-Everything still at 1. Great job by you here.
-Tryed my first real buyout of MI but you dump 100 back on the market. Still will net me some gold based on the amount I had in stock as I really have not sold any all game. Basicly came back to 2 short of what I bout it at…haha, not good.
Yes, I still can spend more than I earn, how do you think the EO got toasted? My family has honed this skill through years and years of practice, while I, get to work 6, sometimes 7, days a week to try to stop the juggernaught that is called “The Mall”. Seriously though, if I didn’t keep the market down, where would this game be now?
–had them all retooling but a couple.
–1 agent took down bridge by Duns/Cards to slow down Duns next advance
–1 agent did not take out NG’s main army commander at his capital with no guard. I guess I need an agent in the 100’s for that guy…oh…I have a few of them
–Now to see if I guessed right this turn on where to move may agents…will be a blood bath one way or the other.
–Goods finally bring their agent(s) to the war in Rhu land at 1910. He showed up on pop center report. That is the only problem with using him is he has a high challage rank. We will see what damage they will do. I guessed this move and moved out my armies. The question is did you pickup the char in the pop that will hire an army this turn and will my guards stop your from taking down my walls there?
Now why would you want to do something like taking down another bridge? This one isn’t as bad as the other ones by Gondor, but it will put a “crimp” in my style (do I have a “style”?, don’t know, only pawn in game of life). My agents at 1910 are just passing through onto bigger and badder things, I hope you don’t mind, after all, you’ve been visiting me for quite awhile.
NW (WK/Rhu area):
–Most my blocks worked as planned:
a.Arth’s army went north like I wanted and now face 2 of mine so that should neutralize that army.
b.Duns huge army decided to refuse and move vs attack and I did a guard direction and he still sits 2 hexes from 1910 with 3 armies in his path
c. blocked NE small army will fight Rhu army
d. DW’s army was blocked but need to send in army to finish it off.
e. Cards army? is the one that got past my road block??? Now sits next to a WK town/town. So 50/50 if my blocking army can stop him from getting there or WK will finally lose his first main base pop.
f. WM army at Goblin Gate getting ready to cross the Mts, it is winter the pass should be blocked…oh well now to figure out how to deal with them.
So in summary I am very happy on how NW went this turn and expect it to stay intact other than for maybe a town for the next few turns.
Yes, you and your blocks, when will you grow up and quit playing with them? You just leave them all over the place, and what happens? People just keep on stumbling over them. Yes, yes, yes, enough with the blocks.
–Yes a little to much partying by those armies at the pops they took. The Dark One will chat with them now.
–DrkL army did guess right and the NM moved it little 800 man army south to try to save the retired EO capital but we cut them off and now for their heads.
–SE looks like decided to move forward also but will arrive next turn. That might be to late :-)))
Summary: Ok with army but not really pushing goods here anymore as recruiting is limited. Need some cav from Mordor please.
Mirkwood? Where’s Mirkwood? Do you mean GREENWOOD? Well, Greenwood pretty much has stopped this incursion, but if I don’t do something quick, GREENWOOD will have the distinct possibility of becoming mirkwood. Rest assured, I will do my durndest not to let that happen. Now, when those Klingons show up…
Rhun Area:
–The last army battle in area will take place this turn with the remaining of SE army and BS army. Close battle but I think BS has it
–No new army at NM’s starting capital MT. So might be able to take this turn? Will have to calculate. Anyone know how dragons effect fortifications if there are no enemy armies at the site???
Summary: I own Rhun and I do not see how you will take back anytime soon.
Yes, you do own the Rhun, the last of my armies there will not go down easily (I hope). I guess that I’ll have to make the Rhun an agent training ground, if it’s there, kill it or steal from it, but make sure it’s taller than your waist;) .
-NG decided to visit a few hexes outside north gate but DogL army decided to move out and greet them. Hello, now good bye
–No other activity, waiting for big attack on Ithil Pass. Maybe this turn?
Maybe, just MAYBE, I have a plan? Perhaps, what has transpired was by plan and you’re just falling into my trap. What do you think? You know what I think? I think that I just blowing smoke out of my buttocks. I just have to figure out how to get to Mordor, I’ve lost my maps and with the bridges down in the Ithilean, I just don’t know the way.
South Harad:
–I agree, you will have to enter via corsiars region to get there or pop
off my maps.
North Harad:
–The battle is own.
–Took out SG army commander but seems he has a backup
–Harad army commander get captured in battle and than gets away
–However, moved 2 incoming armies correctly and will now capture another town of Harad’s. (that will makes 4, 1 burned, 1 now a village of QA, 1 camp of SG that you took back and now I capture #4).
–Are your commaders looking over their shoulders for the CL agents
Summary: This is a very even battle but harad will need more Gondor support to survive due to agent activities.
Harad, oh Harad, how the once mighty can be brought to their knees, and worse than knees, buried six feet down into the ground. If I was smart, I would just pack the Harad up and re-establish them somewhere else, like maybe Arrakis (you know, the Desert Planet, home of the spice “Melange” the giver of life, and the Harad needs a shot of life now). I would, but I’m just too stubborn.
In all I think the game is still going my way. I just need to work on the market so I can hire more HC! I did make a number of mistakes this turn which I have not for a while. 1 could be a little costly…we shall see.
Most likely I will not be able to finish turns until early next week due to me being sick over the weekend. Sorry! Go Chicago…oh they lost
As always, good discussions.
What? You think that the game is going your way? Why, I never…