4th Age Game 40

update on the war in Rhovanion!!
The rulers of Valinor repelled a war party of the FF by fighting to the last man! Hail to the glorious valor of Mine people!! Our troops ably removed a village of the FF and sit poised to reduce a camp to open plains. Our soldiers proliferate in our steadings and will continue to bring the dirge of marching to the lands of the DS.
We find ourselves complemented by worthy allies of the Free Nations who are willing and able to assist us and others in the conflicts ahead. We will press on in every venue to conquer the enemy. There will be no words to be heard. No entreaties to speak on matters of import. Merely the call of the bugles and tramp of booted feet.
Let none fear the outcome. The Free will rule this MiddleEarth. The savants of the Dark know this just as their master knew. We will not be defeated. We will not yield. We will not turn aside.
Dwarves of MiddleEarth unite! The clan bells ring from every hillock and dune. Bring forth the heirlooms of olde! Gird thy men with chainmail and bucklers!! Swing the hammers, swing the axes!!
To war!
Two Rune
Loremaster of the Valinor
91papa USARMY honorably discharged

I’m a former 67R. :smiley:

Facinating twist. Is it verterans day already?

How do two current 11B’s stack up?


Not as nicely as 2 36DD’s :slight_smile:

Now, that is an answer that I wasn’t anticipating! LOL

let’s see…11B’s that makes infantry doesn’t it? More power to ya, without such brave folks war is hell in the USA not in foreign countries. you can’t see it, but I will salute you anyway.

For some reason, I had a pre-disposition before joining the military that the people who chose 11-series (Infantry) did so because they couldn’t get anythinig else, so that’s where you’d find the “bottom of the barrel” so to speak. (I know, it was a dumb thing for me to think, but hey I was a super smart teenager, remember? ;))

Anyway, I was in the 101st Airborne for four years, so I had a lot of contact with the grunts, and I learned that they are typically very intelligent. Of course, every group has their “bad apples”, but in general I found infantrymen to be really great people. Especially since they pulled security for me so I could sleep!

So yeah, I have nothing but respect for 11B’s. :smiley:

By and large, infantrymen are adventuresome types willing to take risks. The kind of men who once explored the oceans and dark continents of the world. Men who would emmigrate and create new nations at musket point.

Beware oh thee War Hammer Clan! Your vermin carcasses shall be hung from our city gates as warning to other enemies of The Clan Uruk Hai! The White Hand shall be turned red in your blood. :mad:
Our people will not rest until every last one of your warriors lie dead and your people are in chains. But do not worry, they shall be put to good use.:wink:

So far Urek Hai your only succeeding in improving my commanders ranks. For that I thank you. At this rate my guy is going to make General without ever having to leave home. Oh and thanks for the token war machine.

P.S any chance you could send some agents my way also. My emmies could use some good advancement also…don’t want my commanders to have all the fun you know.

And since veterans day is comming up I want to throw a thank you out there to all service members, past and present. And I am an 11B also.

I am laughing my haruspitic tail off!! Great answer!

and when i finally get out of this POS country, I plan on playing with pair myself…well, maybe not THAT big. You know, i had an interpreter ask me, “So, what do you think of my country?” to which i replied, “Haji, this place is going to look real good from 30,000 feet up.”


Just waitin’ on ya to get back brother!!
Many thanks to all our veterans and their families for their courage to step forward and say " I will go so that others may stay behind" Godspeed soldiers!
jerry the no longer in the service blues roberts

Let us update the world to current events in the realm of valinor…not much to say really except that the Fanged Faces nation is going to be visited again by dwarves real soon. Coming to a pop center of yours this turn prolly. It is Thanksgiving here in the States and so have a good un yall. Hope the troops abroad were given some respite and time to eat. I know I am humbly thankful for each one’s sacrifice and for their family’s as well. May the good Lord look after you guys …miss you Ron.

:eek: Fang Faces will lose three pop centers this turn! Hoopy.
Looks like the DS are fighting back this turn as well. This has been a curious game thus far. I have been away from gaming for a while and so this is good junk to learn from.
The Rulers of Valinor are most anxious to hear from any neutral nation. We would like nothing better than to expound upon the virtues of team play, coordination, and so on and so forth.
Give us a holla!
jerry of the valinor

Urek Hey,

Whats up. Some of the dwarfs down at the pub where just talking about you the other day. Wondering what happened to that mouth of yours. Cat got your Toung? Your still going to try and hang us by our boots from our own walls as you fiest in our CASTLES’s right? Or are you just going to hang around in the shadows of the Shadow and let your big brother do all the fighting? Doesn’t really matter to me none. I will be running around on your PC’s though destroying what I can though. Figured I really didn’t have much to fear from you heading my way so I would just go ahead and pay you a visit. Seems that things aren’t going your guys way around here so anytime you want to quit, just let me know.


Oh ye short stunted midgits in armor have underestimated our capabilty.
It would seem you have perceived exactly what I wish you to.
Perhaps inbreeding with your foul females has not only stunted your height, but also your thought processes.
And you arrogant stumps need to realize that it is not my big brother, but my little brother that pillages your nation at will, captures your pop centers with ease, and has placed your citizens in chains. If you cannot swim with the little fish, I suggest you think twice before jumping into the ocean.But by all means, come hence. We will enjoy not having to travel to relieve your corpses of any valuables. This is most considerate of you.But really, our wargriders can reach you anytime. But I would love to entertain as many armies as you wish to send north. The more armies, the more homeless slaves I will have when your nation falls! I am just letting my little brother have some fun with you before.
And things are going quite well here thank you.
How many freeps does it take to screw in a torchlight?
Well it takes four or five to annoy one noble DS. Kind of like flies the freeps are. Good thing we carry the swatter.
You have walked right into the Dog’s mouth, now the noose tightens and the Fangs will feast upon your throats.
-Clan Uruk Hai

Unto the beloved Uruk Hai Clan,

Many apologies for us Dwarves not obligingly dying in droves at 4014. We felt compelled to not be the chewtoys of your “noble DS” ally. The efforts to dissuade us from this line of action were not convincing enough. We will continue to prosecute the war effort until such time as Rhun and indeed MiddleEarth are Free.
The SharpClaws may want to reconsider tangling with Dwarves. We have already finished with one DS…now that he pokes his head out the Hills we have a new objective to focus on. We will be in touch shortly.(no pun intended).
And so the war against the DS continues!! Awake, Clones of the Dwarven Republic!! Take up your hammers and strap on the armor. March to the Iron Hills!
TwoRune of Valinor

Unto the Valinor…
Death become thee!
While your forces flounder in Rhun, Doom creeps up upon the War Hammer Clan.
Silent Ones want to come and dance also I see. The White Hand shall smite thee. You desecrate sacred land. You are to be evicted and Mordor will belong to us, and then the great neutral nations shall bear witness to the might and power which is Dark Service.
Death to all Freeps!
-Clan Uruk Hai


For what reason have you invaded the lands of the peaceful Children of Rhun? Our villagers have not committed any crime that warrants your troops attacking our people.

You will notice I am not as verbose as the dwarves…this is easy enough a fix…turn around your army and stay in the mordor region…

You have until the next reports of our scouts to comply.

Children of Rhun