2950 Game 28

OMG Turns run in the morning and I have posted nothing.

Guess it’s going to be a rush-rush-hope-we-get-it-right-this-time kinda’ turn.

  • Steve M.
    Rhun Easterlings

From the Duns:

To Saruman the White, First of the Istari and Lord of Angrenost: Greetings
from the [OOC- new} clan chief of the Dunlendings. We would speak with you
about territorial and other matters. We will discuss these matters to a
limited extent in public forums if you insist, but would prefer to do so
privately. We have also been in discussions with both the Free and Dark and
have learned much. We would parley with you on these topics as well, but
not in public. Should you be willing to discuss such matters privately, we
can be reached at mepbml-g28@yahoo.com. Yours faithfully, Enion, Clan Chief
of the Duns

All negotiations will be in public.

You stay out of my way, I will stay out of your’s. You do what you want as will I.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

Ben & other neutrals:

Din Othar dead in a challenge at 3024.:smiley:

This is the turn 7 battle report for SG. No DS armies at 3024.

News break: 800 defeat over 2,000 DS forces at 3124!:slight_smile:

Battle at 3124
In the Mild climate of the Mountains of 3124, a conflict took place in the early afternoon during a driving
At the head of a highly energetic army rode Lord Angbor of the nation of Southern Gondor. The mount on which
he rode cantered anxiously along the side of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
451 Dúnadan footmen w/broadswords wooden/bronze none/leather a mob
361 Lesser Dúnadan footmen w/shortswords bronze/steel leather/bronze ragged ranks
At the head of a rebellious army rode General Gothmog of the nation of the Dark Lieutenants. In his hands
was borne the glowing Flail called Skull Flail. The mount on which he rode moved with trepidation to the
center of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
1000 Troll footsoldiers w/battle axes wooden none a mob
250 Mannish slaves w/maces wooden none a mob
At the head of a demoralized army rode Captain Shurukhai of the nation of the Witch-king. In her hands was
borne the glowing Bow called Romoquenáro. The mount on which she rode stood cautiously at the rear of the
battle lines. Behind her the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
400 Troll footsoldiers w/flails wooden none a mob
7/27/2007 Game 28 Player 7 Turn 7 Page 7
At the head of a calm army rode Commander Carfe of the nation of the Fire King. The mount on which he rode
moved calmly to the front of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
400 Troll footsoldiers w/battle axes bronze bronze a mob
The Major Town of Minas Morgul flying the flag of the Witch-king is situated in the Mountains here. It is
fortified by a Castle.
Report from Angbor…My commanders moved among the troops before battle, readying them, bolstering their
resolve, and issuing last minute orders. These troops didn’t need much encouragement and waved and joked
with their Commanders, offering bets on who would find the best plunder. Finally the order was heard
coursing through the ranks… Keep close ranks. Use standard formation. Like we practiced!
Against the forces of Carfe, our standard formation adjusted as they veered off and hit our flank.
After the battle had joined in earnest, heroes made their presence known all over the battlefield.
Report from Angbor…Our foot soldiers were forced to fight the terrain as well as the enemy in these
boulder filled ravines and high trails. The troops fought very well, but more training would have raised
them to great heights. They fought with great spirit. Although the enemy fought hard, we finally succeeded
in overwhelming them after a long battle.
Commanders on the scene ordered their troops to salvage what they could from the remains of the enemy
Lord Angbor: 1 Food
After the battle… Angbor’s forces were victorious in the battle, but suffered some losses. Angbor
appeared to have survived. Gothmog’s forces found no enemy armies to fight. Shurukhai’s forces found no
enemy armies to fight. Carfe’s forces were destroyed/routed in the battle. Carfe appeared to have survived
but suffers from light wounds.


Let’s get real, If this is the kind of info Ben desires, then you may as well send your pdf to this site. Not taking anything away from your glorious moment, and it was a good one; but Ben has a good idea of what he wants to do already, just read the forum.


Hmmmm. Looks like you defeated 400, not 2000…

Your right, I only defeated 400. For some reason, I was not attacked?

Add to that over 1500 DrL and BS troops defeated east of Mordor this turn with no losses to speak of and NM still have almost 2000 troops at your back door… facing about 500 defenders…

Obviously the fate of the last army that sortied out of the eastern gap towards Rhun has kept you very cautious but I don’t mind coming to find you…

And, still no army on the DrL MT, looks like I’ll have to make my own entertainment…


I love it when people make my decisions for me. Usually that sort of thinking comes to haunt people.

This is part of the information I asked for, but not everything considering that I have yet to hear anything of substance from the Dark Servants. Why don’t you post up how the war fares for your side, from your point of view, then let me read it and I’ll get a more complete picture.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

I love it when people make my decisions for me. Usually that sort of thinking comes to haunt people.

This is part of the information I asked for, but not everything considering that I have yet to hear anything of substance from the Dark Servants. Why don’t you post up how the war fares for your side, from your point of view, then let me read it and I’ll get a more complete picture.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

Come now, I don’t have that much power over you to make your decisions, Or do I:rolleyes:

I do not speak for my teammates as they can do that for themselves. But I will give you my take on the game so far. We are taking our lumps. What the Freeps have said is accurate and they’ve come out aggressive in all aspects and have had some good fortune at the tossup stuff. But we have had some success in other areas and I will allow my teammates to expand upon that. It’s early and I’m not overly concerned.

As for the CL, Ji and friends will be making their rounds:D


Influence, but not power.

It’s obvious your teammates don’t care to speak for themselves as evidenced from the Blind Sorcerer. Perhaps someone needs to speak for them.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

Nobody has anything else meaningful to add? What a pity.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

I have something to add.

Riders took out 3017 last turn. LR left a bunch of supplies for me, bless his little black heart. Apparently the DS are using the appeasement philosophy: “Ok, you take that, but go no further this turn. Please…”

The FP are just waiting for the storm to break. Each turn that storm gets further and further from us, the better, because we have the better weather making abilities and we’re mobile. Still, five neutrals left to declare. I suspect what is taking so long is that neutrals are naturally inclinded to go DS, but the DS are naturally inclined to expect that, so everyone keeps their thumbs warm.

This game is a bit boring without the neutrals stepping in. Come on guys, let’s not wear out the fence (Duns have a legitimate excuse, seeing as though that position is has been the red headed stepchild this game).

Jason, Riders

The game is quite boring. From all fronts the Free seem to be closing in on Mordor, they’ve captured a number of important artifacts before the Dark Servants, and more notable DS characters have died than Free. Am I missing something? Dark Servants, care to retort?

  • Ben
    White Wizard

What you say is true.

I wouldn’t say the game is a washout, though. There are plenty of tricks/gambits/whatever the DS could utilize to counter-act the FP advances and such, but the creativity and teamwork needed to implement those seems to be lacking at the moment.

Unless the DS get a good neutral split, the road will be long and uphill for them. They better hope there is nothing coming the other way…

Well, somebody has to keep you entertained :D. This game is not anywhere near being over. It just lacks the forum dialogue from the more expressive. Ben, you say the Freeps have captured more notable artys before the DS. How did you come across that information? You didn’t get lost on the Freep forum did you?:rolleyes: The Freeps have mentioned their artifact retrieval ability, but not the types or quantity. This is gonna be fun :smiley:


[QUOTE=Ulysses212;33856]What you say is true.

I wouldn’t say the game is a washout, though. There are plenty of tricks/gambits/whatever the DS could utilize to counter-act the FP advances and such, but the creativity and teamwork needed to implement those seems to be lacking at the moment.

And how many pops have fallen in Mordor? Where is the FP advance coming from? Northmen? LoL:D; Gondor? pleeeeze:D

Each side has a claim to some unprotected spots and I imagine each side has left them unprotected for some unknown reason. Let’s see how the next few turns pan out…

Besides, my agents don’t start as Rogues. They need some training.:wink:


Then fill in the gaps. Give me a complete picture.

  • Ben
    White Wizard

Dark Servants,

Your Lord Sauron and I seem to be looking for the same lost object. We are at an impasse, are we not? What do you propose?

  • Saruman the White

Sauron is pleased w/the events that have transpired. To his minions, he preaches travel alone if you dare. Some listen, some listen no more. We have no ill will toward you Saruman. Please, present a proposal for Sauron to consider so that the lost object of your affection may lean your way in hopes that you may lean our way.:smiley:

Saurons favorite,

Dark Servants,

Inform your Lord Sauron that if he provides a more complete picture of how the war fares and this lost object then the Tower of Orthanc will be receptive to future overtures.

  • Saruman the White