We, the Free, would like to contact you to initiate negotiations toward your joining the winning side! This would be more easily accomplished if you would post your Email addresses.
We have discussed White Wizard’s request for exclusive search and retrieval of Tinculin and agree that we will not interfere, at this time.
Again, diplomats await invitations from your nations!
Khamul has just received word that diplo’s sent via ME May or may not have made it (i.e. they sent them on, but at least one neutral did not receive them). If you have not gotten them, please drop me a note great neutrals and I will send it on via email.
Why so quiet? Have you bowed so low to Saruman that your lips have hit the ground? For one born in the Havens of Sirion before it was sunk beneath the waves (by your gods, mind you), and to have lived nearly 2000 years to become so small is an example of the truth of the Elves. What would Elwing say?
The Lord Sauron bows to no one. Then again, he was present at the birth of the Arda. Perhaps older and wiser? We shall see. Prostrating for a harp. Ha!
Is it getting hot in here? 5 armies within a hex of Dol Goldor - boy you guys must really be mad. I expect once you see the results of the main artifact hunts, though, it’ll really get your blood “flowing” - lol.
Hi Guys, Just a liitle pop in to see how things are going. What formats this game taken? Who’re the Free, Who are the DS. Would also like to get in touch with the neutrals please.
Currently have the Rangers and the Noldo to look at. Will be sending emails out tonight to see whats what. The FP may still fill th nations from within their own ranks. So who are the DS. Some names might help. Yes was wondering what Cirdan was up to at old EO capital hex.
lol, maybe. You could tell me what was going on at 3112 though. Cirdan was there for a reason which I don’t have a clue about. I certainly wouldn’t have sent him looking for an arty!