1650 ME Game 76

You captured a village and retreated your army. The Eothraim force, alone without your support, made a long trip for nothing. Your strategy is brilliant. Please continue. :bash:

The Blind Sorcerer

Not a long trip at all for me… I can move like the wind… Only your slow 10 trained HI have that problem. Meanwhile back in reality land… CL agents geting any kills? My capitol is 4133 in case your wondering… but then again DS are so com heavy they might be having problems finding how to downgrade… Rest assured I do not have that problem at all! :wink:

DS ready to throw in the Towel yet… Nearly no Kills and having to raise troops everywhere… Sorry I don’t provide pain relievers for the headaches I give!

Ahhh the DS are failing in thier attempts to downgrade my nation! shame shame! This is gonna hurt! :bash:

CL your capitol looks mighty Juicy… Having funding problems? How your team doing on downgrades… All those Com arties helping? Looks like a quick game to me!

Enie meanie minie mo! Which DS capitol gonna take my Blow! To Late DS now your going to learn the hard way just how powerful the Easterlings really are!

Sadly the forces of Sauron appear reluctant to respond Terry. They must have misplaced that Mouth of theirs or something. :wink:

I do feel sorry for the po’ Dragon Lord though. Poor Khamul has lost all his armies, and he’ll have lost all his pop. centres (except 3822) at the end of turn 6. The Sinda will be happy to take his unconditional surrender at any time…:hug::stab:

Just Curious if My army makes the BS and CL nervous… How’s my strategy looking now?

Hmm – aren’t there any of Saurons lackeys out there anymore – heard from you at start and now you all go quiet !! Saurons will be very dispointed in you !! C’mon lets get some friendly banter and jabs going :bash:

C’mon Saurons lackey – lets hear how your side is doing – going by the turn reports I am getting from allies as they trickle in – not that good – , 2809 , 2305 taken this turn should be a nice fight at 3120 – see you guys finally mustered some decent troop strength !!

This just in – after getting more turn – looks like the WK capital is TOAST this coming turn !!

BAM – 1804, 2305 and 2006 all taken on same turn – is this the demise of the WK – we think so as his pops with even fortifications have decreased !! 12 vs the 9 left with 2 neutrals to choose a side – Also , Duns are out for anyone that didn’t know yet !!

Angmar , Mirkwood and Rhovanion all securly in Freep hands , now have Four Nations in the NW (angmar) looking for places to call home closer to the front !!

Ice King did you lose something?

Well the harad have chosen the dark side leaving just the Corsairs to make a decision !! The Duns and Witch king are out – making for a 12 vs 10 game right now – guess things have picked up – Noldo would very much like some nice sunny lands in the south – gets a little chilly up here in the NW in the Winter !!

Mike – Noldo

IK that must have hurt… Now you pay for a fort with a Village… You lost troops at a vital location…

Dragonlord Bye Bye… I hope you have gold to hire an army but it’s to late!:wink:
Maybe your buddy Harad can give you a backup!

Harad come get some!

Qa this is gonna hurt you and hurt you! :bash:

On a more serious note, things are starting to look very interesting, what with those huge battles outside the gates of Mordor and Harad going DS.

Still nothing from the lackeys of Sauron on this forum though. :frowning:

-Gajendra (Sinda Elves)


It is a long way for your pointy-ears to come and get burnt. Stay at home and brew something for when I visit.

Jerry - Harad

gasps A lackey of Sauron on these forums?!..oh wait, it’s the Haradrim. That doesn’t count. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly, (or not so sadly for us) I don’t think you’ll be visiting anyone except the fish at the bottom of the sea. That’s a shame really, we were looking forward to sharing a glass of wine, a knife in the back etc. had you worked your way to Edhellond. Ah well…:hug::stab:

The DS are still here!!

Just doing a bit of re-decorating blood red seems to be popular at the moment… :slight_smile:

Dragon Lord.

ps. When the games over you’ll have to let me know who came up with the strategy for the first 5 turns for taking out my PC’s :wink:

Well , the war in the NW is over – so 4 nations – Arthedain , Cardolan, Rhudaur and myself , the Noldo , have no where to go but south – so instead of waiting for you to visit , which might be awhile now that your navy has been caught – it would be easier for me to pay a visit to you , instead of you to me :slight_smile:

Mike – Noldo