Originally posted by WessexSlayer
[b]Let the grudge matches continue. David murray since u are getting personal. My play as northman was fine thanks very much.
You obviously have a very distant aged memory not accurate though [/b]
Bruce all David is being is honest, you’re play has never been good you are without doubt the worst TEAM player i’ve ever come across in MEPBM. I have a very short list of players i never want to play with again and you’re it!!
the comments i’ve read recently on the boards regarding your play in other games has only confirmed this.
Hmmm. Well, if there are enough players with the high-minded intelligence of this Bruce chap, it’ll be real easy picking a side in my new neutral game. I certainly hope his style of hate is in the minority, else this game is destined to lose potential players more often than it should.
Originally posted by The Eternal
[b]Bruce all David is being is honest, you’re play has never been good you are without doubt the worst player i’ve ever come across in MEPBM. I have a very short list of players i never want to play with again and you’re it!!
the comments i’ve read recently on the boards regarding your play in other games has only confirmed this.
Alan Gourlay [/b]
Alan, sorry, I do have to pull you up on this one, I can honestly lay claim to this title. One day I will admit publicly just how bad but until Game 87 finishes I think I’ll keep quiet.
Anyone wanting a genuine challenge should probably start a game with both of us on their side!
Apologies, I’ve reread my statement and I’ve noticed that I missed out a vital word. That word being TEAM.
I’ve now edited the above statement so it reads as I originally intended.
Also i’m gald the statement has annoyed you so much as this in some way compensates for all the crap i had to listen to from you in the various games i was unfortunate enough to have you as a ‘team’ mate.
I was the IK in the 2950 Game 21 that ran from late 2000 through to the end of 01 and my cap never fell. It was still standing at the game end when the free surrendered. You did manage to take 3123.
I also played the DLts in that game and had Gothmog threaten away Tirith and Edoras.
are u sure you are talking about the right game. Because I HAVE ONLY EVER PLAYED one NGOndor position from start/
I cant remember the game nos. but I can remember how many times I have played a position.
The only Gondor I played from a start was when I took out the IK CAPITAL
EThoraim attack dl capital but they were saved by a dragon
ANy other gondor position was a standby, and probably dropped due to outside issues. BUT I CAN CONFIRM THE GAME I WAS IN, MINAS TIRITH NEVER FELL when I was playing it
Originally posted by WessexSlayer
ANy other gondor position was a standby, and probably dropped due to outside issues. BUT I CAN CONFIRM THE GAME I WAS IN, MINAS TIRITH NEVER FELL when I was playing it
You’re correct that Tirith didn’t fall while you played it, because you dropped on turn 14, with NG in a sorry state, leaving me and the rest of the team to pick up the pieces.
You had already quit the mail group once or twice, before finally relieving us of your presence permanently. Pelargir fell the to Corsairs two turns after you dropped, and Tirith fell soon after. I managed to keep NG in play until we dropped on t26, but it was over for a while before that.