2950 Game 28

[QUOTE=MarkL;56087]Hey Dan,

I don’t know much about what went on behind the scenes with the DS (hopefully, once it’s official, we can all discuss some of the key moves/events in the game from everyone’s perspective)

I don’t know how cohesive the rest of the DS was this game, but the FP in this game was most definitely a very cohesive team, with all players often doing things at much sacrifice to their nation for the betterment of the team. It was a major reason why I opted to go Free.

In my opinion that is where we failed the most. I commend the remaining players on our team as they faced difficult events during the course of the game and always tried to promote the team cause. There were 6 of us left playing 7 nations.


We’ll play again at some point, Mark. And I hope to be able to take our your capital when we do.

As for my intentions for this game, when I play a neutral I like to throw in a random variable - all negotiations being public was that variable. Unfortunately I started a new job and was unable to access this board for an extended period of time which in turn made my original intentions moot. However, now that I can access the board again I will try this approach with another neutral in a future game.

  • Ben

Hi Dan, I don’t have all the files with me but a quick look through emails puts the count at 11 at WW capital and 13 at 3223, all E55+


Wrong Ben,

I did not call you out on your play. I called you out on your lack of play. I have not the slightest clue of your playing ability. You are correct that our team lacked direction, that is not a surprise. But you are incorrect in that I played poorly. I have no problem sharing my pdf files. I simply stated the WW nation special service turns hurt our team and that the lack of dialog influences a players willingness to help one in need. This email is an example of our teams dialog, someone states an opinion and someone counters while never getting anywhere and stalling forward movement. Fortunately the Free team was above this and took some of us out of misery. While the game is over, I’ll comment on questions and set the record straight if I feel it needs to be addressed. We all have our opinions, but we also have pdf files that show how each of us played.


I found that very impressive. Some people seem to think that emmys are less effective under the rank of 60 and will not use them against MT’s. I’ve found that emmys in their 50’s and even 40’s can be effective at MT’s, but I find it harder to influence others w/the risk/reward on this issue. I think our team used 7 emmys of 70 and above to take Pelargir. thanx for the info.


Well it was 12 at 2119 and 13 at 3223 that turn, the 2119 team then split up and went after smaller pops while the 3223 team took the Mordor MTs.

I think one of the best bits of the game for us had to be when our newly formed curse squad found themselves adjacent to a newly declared DS Saruman through a speculative RCT, great first kill!

Most nail-biting moment was RhE SSing when poised to take 3822, forced his taxes to the high 90s but survived to win the following turn.


Jon’s being polite. I was also responsible for 2/3 of the Mounts buyout that turn, and several nations dumped money on Mounts for no appreciable effect.

And then Winter came.

Well, gents, like the rest of the FP team, I’ll of course wait for the official notice that the game is over before deciding to move on.

But, operating now on the assumption that the DS surrender is real, my thanks to everyone for making my last game of MEPBM so enjoyable.

And sorry for the mild heart attack I caused. :slight_smile:

  • Steve M.


As a final on this game, I’d like to thank first the DS for their spirited play. Going down 6 nations throughout the course of the game, and still managing to put up some fight was enjoyable. Thank you, all.

Next, I’d like to thank my team, who were well organized and very willing to help out those of us impoverished nations who would not otherwise have seen the spring. Beorn and his friends thank you all!

Last, I’d like to to thank the neutrals who joined us. A three/two split, with Duns, RE and Corsairs made for a map where we could put pressure on several fronts.

My two lessons from this game: Emys don’t suck, and heavy cav does.

My thanks to all for a very fun game, especially since it’s my first win!

-The (finally) Victorious Woodmen Nation of Game 28!!!