Hail denizens of Middle Earth!
Aleister Von Vile of the Clan Uruk Hai would like to send a friendly hello to all neutrals and hope to work together soon in routing the freeps from our lands.
Seems the varmints have moved into the Mordor area and they must be purged.:mad:
You can contact me at hermetictruth@yahoo.com
Heres to an awesome game.
Greetings to all neutral nations from the nation of the Dark Raiders! My fellow Dark Servants and I would like very much to welcome you to our allegiance, and are prepared to engage you in open and honest communications.
So… What will it take to get you into the Dark Servant allegiance today!
I can be contacted at:
Hope to hear from you soon!
Mike Mulka
40-Dark Raiders
Nothing yet from the so-called “Free” peoples? Figures.
The mighty Rakkasan nation also welcomes communication from neutral and Dark Servant ally alike! If you are so inclined, please feel free to contact me via private message on these forums (just click my name next to my avatar) or e-mail me at darrell@halo5.net.
The Dark Servants of this game have already begun organizing themselves and making ready to defeat the “Free” peoples of Middle Earth!
The Eldar would like to extend the hand of welcome and friendship to all of the free-loving peoples of Middle Earth.
To the esteemed neutrals, we would be more than happy to discuss matters of mutual importance, and caution against the honeyed words of the Dark Servants. Even pests can have stingers filled with poison.
To our worthy foes, let us once raise a glass in toast: To war and conquest!
Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin yet again!
Illien Shu of the Eldar
Sorry Dark Servants. Would have posted sooner, but hate to be the first one on the block to start kissing the nuetrals butts.
I am one of those pesky Varments or what ever your enclined to call them in or around Mordor. I am the War Hammer Clan. Ohh and I plan on taking that pathetic excuse of a nation to my north making it lick my boots.
Nuetrals. This is going to be a fun ride, and want to envite you along for a good time. If you want to drop me a line I can be reached at…
Looking forward to hearing from you all. Later,
War Hammer Clan
Unto the Free Peoples of MiddleEarth,
Greetings to thee Worthy allies. We of the Valinor salute these brave nations in their struggles in this new Age. We find Ourselves beset by Servants of the Darkness yet again and will lend the strength of Our youth to thee. Let us ride these dogs back into the charnels from which they came!
Unto the Neutral Realms of the Fourth Age,
We make Ourselves available to discuss any and all opinions and queries. We will make every effort to be forthright and trustworthy to thee. Know now and forever that a pledge from the Valinor will hold til the breaking of the Earth.
To the Servants of Darkness,
Know ye now that We shall set Our resources to thy inevitable defeat. We are not willing to allow Corruption to run unchecked in this Age as in Ages past.
To all, let the arrows fly! We are the Rulers of Valinor!
““the dogs of war were never ready for warponies were they?!””
Loremaster of the Valinor
ps…yes I know. I am windy. humph
Mithrim checking in.
A good game to all.
The foul orcs have once again reared their ugly twisted faces. It is time to once again call upon those who wish to live free to join in the struggle to beat off these dogs and the rides they carry. Do not let their words sway you. They beat men as well as orc with the same whip.
Children of Rhun’s King
Hail to all the Lords of middle earth.
The great halls of the North Kingdom are now open to all.
They can be reached at nickjsymons@aol.com
Here’s to another great game and wishing all good luck unless you turn out to be the enemy then all I can say is may the fleas of a thoushand mumakil infest your armpits.
Oh Rollin,
You have chosen the wrong alliance this time.
Good to see you in game though bro.
Do be so kind and tell me where your nation is so I can tear it apart piece by piece for you.
-Joe (Clan Uruk Hai)
To the Clan Uruk Hai,
Rollin is in the game and so is his younger brother…me. Once the Fanged Face nation is assimilated into the collective dwarven dominion, we will be visiting your island of evil at the lower back door of mordor.
Gird thyselves, dogs of the Dark! The black gates of thine peoples will not avail ye. We shall expel thee from Our midst and bring prosperity to this squalid realm. There shall be no recourse for thee but flight and whispered hope that We shall be merciful even unto the end of the Age.:eek:
We shall come in strength with virtue and claim these places for the Free Peoples of MiddleEarth.
The Rulers of Valinor
clam urek hey, whats up.
Welcome to Mount Milgor. Hope you had fun with that little army there, its not going to be around long. I appreciate you leaving your popcenters undefended too. Come on over to War Hammer Clan any day.
Rulers of Valinor…it is a pleasure to make your cyber acquaintance. I will be glad to hear of your brothers return. Any chance you have chosen to serve also?
I shall not heed thy idle threats though.
My furry cousins The Fang Faces are more than capable of “assimilating” you.
Dwarves make excellent laborors in our mines…once they are broken of course.
Now as for the Clan War Hammer. Let there be Clan Warfare!
My wargriders will bleed you upon your own doorstep. I shall cut thy offensive tongue from your head, and hang you from your rooftop so all can see the fate of those that oppose Uruk Hai rule.
For those that accept our inevitable right to govern, we shall be merciful and allow you to keep all landrights for life.
But for the pitiful excuse of a nation called War Hammer Clan…there will be no quarter.
As for Mount Milgor…what a pigsty! Oh and news flash…your not in the mountains freep.
No sanitation, no recreation for your citizens? And that delapidated fort is falling apart. It will be a pleasure to reuse the materials to make a decent tower.
Neutrals beware the sweet forked tongue of the freeps. They lie and deceive in order to rule you.
Only by alliance with our empire will you prosper.
Help us to help you. The freeps offer trials and persecution.
We offer power and material wealth.
You are an aptly named silver-tongued devil. I caution you to remember the lesson of Midas.
(Besides, I think it will take more than your honeyed words and skewed way of presenting the truth to win allies that must be gained with honor and trust…shrug)
The Eldar
Joe…it is too bad indeed that we find ourselves on opposite sides of the fence. Be careful which piece you bite off first… (haven’t had a shower in a couple of days–EEEWWWW). I shall enjoy knocking the “sand” off my boots on a carpet of your minions entrails…Cheers…Rollin
Darrell, thanks for upgrading the village to a town…i shall add it to my collection. Looks like you are wanting to come across the mountains in force…more entrails for to read your misfortunes with.
All neutrals…I can be contacted at onering4all1998@yahoo.com if you so desire. we have a solid team and this should turn into quite the game.
Good gaming…Rollin(Haruspicy) (Stuck in Iraq…but not lacking an attack)…oh jees, I’m trying to rhyme…somebody stop me. right now I’m up late at night waiting on a convoy…I’m tired.
Hey don’t look at me, I wanted to play a character nation! I’m just trying to defend myself. Stop trying to confuse me or I’ll have to stop reading these forums…which would be hard to do…of course, I could always just kill the server MUAHAHAHA.
At the risk of earning my “Captain Obvious” badge, I would like to point out that crashing the server would be…
less than polite…
Ironically, I have a brand new server to replace the aging hunk of junk that I’m currently running, and I’m planning to make the switch on Friday, and it will cause an hour or two of downtime. So when the forums do go down, that’ll be why…I suppose I better make a new thread about that shortly.