CS and Duns are not talking publicly (at least that I know of).
Rhun and Khand have been contacted, have not replied.
CS and Duns are not talking publicly (at least that I know of).
Rhun and Khand have been contacted, have not replied.
What kind of setup was this then? Just a straight 10vs10 and 5 with no-one knowing who was who. Or is it a grudge with 5 random neuts?
Cheers for the Saruman heads up.
Normal setup, 10v10. Some neutrals shared their contact info with me, some like CS and Duns did not. FP may have them, I don’t. I knew a couple fo the gents that joined DS with me.
The game has a bunch of new players on both sides also.
Hi Saruman. Will be sending an email to you soon. Looking to get up to speed on this game as Ive just joined in.
Khand said he would reply to you directly.
He has. I just need to get organised, and if the free have a group get on that too. The overal picture will dictate if my orders change or not.
Are you joining?
Yes Im in. The games are on my frontsheet now.
Well then I look forward to sending the rest of your Noldor to their doom
Looking forward would be good, we’ll be sneaking up behind you! :rolleyes:
Greetings from the Duns:
I have taken over the Dunlendings position and wish to contact the other players in the game. My email address is CPA2REFER@AOL.COM.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Steven Brydges
Thank Sauron! The Duns have appeared!
Hail all, the time grows short and our plans will be completed. All evil shall be cleansed from this Middle Earth…
Oh come on. Where are the turn results already???
While I find it flattering that Galadriel finds a little village so important, I must say the pressure the DrLo strategy is not going so well for the FP. Yet another turn and the capital is untouched. :o
Well we did think you’d like visitors. I like my adversaries to have a flase sense of hope/security. Alas though don’t be misled Galadriel has nothing to do with me though.
Kinda like Cirdan
Yes that too, although that wasn’t me. Still don’t know what the arty was. Tinkers? ROW? ROC? Spirit arty? only those would have me maybe sending him in. Anything else gets a training char.
You should be able to get past Noldo reports, and the team should know in any event. DS shouldn’t have to tell you