them.

The NW is shaping up well, for me that is. Harad is starting to look better now that SG is there, durn those Harad starting characters, so many totally useless ones to replace.

I really hate the Gondor bridges to be down, it forces a whole different strategy on NG instead of recruit, feed the Ithil Monster, repeat. Only question I have is, “How can you afford all those troopers?” Seasons changing too, whoa is the treasury, no money, no troopers.

More later as I have to go to work,

Scott, the good guys:p

First off I should be able to have my turns in today (Oct. 5th - Thursday). I had a few nights at home to focus on this. Not bad 15 days turn around. I told you most of the time I would knock them out 14-18 days. Until my busy season starts up in November through January. Than it will take the 3 weeks.
Next post will be how I see ME shapping up.