Bloodguard seeks 1650 12vs12 opposition

Team Bloodguard is looking for opposition in the above format… Anyone
brave enough to face the Bloodguard? And no 2950’s thanks! :smiley:

On behalf of Darren Beyer TC of Team Bloodguard

Bloodguard contact

Darren Beyer TC
Guy Roppa (muck shoveler)

As it happens, Team Sarumen has just completed a game yesterday. Undefeated in seven games and three time holder of the Flagship Cup. If interested contact your fellow Brit Mike Sankey.

Been put to the TC and team… :slight_smile: Gotta warn you Ed; 3 of the team are also
part of the Aussie WC team, sure you can handle us? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been 10 years since I read Flagship, I’ve evolved into reading Penthouse,
Fortean Times, Lawnmower’s are Us; well you get the extremely sad
picture! :wink: Did you guys get an egg in the cup?

Email us Mike’s addy please…

Did I scare off Ed? :eek: :smiley:

Check your private messages.

Hya guys - if you’ve got teams looking for opposition can you get in touch with me please?


Hi guys,

We have a team of 11 players that are looking for a 1650 12vs12 but want to try FP side (been playing DS too much) are you guys up for a game as DS?


Hi Alain,

Contact Darren Beyer TC



Careful what you ask for, You find me in the opposing team!


:rolleyes: The exellent Terence, all players should bow and tremble at the
thought of playing such an accomplished player. Ahem, in your dreams!

A bit of advice Terry, don’t become a comedian and give up your day job…
It appears we are playing Team Sarumen with Mike Sankey and Ed Mills etc
and they challenged us first… Sarumen is on a 7-0 winning streak, how
about the team you’re in? If you’re in Team Sarumen fantastic!!! :smiley:

If not; wait your turn for it will come… You being in an enemy team is
a bonus Terry; just remember that


I never considered myself a comedian… Just good a beating players like you.


In your dreams Terry, wake up and smell the coffee. And go back to school
to learn English. ‘Just good a beating players like you.’ makes no sense
‘I’m better then you’ is so childish but whatever makes you tick. Now I
have more interested entities to talk too, like my dog!!

And Terry I have already challenged you to be on enemy sides in the next
1650 game with nations free at this time… You didnt take me up on my
offer proving yourself to be a complete windbag in the process. Carry on
proving it…


The fact of the matter is your team has been challenged see the Challenge by Alain…

So I suggest you putup or shutup!


Now Terry I shall say this slowly as you have learning difficulties…

Do you understand?

Now, will you accept the personal challenge to play in enemy teams in the
next 1650??? You’re repeated avoidance of the issue marks you as the
windbag you are… Or do you need some friends to hold your hand when
you play me?? :smiley:

A man of your class and ability would never be able to shut me up… There
are a few ME players that could but you are nowhere near that pinnacle.

Guess you should read your own posts before calling anyone a windbag!

They don’t call you Roadunner for nothing! Lol. Amazing reply after rattling
the brain cells… So after treading the teenager path with ‘I’m better then
you are’, its kindergarden stuff ‘no, you are’ ‘no, you are smelly’ time from
the genius of Terence?

The challenge is there… Be a man…

Oops, sorry Guy, Team Captain has other ideas. Mea Culpa.

There you go Terry… Good luck! :slight_smile:

Hey Bloodguard,

Did the “new-sarumen” scare you off ? I dont see why being 4 players instead of six players should be an issue, unless you are really scared off of course.

Anyway if you dont dare to meet us, then I hope someone else with your experience will. We are a VERY experienced four-man team, wanting to play FP against some of the real power-teams out there…
