1650 ME Game 76

We are voting whether to continue or not. I agree that it is lost. You all have played an excellent game and there are too many factors against us. If we could just have managed to get the market higher than 1, I would be voting to continue, but as it is now, we are reduced to 325 everything every turn and it is not enough to raise enough troops to slow your armies while our characters destroy them.

We should have an answer for you in a few days.

If you do choose to fight on or surrender, please know that the Free team hold each of you in high regard. You have played remarkably well, especially considering the early removal of the Witch King and banishment of Khamul from Mirkwood. Even those stunning victories for the free did not diminish the fury you unleashed against us.

Whichever decision you reach, you have greatly earned our respect.

We have been trying very hard to keep the market down – anyone that was gonna have over 20k in gold reserves at the end of his turn was asked to send it to another nation or buy something off the market – so this was part of our strategy !! We also had some nations acting as bankrolls for other nations on our side that need gold – but so far it worked pretty well for our side !!

Dog Lord is definately loseing his capital – we have over 8k in troops and a dragon and each of those armies has 3 or more commanders on them (for you to figure out :slight_smile: ) , so your agents won’t get rid of them so easy !!

Mike – Noldo

Hahaha, I saw Scorba there and thought “awesome we have a dragon!” and then looked closer…not in our army…LOL.

Aww man…don’t tell me you’re going to quit just as the 10k Sinda heavy cavalry armed in steel armour and pink, fluffy teddy bears are ready for action. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gajendra (said pink, fluffy teddy bears)

Well Lr i guess it’s safe to tell you now… I have doubled Goldwine Fec since your very first incursion to my capitol… It made most of my decisions much easier and saved us countless spells…

The DS play this extremely well just keeping me from penetrating the Backdoor was a major coupe in your favor… Well fought and hard fought… Just last turn I thought you finally had a chance to wipe me out at my capitol… I just been guessing right on who would target who… who I could double to to give a slight chance to spring my HC free… It was definitely your teams Good play that kept the game very competitive until the very end.

Good job to all my teamates… I had hoped for more than aminly burning up their gold reserves by recruiting from every nation… Great Job in penetrating Mordor and saving my ass.

Wow… so many ways to misunderstand that sentence…

lol…yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys.

Still think that the move on my capital was well worked… The odds were stacked against us from the start, but we tried…

Well played to the Free and mucho qudos to all who stuck with it till the end on the DS side.

Dragon Lord

Well only from looking at it without the posts on our groupsite would that be misunderstood! :wink:

And to add insult to injury my army under Warlord Ashturg ran into Gandalf the Grey and wasted 80% of my army of HC with good training and steel armor and weapons. I finally mount an effective army that can take out the Easterlings and Gandalf gets to it before I can use it :mad:

NG had the same issue with Sauron a number of turns ago. It is very frustrating when that happens.

Well done for sticking through with it as the Dragon Lord. It can’t have been too fun to have lost Mirkwood in the first 6 turns.

…Well it was fun for us but you know what I mean. :wink:

Gajendra (Sinda Elves)

Well – sounds as if some of the Servants of sauron are talking about dropping/ending the game – but since this isn’t a grudge game – everyone on there side will need to contact Clint and company and untill we get word that the game is over from Clint – don’t think we should be giving away little tidbits – like letting them know who we have doubled – not to mention Harad or Corsairs might want to stick it out for a couple turns as we haven’t really dented them yet or someone else who wants us to hunt them down , which I have seen happen before !!

But otherwise it has been a fun game and if I didn’t know better would have thought this was a grudge game they way everyone played on our side with communicating , giving till it hurts without complaint and the coordination and planning was tremendous also – this was truly a team win !!

Mike – Noldo

Okay Freeps - we are unanimous in conceding defeat. Once again - very well done!

I am extremely impressed with two things - your coordination to bring so much force to bear at Dol Guldur on turn 3 (the campaign against the Dragon Lord in general) and your complete depression of the market. Great teamwork was required for both!

Good luck in your next games!

Doug - Blind Sorcerer

Well done to you and your team. I’m certain that had the WK been more communicative (*you mentioned that THAT was not the case) this would have been a far more different situation – at the very least we’d still be fighting for a few more turns, anyway.

Woodmen (*whole game)
Cardolan (*picked up around turn 5)

Congrats to all the FP folk, and commiserations to the DS.

If you’re interested in swapping turns after we receive word from Clint, let us know.

Gajendra (Sindar)

Great job by Rhudaur and those massive armies we couldn’t seem to stop.

It kind of contradicts what a lot of people say about the Rhudaur having a boring game if they go Free.

Argh! We be not aligned, so we’ll just keep sippin’ from the keg until the funs over!

Well done the FP; when Harad and Corsairs joined the DS it was looking bad but I thought we might turn it round. Harad is now starting to expand but it is too late. We were always fighting on our territory rather than yours. Market economics did not help but we have not been beaten by that.
I look forward to meeting some of you again in another game.
Jerry (Harad)