Now that we have the game number straightened out how about getting the rest of the nation slots filled. Last time I checked there were 6 nations left, this should be a good one!
Future Ally and Opponent of game 28.
Now that we have the game number straightened out how about getting the rest of the nation slots filled. Last time I checked there were 6 nations left, this should be a good one!
Future Ally and Opponent of game 28.
5 to fill
Four nations left! C’mon lets fill them up!! This game should contain tons of action and intrigue.
Three nations left! This one is going to start soon, I can feel it!! Can’t wait to trounce the enemy.:bash:
I can’t believe I’m joining another open game. I thought I was done with that.
Maybe I need to attend OGA meetings or something.
“Hi, my name is Steve and I’m an Open-Game-aholic.”
Where do you come by this information? The front sheet post still says 6.
According to my latest turn results there are 3 nations available. A friend just signed up yesterday so their should be 2 nations left now.
My recent turns also show 3 so I guess the front sheet entry on the forums is a bit behind…which makes sense given that it’s a manual process, done by a third party, etc., etc.
Two to go? Yippee!
:: breathe :: :: breathe :: :: breathe ::
Don’t forget to breathe. Very important.
Man, I feel like a kid at Christmas. What gives?
Yeah I do get a little excited when It comes to starting new games. I guess I am having gaming withdrawals.
Yeah! Signed up for game on Weds. What, down to two more?
According to inside intel (Spectre), there may be but one slot left.
For that matter, I haven’t checked my E-Mail today yet.
Nope. Not yet. Come on! Come on! Come OnOnOnononononononon!
Down to one according to the sheet recieved today!!
WooHoooooooooooo! Come ON! Surely there’s SOMEBODY out there who’s itching to suffer another 2950, no?
I’m Jonesin’ for this game. Please somebody sing up. PLEASE!
Silvan Elves checking in. Noldo Dave, John Wall you out there? Waiting for my pointy eared brethren to check in!
Rhun Easterlings checking in.
Correspondence channels have been tested. Interested parties may reach me at:
are the DS looking for clouds to come over before they send thier diplos out?
I send warm greetings to my fellow Dark Servants, to the Neutrals, and to the Free Peoples. The court of Adunaphel welcomes ambassadors from all lands, enemy, allied, or neutral. Please send your envoys to kipp0035 at umn dot edu. (Note that the 0’s are zeros.)
7th of the Nazgul