4th Age 146

Greetings and Good Health,
The North Kingdom welcomes all diplomats.
Contact me at

Greetings from the Elysium to our neutral cousins in the North Kingdom and to all the other peoples in Middle Earth.

Missives can be sent to my court at Gavken@btinternet.com

#24, Shoumei here. A bona fide neutral. I’m open to good, evil, and neutral, but I lay sole claim to the land of South Khand.

Talk to me before setting up claim markers for drilling rights down here. Not that I won’t share, but if my emmies find camps where there should be empty spaces, they’ll have to have something to do, even if it means convincing your people to become my people.

I’ll need to talk to the South Kingdom right away so I don’t encroach accidentally.

To be fair, I’ll talk to North Kingdom when he has time.

And whoever owns 4433, we better become good friends or at least cordial neighbors very quickly. You’re too close for comfort.

Good gaming all, and I admit the tone’s a bit abrupt, but until my inbox is filled with Middle Earth business cards, I can’t invite anyone over for coffee.

Long have we been hunted into holes, pierced upon the speartips of cruel men, cold eyed elves, and stinking arrogant dwarves. Long have we been forced to wander under the tortuous bright sun, afraid for our paltry lives.

We have returned under cover of black night to our blasted lands, hunching in ancient warrens and skulking with a watchful eye. The cursed ghosts of ancient black hearted lords whisper to us in the dark. The time has come.

Those who join us will know riches and revenge. Those who oppose us will meet an end of crunching bone, sharp knives, and bitter screams.

We will drink your blood from skulls.

The time of reckoning is now.

The Bloated Queen
Broken Crag Orcs

Hello all!

I’m looking forward to a spirited 146. Those undeclared neutrals and especially the South kingdom (we know a black heart beats beneath your chest :wink: ) can contact me at BairG@nasd.com.

Game 146
Nation 13-BCO

Nice message Greg. Too early for me to get all prosaic here :slight_smile:

Hi, Mike Barber here playing FP #7, based in Mirkwood. Hoping for a cracking game

Cheers all



I am hoping for a long and pleasent game where blood and ichor will run ripe through the lands.

Know that all who stand in my way will be ripped asunder and will beg for a quick death.

Ral Rowan, High Priestess of the Morgothi

My servant will take any messages… Blackened_Sword@Hotmail.com

Greetings from the Arcane Loremaster.

I am a neutral and will be playing as neutral until someone can persuade me to join their cause. Hopefully I will be receiving news from all allegiances as time goes by so I can make an informed decision.

Arcane Loremaster
I can be reached at tuormo@austin.rr.com

Welcome Fellow Lords of Middle Earth we the Dragon Lords salute you!

We have begun to dispatch our emissaries to visit with many nations and hope to begin to develop solid relationships with all true neutral nations.

We welcome all emissaries to our realm, contact my chamberlain at b.j.stephens@cox.net.

I hope we will be able to demonstrate to all true neutral nations, from our conversations and especially through our actions, why a shift to the dark side is in your best interests!

Dragon Lords

Greeting and Good Health,
I prefer Churchills before Chamberlains, Warriors before Pacifiers, Soldiers before Appeasers.
Though it may not be popular today, I even prefer fighting for Freedom before cowering to terror! :eek:
So are you a friend that can weather any storm? Or are you a pacifier looking to profit by selling weapons to my enemies?
Those with ears let them hear.
For an ally I will bleed my last drop for you, and for an enemy I will hunt you no matter what dungfilled hole you hide.
I look forward to speaking with all diplomats as long as they are committed to victory, teamwork, and results.
Sincerely, -Ambassador Socrates (North Kingdom)

Kind of quiet out there…anyone alive? :confused:

Greetings Fellow Lords,

The Order of Zen’teth bid you welcome, all emmissaries from any nation are free to grant an audience with the most unholy divine.

Being a fellow DS a Neutral or even a FP (just in case you want to bow down before me).

We can be reached at nickjsymons@aol.com

Good luck to all unless you are a stinking FP.

Order of Zen’teth

So what I want to know is where is this neutral team hiding. There was alot of advertising made to their being a neutral team (that couldn’t change) but I have yet to hear a peep out of them?

Have they been corrupted or otherwise occupied like Alatar and Palando?


Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me. I think it’s the aliens running the CIA. Yeah and Bush is a cowboy.
Don’t forget snail mail…
I think this is just my point why friends should not be forced to join as a team. Are we not paying adult customers?
The witch hunt is already on… :frowning:

I’m a neutral in North Harad. I don’t use forums much, so I suggest contacting me by email.

To the Lords of Middle Earth

The free and proud nation of Amras Fefalas greets one and all! I am anxious to hear from all nations in this game but particularly Loremasters and Ravens Claw

All emissaries should in the first instance contact me on jerrymellerick@aol.com

Lords and Ladies of Middle-earth

We in the neutral alliance would like to begin talks with our 7 neutral friends, especially North and South Kingdom. George and I had discussed this and we think it best we do not reveal our locations at this time, in this forum, but all who are interested should contact me at wilburj@ohsu.edu if you are interested in joining us.

Good gamming to all.

Scott Wilbur

Andrew Barton,

Black Spear Tribe here…looking to lend a hand against those goody-two shoes. If you can email me at rollin.roberts@us.army.mil i’d be glad to open up the war room and plan their demise with you.

North Kingdom here looking to hear from my younger brother the South Kingdom.
Far too long have you stayed locked in your towers. Take a break from your research and speak with my diplomats.
Come out dear brother from thy cloistered libraries and have a drink with me.
:slight_smile: Hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile:

In fact when you come down from your towers how about speaking to a number of other people. I know a number of people who want to talk with the South Kingdom.

North Kingdom looking to contact the Suonare Elders.
We humbly request an audience with your illustrious nation.