2950 Game 22

ahhh everything seems to be back on track… plus one.

hmmmmm…i think this game may become very interesting soon.

Saruman the Black and White

(P.S. or for anyone who doesnt like it that way)

Saruman the White and Black

Well everything worked, a first thats for sure. Just have to get soem perspective now. Are any of the Freeps on this forum? Have email addies and have a couple of replys but still very quiet. Saruman I’ll be emailing you and the Duns tonight. Khand mate don’t worry haven’t forgotten about you.

Any word on the Corsairs and Rhun?

Boy you elves sure like your DS mountain camps and vllages.

Which elves are we talking about?

Why, the ones about to die :smiley:

Oh that’d be me then. Don’t recall being in the mountains though. Certainly no villages. Will have to look at me map now. Maybe the whistle stop wonder tour took a wrong turn! :eek:

Oh yes I know the ones. Shame they gonna die, still the other 6 new guys will more than compensate.

Who dares me to say ‘Morgoth’ this turn?

Funny thing about that. Every time I name a DS character Morgoth, he fails in just about every thing he does. Stopped doing it of course, seemed to anger Sauron a bit. Reminder of worse times. Things doing much better now, after all <smile>

Are you sure, from what I see there’s not much of anything happening. Is the WK on holiday down South?

Obviously you haven’t seen the Woodie turn report

Yes just a quick glance but that looks like playtime. The REAL action must be further South. I mean taking an ice-cream break and a rubdown half way through a battle. Its enough to make you wonder why we bother… :smiley:

True, I did wonder why the Gondor’s bothered - since they never go anywhere further than Osgiliath :slight_smile:

Ah but they just youngsters. They wait on the might of Arnor and the Noldo to come flying down and crush the Nazgul, unless of course you fancy coming out of fortress Mordor to play.

And the Lord Sauron turned his Eye to Dol Goldor, which is being renamed Dol Nirnaeth by the Elves (“Hill of Tears”). At the gates of the City a small army of Rohirrim in armored battle dress stood alongside scraggly Wood Elves armed with wooden tree branches. Opposing them outside the walls, Lord Grashkuk stood with battle tested trolls and Rashkuk commanded some Mordor cavalry weary from the force march from Morannon. The Free Peoples mumured restlessly as their commanders had told them they would only face enemy foot.

Be that as it may, Elfhelm ordered the charge against the standard battle lines of the Evil. Bravely, but stupidly, Elfhelm raced ahead of his guard and was impaled upon a rusty pike. Tathar sat in his command tent writing his last words to Galadriel (a lover scorned, Tathar was), for as the battle cleared he and his remaining forces threw themselves on the walls in desperate bid to stop any trade income from reaching the City.

High above on the tower gate Duran chuckled, as the goblin scribes handed out coins to the militia and merchants from the vast Treasury. The emergence of two more Elven armies under Sindar banner appeared in the distance, but Duran knew that Mordor had sent more help and that even as the elves emerged from the wood, the drums of the orcs could be heard from nearby. He smiled even more greatly, as the heads of Elfhelm and Tathar joined those of Cirdan on the gates, along with an unnamed commander that Gashkbuz had overrun weeks ago (whose face was too trambled by orc feet to recognize).

Soon my pets soon. Your dark ways shall be met with steel. Our hordes mass, the whirlwind shall be unleashed soon. Afraind? No! You should be… not even the dragons of old shall save you…

Elven peasant,

As you continue your mountain tour of DS camps, I think your elven brethern may be shaking in their trees. The little stick wall around Caras Galdahan won’t hamper us much. At least signs of life from the Gondors! Or should I say Southern Gondor, not much life left in 2 NG commanders …


We shall see, we shall see. Remarkably resilient are we? As for the mountains we like the cool air, there are dragons abound too and killing them can be such fun…

Oh come on, why the silence. There’s been a turn run since I dropped, with orders BTW so there was no SS. You’d think someone would realise there was something up by now. Or do the FP not use the boards… Ah yes forgot to say JB, was looking for Throkmaw, elven whistle stop tour of the mountains. Just in case and maybe(not) worth the risk.

No RCTs? Wouldn’t matter, Throkmaw didn’t make it to 2950. Unfortunate for FP generally.