2950 Game 28

[QUOTE=benmin18;33639] I hope both sides are sufficiently worried.

I’m not worried. None of us are from Michigan. :wink: I think the Riders have descended from there tho.:smiley:

here’s to the roll of the “buckeye” this turn. Welcome fellow gamer!!

Ji & friends

Strange how this rumor was floating around…

Rumor of attempted assassination of Saruman by Lugdush!

Should I be afraid now??


Not a Michigan fan either, but go Penn State!!

Afraid. Laughing. Take your pick.

Things are kind of hard when you’re playing by memory.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

The Tower of Orthanc requests information from the Free Peoples and Dark Servants regarding the war abroad.

  • Grima Wormtongue
    Emissary of Saruman the White

Hello Tower of Orthanc,

Am I to assume from previous posts that you still prefer to have everything posted here on this board, rather than sent directly to you? You do realize, of course, that will tend to limit the type and depth of information you may receive?

We would be happy to send a compilation of Free News Network Neutral Newsletters to you, to bring you up to speed. However, as I’m sure you can guess, we are not really interested in sharing with the DS. They lack a certain appreciation for the information in question. May we send something to you directly?

The Woodmen :smiley:

Yes, all communication is via this board. Do not send any secret messages. The White Wizard only asks for news, not future plans. That is all.

  • Herald of Angrenost

[QUOTE=Faramir;33698]Hello Tower of Orthanc,

I’m sure you can guess, we are not really interested in sharing with the DS. They lack a certain appreciation for the information in question. May we send something to you directly?

The Woodmen

Quite the contrary Sir LogHead;)

We appreciate very much any info you would like to share w/the Tower, maybe moreso:D On our side, we have rebuffed all strikes originating from Oz westard and there have been many much to the credit of our foes. In the north we have taken some minor hits and have doled out some destruction of our own within Mirkwood and surrounding area. Each side has slapped the other w/some character losses and the Freeps have gained a couple of toys that we would like back. We’ll only ask once before we:bash: u:D Oh ya, the bridges are down so ship builders are now in high demand. stay tuned…

Buckeye Ji:hug:

The Tower of Orthanc is not impressed with vagaries and insinuations. Saruman the White has asked for news regarding the current conflict, not future plans. He is quite capable of assisting either side with equal effectiveness.

  • Grima Wormtongue
    Herald of Angrenost

The Tower of Orthanc is not impressed with vagaries and insinuations. Saruman the White has asked for news regarding the current conflict, not future plans. He is quite capable of assisting either side with equal effectiveness.

Fair enough. Perhaps I misinterpreted your footnote reference to the state of Michigan as insinuation. My missives may be laced w/such, but purely for enjoyment. The update I gave is an accurate assessment of the war to date and contains no future plans. I hope others will present you w/an assessment of current affairs as well.


There needs to be something more specific than, “we have rebuffed all strikes originating from OZ westard,” and “In the north we have taken some minor hits and have doled out some destruction of our own within Mirkwood and surrounding area. Each side has slapped the other w/ some character losses and the Freeps have gained a couple of toys that we would like back.” One might as well write: The Free Peoples and Dark Servants are fighting in Mirkwood and Osgiliath. Heroes from both sides have fallen.

Saruman the White requests knowledge. As his servant I must oblige.

  • Grima Wormtongue
    Emissary of Angrenost

Free People/Dark Servants,

As I stated before, all diplomacy with my will be carried out in public via this board. The actions of other neutrals have no bearing on which side I declare for - and I will declare openly. Now, when I asked for news I meant what I asked for: news. Telling me that characters have died and there’s fighting going on in Osgiliath and Mirkwood is pointless because, well, there’s always fighting going on in Osgiliath and Mirkwood as well as various other parts of the map. I am not asking either team to divulge their strategy for the game but revelant news will make a BIG difference in which way I declare.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

[QUOTE=benmin18;33725] "Now, when I asked for news I meant what I asked for: news. Telling me that characters have died and there’s fighting going on in Osgiliath and Mirkwood is pointless because, well, there’s always fighting going on in Osgiliath and Mirkwood as well as various other parts of the map. "

Respectfully, Grima,

We Woodmen are not exactly sure what you mean by “relevant news”, if not what was offered by another. The Dark Side deputy indeed gave you ‘news’ after a fashion. It was of course winnowed and sifted so that others do not intercept it and make uses of it contrarywise to the designs of the messenger. He also was ensuring the needs of his bretheren were not put ahead of those who would resist them. We Woodmen understand the careful line he must walk…lest he upset the nameless one and be fed to a Ring Wraith.

If his reply was not as worthy ‘as news from Bree’, then what might be? If your master does not desire news of heroes falling, of armies clashing, of wonderous items being retrieved, of bridges being sabotaged since the beginings of this war, what then is ‘newsworthy’ to Master Saruman?

We are interested in conducting a dialog, but we are not well used to the…novel…form your master chooses. Perhaps you could provide an example of the kind of information that he desires? Much it is that occurs in the Gap of Calenardhon, and something there might be of interest to those of us who live in the Greenwood. An example, well crafted, may prompt us to a better understanding of his needs and ultimately lead to useful information in return.

We look forward to an example of a newsworthy item, to better our understanding in the hopes we can be allies.

Mr. Forrest B. Woodword
-Press Undersecretary, Foreign Relations
Woodmen News Network

Let me get this straight, neither side is capable of writing a report that tells any sort of meaningful news. If I have to resort to my own intelligence gathering I will be highly annoyed.

  • Ben

What were you expecting? I would be shocked if anyone put detailed info out here for all to see. Would you really want to join a side that was stupid enough to reveal their secrets, plans and rumors?


No, I wasn’t expecting to hear full blown intelligence reports detailing who had what artifact, who is searching for what, what squads are forming, etc., but I did expect some realistic news that is readily known to both sides like a BATTLE REPORT or something like that. Saying that there’s fighting on the map, characters have died, and artifacts have been found is useless.

There is common information on turn reports that cannot be hidden from the other side, and then there is information that is obviously secret that one’s opponents are not privy too. I request the former and not the latter. If neither side is smart enough to figure out what information on one’s turn report falls into which category, then I’m going to be sitting on my hands for a while.

  • Ben

Here is a quick summary of battle reports from NG:
NG armies quickly moved to 3123 and 3124 to block DS aggression.
3123: no battle, lots of staring.
3124: NG defeats WK starter army and FK forces.
3123: NG “blockers” defeated by IK.
3124: NG faces forces of WK, DkLts, FK. Argirion challenges and defeats Shagrat, Skargnakh challenges and loses to Ecthelion. FK army disbands and remaining DS armies are defeated.
3024: Ik defeats NG
3124: NG defeats FK, no WK army present.
3024: 4 armies of NG and SG face 4 armies of IK, FK and DkLts. FP win, Hoarmurath captured, stripped of artifacts, but escaped.
3024: NG and SG face FK army and defeat it. Strulug(FK) challenges Hero Golasgil and loses.

In summary three FK characters died in challenges but no PCs were lost or taken by either side. Both sides can claim successful holding action.


Kudos to the Free People for submitting a report of quality and substance. We’re now going into turn 7 and Osgiliath has yet to fall, correct? Impressive. How fare the battles in Mirkwood around Dol Goldur? I have heard that 2809 has fallen to the Free People, what of 3017, the NW road from Morannon, and the Rhun Sea area?

Dark Servants, what claims to victory can you make?

  • Ben
    White Wizard


Good to hear from you! Hope your nation is doing well. I have not had the chance to visit the Forum for a few weeks and did not know you were accepting communications. I stopped writing when you did not answer my request for relations on turn 0.

While I will not go into detail as to who, if anyone, has died or give a detailed report of what artifacts we have retrieved or lost, or how are companies are coming together; I will tell you that our team is working well together.

The Freeps battle report is accurate, but it is not the sum of the game. Anything else that I would write would not be for the Forum, but for private communications.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Disappointing. I did not think that my request was too difficult in order to win my loyalty.

My choice is becoming much clearer. And I have no set time-table for declaring.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

Hello Saruman,

Now that we have a better understanding of the level of detail you desire, please allow the Woodmen to apologize for our earlier confusion, and to post “newsworthy” events occuring along the upper Anduin.

Turn 1:
Woodmen and WK forces meet at 2405. The Woodmen defeat Angulion’s icon.
Sinda forces occupy 2715, encountering Gaskburz of DL. Gaskburz’ icon is defeated.
Roahn enocunters Grashukh at 2518, and the DS icon is destroyed along with the DS camp.

Turn 2:
Woodmen and Sinda forces encounter Ogrod’s icon at 2613. The Free defeat Ogrod’s icon.
Rohan intercepts Duran’s force at 2518, and defeats it with the aid of Dwaithohir Eagles.
Dwarven forces under Dain attempt to occupy 3017, and are met by Mornadak’s icon. Dain’s icon is destroyed and he is captured.
The Free continue to occupy Dol Guldur unopposed.

Turn 3:
Northmen forces occupy 2809 unopposed.
The Free continue to occupy Dol Guldur unopposed.

Turn 4:
The forces of Rogrog move from 2305 to 2405. Two Woodmen icons destroy Rogrog’s command.
The Dunedain occupy 2006, meeting forces of the WK under Bolg. Bolg’s forces are destroyed.
Sarn Goriwing 2809 is now a Free pop center.
Mornadak’s forces attempt to reinforce 2715 Dol Guldur, meeting forces of Taurnil. Taurnil destroyed Mornadak’s forces, but was assassinated.

Turn 5:
Celeborn’s icon occupies Dol Guldur, unopposed.

Turn 6:
Free forces occupy 2409, unopposed.
The Dunedain take posession of 2006 Mt. Gram.
The Free occupy 3017 unopposed.

And, as a DS deputy also noted, this is not the “sum of the game.” There are of course artifacts to be found and encounters for gold to be had, areas where we Free also excel. Of course, you will need to join the Free to benefit from our artifact gathering program.

Cordially submitted for your review,

Mr. Forrest B. Woodword :cool:

  • Secretary for Foreign Relations,
    People’s Democratic Front of Greenwood



  • Steve M.
    Rhun Easterlings