4th Age Game 40

Children of Rhun,
I must ask the same question of you. Why does your army sit upon my village? If you seek charity you should have asked first. Surely we can spare resources or give you slave labor with our dwarves.
Now it is YOU that must comply with our instructions.
Cease all hostility and return home, or our wargriders shall leave your nation a burning heap of rubble.
This is your last warning.
-Clan Uruk Hai

We simply strayed farther than we originally planned on our maneuvers…oddly had we stayed true to our course we would have caught your incursion into our lands head on…

You give us a final warning when no prior warning was ever voiced…tolerance must not be a virtue of your people. We practice tolerance and are a peaceful people. We propose you pull back your forces and we will pull back ours…neither village will be disturbed and our relations will remain as they have been…

What say you?

Children of Rhun

The Uruk Hai have been betrayed by your kind before. Why should we believe you now?
Or are you looking for time so your so friends can run to your rescue?
Or do you truly propose a gentleman’s agreement. Let’s face it, right now my war machine is bigger than yours. But all things considered, I am open to discussion.
If you truly are a race of honor then I beseech you to contact my Commander in Chief directly and we discuss this over a fine dwarven bourbon recently taken from vanquished War Hammer Clan officers. (The only thing dwarves are good for besides labor)
If you seek true diplomacy over forum banter then by all means make contact as soon as you can at hermetictruth@yahoo.com
The alternative is to watch your towns and villages systematically burned to the ground.
Sincerely, -Clan Uruk Hai

Unto the Clan Uruk Hai,

Dwarves are a noble race, one which has proven time and again to be superior to the corrupted existence of the tainted Orc. To think that any Dwarf would consider parleying with Corruption is unthinkable. There can be no truce in this War. There is no satisfaction to be had for the brave who have fallen defending the homeland of the WarHammer Clans!
The might of Valinor will not heed any cessation of hostilities garnered between your nation and any Free Peoples as only the proverbial loaded trebuchet would sway a Free land to open its doors to Corruption. We will fight against thee until the breaking of the world if need be. Total war is the bargaining chip Orcs understand. Crush or be crushed. We have the Will of the People as Our compass, and we shall not be led astray. The WarHammer Clan will be supported and defended and thine evil shall meet an unglamorous end.
To think that one could parley when the alternative is “watch your junk burn”. I think you better bring more Orcs if you think what you have is enough to topple the Children of Rhun. One village does a victory not make.
Prince of the Realm
LoreMaster of Valinor


Despite the efforts of my people to sway the dwarven lust it appears that the stunted ones will not rest until they dip their caps in the crimson flood of orc blood.

It was hoped that the Children of Rhun and the Uruks would co-exist. This does not appear to be the case at this point. With reluctance in our hearts we raise our pikes to fend off the warg riders. A peaceful nation such as ours relishes not conflict with your people. It is inevitable, however, as the warhammer clans have spoken to our people of the oppression the orcs bring.

Our people will not be taken hostage and forced into labor unfit for swine. Our people will sing their songs and lament the passing of the men as they give their very lives to defend the ideals of peace that founded our nation.

Your war machine may well be bigger than that of the Children of Rhun…but we will fight with vigor and guile when forced.

Agravaen of the Children of Rhun

Children of Rune,
So be it craven servant of dwarves! WAR it is until the end!
The Clan Uruk Hai has only killed War Hammer barbarians in defense as a direct result of their invasion of our lands. The criminals in chains in our labor camps are not victims, but serving justice. Anything else you chose to beleive are dwarven lies.
So your people pay for your insolence. For your mistake your people will suffer.
There will be NO taking of human prisoners. You are much too weak to survive the labor camps, so expect no quarter.
They shall perish in flame.
Perhaps I shall invite some Fang Faces. They can bring the marshmallows.
For your racial hatred and closed mind you too shall pay for insulting my race.
Don’t you see we are only the next step in evolution? Yours is an obsolete and dying bloodline. Please, allow the Uruk Hai to usher you into oblivion.
You call us orcs?
You underestimate the power of Clan Uruk Hai, and the wisdom of the White Hand Ressurected. Tis a pity…tsk…tsk.
Death become thee!
Sincerely, -Aleister VonVile (Clan Uruk Hai)

The White Wizard for all his “power” could not stop talking trees from wrecking Isengard… We of the Valinor have little to worry over if this is Saruman’s master race. The Dwarven bloodline may have fewer branches but the roots are deep and plentiful. We are not fading into oblivion nor are we going to be led there by orc maggots.
Valinor accepts total war with the orcs of Saruman’s make. We have no doubt that more of Our people will perish in these wars. We have no doubt that hardship and such are to be the meat and drink of the Free. We accept all of this with a glad heart knowing in our toil that the realms of the Free will remain free and the orcs of mordor will have no home save the grave.
Gird thyselves, foul Yrrch!! The Dwarven Clans have united and the new Chakka Brigade shall march upon thee and leave thee as dust under their feet.

I see the Children of Rhun are elves, not humans. Even weaker still for labor camps but perhaps I can put elven slaves to use somehow. Maybe I can build some pleasure palaces to entertain my officers while on R&R.
As for dwarves uniting…well it seems the dwarves are only dying in unity.
Seems War Hammer commanders are dropping like flies to some strange ailment.
Nature cleansing herself of their blight.
You freeps are on your heels, your lands are already forfeit, and you do not yet realize your fate has been sealed.
-Clan Uruk Hai

PS: To all neutral nations: The Dark Servants are making stew meat out of the so called free. Join us and gain victory! For those that seek friendship with the dying races will find only death. Join the DS and join unity, equality, and best yet, victory!

My warlords have fallen to your blades. My captains have died by your poisons. My Heros have given there lives to routing your cavalry in battle. My armies have been destroyed and my settlements ravaged and tainted by the pooling blood of dwarven warriors.

The real question though is how is the War Hammer Clan holding up to this? How are they able to push on against over whelming odds and knives in the dark? Are they trembling in the night waiting for there inevitable deaths, or praying to there gods to save them in this dire time for there clan.

Well here is the answer…

Brethel, although being held hostage has managed to slip out a report and is as follows…" Don’t worry to much about me, these vermin smell real bad and look ugly as hell but are too stupid to count to five using two hands. I eat real well and with a little reverse psycology I have managed to get them to be my servants and its a great time here on friday nights. Take your time doing what ya’ll are doing and I will be back soon. P.S. Taco Tuesday is a blast and dollar drafts keep me happy as hell."

My other commanders send word that all is well and not to worry too much at Mount Milgor. The populace at the capital is in a real fine mood and looking to wipe there rear ends with some uriek hey paper.

My emmisaries report that camps of other nations just love to come and join us and are having problems trying to figure out where there going to visit next since the list of invitations is sooooo long.

To make a long story short, for being under siege by two nations with nothing to worry about, your doing a pathetic job. My commanders are wondering when you all are going to step up to the plate. The line in the sand was drawn some time ago, but your pathetic warriors would rather stand on the other side arguing about who’s father is who’s. Get over it.

The trumpets are sounding. The angels are singing. The Dwarven nation of the War Hammer is standing strong as ever. You kill us and we come again. You murder us in our sleep and we continue to get drunk on ale and pass out in the streets. My clan, Our clan laughs in your face. Our fallen will be remembered with a pride so stong as it will make the gods tremble in the heavens. THIS LAND BELONGS TO US AND YOUR PATHETIC LICE RIDDEN MOTHERLESS TRASH SOLDIERS WILL NEVER TAKE IT FROM US.

Death is nothing to fear when you die for what you believe in. Death is a comforting companion on our road to victory and our resolution will never waiver or falter as it faces the refuse of the shadow ponies or stench of the cowardly Orek hie.

Keep it comming. The only fear here is that wich you hold in your hearts.


Seems i have heard similar desperate rhetoric from somewhere else. Where was that I heard similar drivel?
Oh yes, I think it was from the clueless dictator in Berlin in 1945. The desperate bluster from an already fallen nation. Where is your 9th army War Hammerless?
You think you have weathered a storm? We have yet to focus much more than a token effort at you. Your so far under our radar that you need to jump up just to hit us in the knees.
The point is yes, Your commanders die, your armies fall, and will continue to do so until we the dark servants decide to end your suffering.
-Clan Uruk Hai

Oh now now Joe…“drivel”…really! I think you may have bitten off more than you can chew. Taking on the WHC AND Children…seems to me to be a historical error repeating itself. Oh well…:eek:

Anyway, man I’m back home and I offer my great thanks to your generosity to me and my soldiers. I’m humbled.:smiley:


Rakkasans…or Rakes as you should be known. You have not learned your lesson I see. An invasion yet again of peaceful lands. Well, I’m just getting warmed up. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” And it is very cold in MY mountains.

Merashond (Haruspicy)

It is myself that is humbled by your service Rollin.
Thank you for all you have done. :smiley:

As for the Hairyspicys, and all freeps…
You have been weighed and found wanting. Prepare for your defeat!

:cool: The Clan Uruk Hai would like to extend a hand of welcome to all neutrals into the brotherhood.
The Freeps are disorganized, confused, and bound to defeat. They spread lies and rumours of lies.
Join the DS and realize victory! :slight_smile:
The Clan Uruk Hai welcomes all friendly missive. Come let us sit and enjoy a talk.

Clan Uruk Hai is only now extending a diplomatic welcome? Surely you jest! Well, I suppose that it is better late than never…but seven turns???

I must thank you for again providing proof as to why the Free shall prevail!

The Eldar

The absent minded free shall fall because they forget who started this thread in the first place. Surely if they cannot remember turn zero they lack capacity to plan for victory.
And don’t call me Shirley!

The most impresive thing I have seen yet is well…nothing. keep talking urek hai. not much done with those armies of yours. hope the money your saving doing nothing is going into a decent trust fund for your allies.

Ohhh and just because you started something doesn’t make you smarter or more impressive. Remember, the Japanese bombed pearl harbor, not the other way around. And I do believe you have put yourself in the same perdicament.

What more can we do to harm your nation?
Perhaps you see nothing because you are blinded in your death throes.
It seems you have no resources in which to conduct warfare. Your armies dissapear before I can destroy them, you leave your pop centers undefended for my armies to take at leisure.
Even your ‘hidden’ capital cannot protect your commanders from excellent agents.
Perhaps if I found you worthy of army action I would have sent them by now but you have been found wanting. Why bother with armies when you fold under our character action? It would seem it is you that is in a bad purrdicamint.
Seems I need to pick a fight with elves because you dwarves are just too easy.
Now really War Hammer, are you ready for the full sting of Uruk Hai aggression? Are you prepared to lose your entire nation piece by piece or is this some desperate wailing of a dying dictator?
I almost feel bad beating you so completely and bragging about it on the forum…almost.
Neutrals…join the DS and join victory!
-Clan Uruk Hai


How Rakish to attempt to split your forces and do damage…thank you. Your folks are dieing in droves on this side of the mountain, but I assure you, your time west of the mountains is limited.


Neutrals beware the folly of going freep!
I am at odds now with 3 freep nations 1 against 3, and yet i still continue to defeat their forces. :rolleyes:
The War Hammer war capability has been reduced to nothing. I have captured the R of V commander, and destroyed the C of R invaders.
A message to the freeps, perhaps if you sent 4 nations against me you may prevail. Come and get some if Uruk Hai blood is what you seek. We shall welcome you with steel, drums, and death. You may just find your head on a pike also if you gain the honor in battle. :stuck_out_tongue:
The Sisterhood capital has fallen, the Silent Ones are barricaded and besieged. The northern freeps also anguish and fail. Everywhere the freeps falter. :slight_smile:
Neutrals unite under our DS banner! Rally to our War Cry! Kanthic League come set the scale. Mithrim join us for you are us. Arcane Institute you are welcome in our library. The very same library our master, and his master’s master once owned.
North Kingdom though far we beseech thee as kin. South Kingdom join us and rule!
Only by joining the DS will honor become thy house.
-Clan Uruk Hai