1650 Grudge - Game 64

Hey it’s worse than just being in Western Australia… originally I was a Crow Eater!!!:eek: The only thing worse than that would be to be a Victorian! :smiley:

Herman (Schultzy)

Sorry guys but most of these comments are going right over my head. :slight_smile: :confused:

Turns run soon, should be an interesting turn indeed.

Crow Eater = South Australian, see the section in the middle 1/3rd of the country, it’s the lower half of the middle bit. Has the little boot shaped bit in it.

Victoria = A state in Australia Right hand side at the bottom just above the little apple shaped island. It is inhabited by the lowest form of human life…Victorians. :smiley:

Regards Herman

Hey man,
you’ve had your talks with Ditto and Rob now you should know about their way of writing.

Have Fun (and good luck to both sides)!


Hey Gixx, good to hear from you. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the wishes of luck…we are going to need it against these guys.

We had some pretty rotten luck in some aspects of the game so far and good in others but that’s the way the dice tumble. :slight_smile:

Man I would hate to see it when you have good luck!!!
Poor old Hagrog is still wondering what the hell he ran into! Some sort of NGon Jamboree or swap meet!!! He is still pulling the lances out his arse!:bash:

Regards Herman

That was only half my forces, the other half got lost


Well, good luck was winning the challenge against Sispar.
Bad luck is that your army assassination trap worked and ours didn’t…but frankly neither of those are that big of a deal…I’m actually glad rhudaurs big armies are alive and roaming about and that you need to line up a new home for them and it’s only turn 3.
Bad luck is your bridge removal worked and ours didn’t.
Bad luck is where all the artifacts seem to be turning up.

However, these things balance out…and we’ve had some REALLY good luck in that we’ve had lots of characters come with nice skill bonuses, stealth etc. (and not crappy combos like stealth on emissaries) We had something like 6 emissaries in one turn come with +8 or so emmy skill. :slight_smile:

Good game so far…no clear advantage to either side yet and I’m learning some good tricks! :slight_smile:

Fun all round. Good body count for that last turn.
I can see freep troops screaming in to get some of what they deserve and I get a chance to wreak some havoc on the woody, who for some reason stayed up the hill, whilst I looped around the back. At least the fact that smoke rises means your troops can smell my victory, whilst standing around being able to do…?

Which Thing?

FYI- The arthedain player has limited computer access this game and the Woodmen player is in his first game (ever) and doesn’t frequent the forum so you aren’t going to get much of a rise out of them. :wink:

I think considering the enormous resources that have been dedicated to mirkwood that the Woodmen have done just fine. Granted they can’t do anything about Gunderbad with those troops but at least you will be paying 5k and starting from scratch at 2 of your 3 major recruiting centers…and we’re buying time while we finish off rhuduar and make our push north easier.

Good luck on your move to threaten 2004. Be sure to bring the NEUTRAL command artifact, we can’t use Ulukai and with all these city\castles floating around…we’re going to need a lot of them.

Nice job so far.
-Darrel, The Dwarves

It’s all fun. Kitchen sinks whizzing around in the rhuad turf. Arthedain on the front doorstep, woodies on the back porch, what’s the world coming to? :rolleyes:
There’s many a cunning plan in the offing bauldrick, best we become part of it all.
Next few turns should get interesting.


Lol. Great quote. I just watched Black Adder Back and Forth last night. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know you guys have something cooking (and I have a few ideas as to what and whom is involved ;-). On the otherhand…operation bite thier kneecap continues onward… :slight_smile:

I hope the Eothrain continues to amuse you as much as he amuses himself. :slight_smile:

There have been a few discussions about the tactics being used about the place. Plans within plans within plans etc.
What I love about this game is the way they all unfold a bit differently. Been some good stuff so far. Should be a fun game :smiley:


Obviously, we can’t talk about such things right now but I’d like to revisit the tactical discussion ie. opening moves later on…or at game completion.

Certainly, I don’t think the big picture has unfolded yet for either sides tactics so it’s probably too early to judge EXTERNALLY as to the merits.

so what’s your internal judgement then?

Taronder, I was wondering about the failed order on the bridge, now I have to wonder about what to do at 2924! I was not really expecting to make it across the bridge.

The artys do look good, hopefully we will remember to go get them. You are quite welcome to come and get them yourselves.

Our internal judgement would be that we’re doing decently and that no one has a clear advantage.
-The artifact locations were bad and have worked against us.
-The DS military offensives have stalled\failed.
-Market seems to have come down decently.
-The northwest is going better than expected.
-West gate has gone poorly.
etc etc.

I don’t know…some pluses, some minuses.
We don’t play the FP for the “10 turn knockout or lose” method…which seems to have helped us against some of your opening moves.
I think there are some rain clouds on the horizon for the DS that are currently out of sight…but of course that goes both ways.

Good game guys.

P.S. Thanks again for the positive tone on the thread. I think ME does a level of disservice to itself and it’s customer base by allowing such rancor in the forums. The game is supposed to be fun, I’ve made many friends here that started as opponents and I hope to continue that pattern.

Yes, wonderful, I wonder what it will be? Cardy/Noldor sailing south to help out? I couldn’t help but notice that you failed to make any mention of the south in your analysis :slight_smile:

I’m not surprised your strategy is working so far against ours, you are assuming we have one! Besides not going broke, this phony start to the war is certainly not cheap. I did warn about those bean counters taking over!

Nice work in the NW, looks to be the only theatre heading one way early. Last game our NW had a great game so its always interesting how a new game unfolds. I guess the challenges did make a difference.

I agree, a humourous forum without personal attacks. We’ve met some great opposition in our games. Not many have posted as much, so this is good. A continuing dialogue and some piss taking, makes me a happy player.


Other than the Dragon Lord junior emissary getting a stroke of luck and killing my Dwarven commander in a grossly lopsided challenge (At least we got the other one) the turns I’ve seen seem to have gone very well. It would have at least been fun to see the look on the Dragon Lord’s face when he saw that his pair of E30ish guys were in challenges…and then his sigh of relief to see that one actually survived…lol. :smiley:

How am I supposed to catch up with the Duns if you guys don’t cooperate?

You guys have some good news in the markets, well done.

Nice to see we managed to make off with the ROW though. That is a welcome break to the issue of you guys having all these artifacts laying about your backyard.

The revealing of Imaldris was a bit surprising…but not in the “oh no” sort of way but more as a curiosity.

Another interesting turn.

I’ve got to hand it to you fellas, you aren’t getting bored with all this challenging at the capital, are you?

I meant to say this last turn, wouldn’t it have been wiser to instead of challenging, gone for sub commanders instead? Like for Gobbo Gate and your dwarves?

Market looks good thanks to a certain team deciding to buy out timber? Planning on rebuilding that bridge (which is still up btw at 2924/3024)? First battle at 2924 (first of many I hope!) and it goes the loo way. Telumehtar gets captured, hopefully Veantur was killed in battle. And no new army hire plus the bridge staying up once again makes me wonder what happened to all the NG commanders? They can’t be all in Nth Harad can they?