As far as I know the N gondor I did play, i took out the IK Capital
you’ve got to love selective memory:D
Yes you do dont you ETERNAL
please explain?
As far as i can see you admit to playing NG in 2950 game 21 between 12/2000 through 2001, but refuse to accept you didn’t capture the IK cap and didn’t leave you’re team in the lurch through bad play… who’s memory is selective?
You might want to get that medication changed:p
Come on Bruce there are so many people posting on this thread and others that you are involved on has anyone actually supported you? I know Ed and have played with and against him. I respect his opinion. In fact if the game 71 is the same game 71 I played in against Ed and John Simpson and others it was not a happy experience for several players. If Ed will vouch for you I will accept that but so many people who have played with you have posted that they personally found you hard to play with. In another game you have apparently alienated every neutral so badly they have joined the other side. That is a real accomplishment to which you have replied that you would not grovel for any neutral. Well good for you don’t grovel, just remove yourself from the negotiations and let others who might have more success carry on that important task. If you have indeed caused the neutrals to join your team’s opposition and each of those neutral nations has 12 characters apiece you have saddled your team with a deficit of 120 orders that can be issued against them. That is a steep hill to climb, and if (note I am saying if not stating a fact) you were indeed responsible for placing me and my fellow team members with that kind of disadvantage I would also have no kindly words for you either. From your postings here you seem eager to pick a fight and claim yourself as the injured party but the voices of all seem to be against you.
Perhaps you should stop posting and being slammed by more and more people. Re evaluate your gaming style and method of dealing with others to seek better results and then come back. This is just an exercise in futility for you what do you hope to accomplish. Reporting people to Clint? What do you think will come of that. This is a free forum. People can give their opinion about you on this forum. You cannot be defamed if you are really doing what people who have actually played with you claim. If what has been cited is true then you really need to quietly go away and do some introspective soul searching and a lot less ranting.
Brad really not intrested in your oppinion and frankly you can go
I was wrong in the fact that I a played 1 but 2 NGOndor positions. The one i referred to was a 1650 game where I destroyed the IK capital - Now I recall the 2950 game and I recall that we were being cursed to death from almost turn2 . In a character based game
I dropped out of 2950 because of outside commitments. (at the end of the day I have a life outside) If I recall we were being cursed to death . Its rather difficult recruitinh characters if you are cursed to death continually. Why dont they ask themselves what they did about the curse squads surrounding Minas Tirith. Err **** ALL THATS WHAT - SLIGHTLY SELECTIVE me thinks
Sorry there are no words…
Well Bruce this is my last post on the subject. You don’t seem to care about anybody’s opinion not just mine. Perhaps that is what your problem is, and yes you do have a problem in this gaming community at least.
You seem to miss the point that several have made and that this is a game designed for cooperative team work. It doesn’t matter if you managed to destroy this or so capital, if you team lost because of your lack of team play. You get no victories unless your team wins. In this game you have saddled your team with a huge disadvantantage. Most of the players playing neutrals in the game have said point blank that they are joining the Free directly because of their interactions with you. Congratulations you have caused the defeat of your alliance. You won’t take constructive criticism, you lash out with insults and threats. You get so upset that you cannot spell or use a dictionary to use the proper words you want to use. Example defamation and cite not sight an example. You try to use legalese to make yourself look smarter. The burden of proof etc. This is a public forum not a publication. Anyone here is free to post their opinion you cannot sue Free Speech is a right in your country as well I believe. If some one says I think Bruce is an Arse ( I believe that is the word you use) so what does that cause you any actual damages other than pride?
Get a grip. It is unfortunate that so many people have felt compelled to comment on the sorry state of your play and the interaction with you as a player. Again if you have supporters they probably should have come to your support. It appears you have none and that should have caused you to think about how untenable your position is. We all have outside interests and committments I hope in your real word affairs you conduct yourself better than you do here. In Middle Earth you seem bent on making yourself a Pariah feel free to look it up and add it to your vocabulary.
Brad there are none so blind as those that cannot see and I for one see now their is no point in even trying to talk to Bruce.
All you can do as I have done is ask that he is eliminated from my play book as even on the other side what fun is there if you can walk the game. For my sins I played with and againts him and count myself lucky he chose the play on his own option when he was on my side.
Bruce this is all yours and I leave you to whatever fate lays in store for you.
Do not worry I wont be crowing about game 35 it gives me no honour or satisfaction to know the result already.
I just feel sorry for all the new players in the game and hope they carry on
ooh I am so scared
Player then you should about being in an asylum wouldnt u, as I am sure they comeing for you any moment
I think Frank is right, and Ed as well. It’s obvious to all but Bruce himself that he has a problem. All we are doing is goading him to further foolishness. If we don’t respond to his drivel we deprive him of his audience and leave him talking to no one but himself. I personally had no dog in this fight but was getting tired of all his postings. I now realize that about half his postings are to answer those of others. Even reducing his nonsense by half seems to me a good move. So I recommend everyone simply ignore Bruce, refuse to rise to his challenges and maybe he’ll tire of posting and getting no response.