Errors in PRS.

New thread just to list known problems.

  1. I’m listed as 79th on the Nazgul ratings as 2 for 2. I’m actually 3 for 3 since DGE went away.

  2. As Dwaves in 239, I’m missing my final turn, but the turn prior I had 1233 victory points. This would put me in second place for a 2950 Dwarves. I can’t imagine I fell from 1233 to below 750 on the final turn.

  3. In game 101, I started as Corsairs, but ended as Cardolan and Dwarves. My Dwarves score of 1367 does show up as 3rd for the position, but my Cardolan score of 1250 should put me 10th for the positon.

  4. My 3rd game I’ve lost the number of, but it is the poition I’m listed as 2nd for South Kingdoms for.

Comment: 3 games complete. 3 wins. All 3 I scored in the top 10 by position. In fact, I’ve completed 4 positions. All 4 should be listed in the top 10 for the position. (unless of course, other poeples’ scores are as buggy as mine.) I had NO idea…

Still, I’m only listed 59th best on the Istari rating which is supposed to be a direct reflection of your ability to score well in a position. What gives?

Sorry Darrell I haven’t got any spare time to answer your email, 10 hours is more than fair I think. All good reasons for why and what.


Great… I mention half my scores are missing, so the other half get removed… That’s the way to fix the PRS.

BenMin… what is your point? Are you saying that if Darrell is against the PRS system he has no right to expect to have correct scores allocated to him? (whether he is right or wrong)

Darrell’s scores could be incorrect because he did not return the questionaire sent out by ME Games, and thus only the very recent data is being used?

Although I returned the questionaire I could not remember the games I played pre-1998 and some of my answers were guesses which would lead to some inaccuracy. I would not hold ME Games responsible though.


Originally posted by klub
Darrell’s scores could be incorrect because he did not return the questionaire sent out by ME Games, and thus only the very recent data is being used?

It isn’t old data that was missing. The data that was missing was from games I’ve completed in the last year or so with Harlie.

They only listed 1 of my 2 position in 101 (ended 3/7/2003) and did not list my position in 239 (ended Sep 15 2003).

It also listed me as 2 for 2, when in reality I’m three for three… Well, 4 for 4 if each position is counted.

I think the system is bad, but if we have to have it, it should at least be correct.

Originally posted by Sc0rp10
BenMin… what is your point? Are you saying that if Darrell is against the PRS system he has no right to expect to have correct scores allocated to him? (whether he is right or wrong)

All he’s done is gripe, and now he’s griping some more. Who cares what the numbers say, just play the game and have fun.

  • Ben


This to me is the real problem with the PRS: the acrimony it can cause between players. Whether it’s bragging rights, grudges, or just bitching about other people bitching; your well-intentioned idea is just more ammo for those looking for any reason to gripe.

As for me, I’d rather just play and not worry about who’s better than whom. My playing, for better and often times worse, speaks for me all I need.

In summary: Who cares? Game on!

Chris G

Dear Ben,

In your mind, is there a difference between “arguing against” and “whining”? If so, what is the defiing characteristic of “whining”.

To me, there is a huge difference. Arguing against would be what I’ve been doing… This is a poor system because…yadda yadda yadda, You know… Argument. A series of logic statments leading to or support a conclusion.

Whining would be making negative comments about something, without providing seriese of logical statements and without a conclusion.

The PRS is good because…
Darrell is wrong because…

Those would be Arguments.

“All he’s done is gripe.”
“Your bottle not warm enough”
“Maybe he needs some cheese”.

Not arguments. Those are adhominum attacks. A clear sign that someone has not tried to make an argument, as is just whining about it.

As for the question, “Who cares what the numbers say?”. Someone went to a lot of effort to create these numbers. There must have been a reason. Obviously that person cares.

PRS that rewards poor play… BAD.
PRS that rewards poor play AND has incorrect data…FAR WORSE.

I don’t understand how pointing out incorrect and missing data can be considered “whining”.

Though, I’m willing to listen to your argument that it is, if you ever quit whining and decide to make a point.


I think you originally were providing well reasoned and considered “arguments”. Then, when you didn’t get your way, but continued to post those same arguments, it began to cross the line into “whining”. Now, it’s way past the fat lady singing. She’s done gone home and it’s 100% whining.

I find Clint to be very reasonable. I don’t agree 100%, but that’s the way the world is. I do respect what he’s doing with MEPBM and think it’s great. If you think your ratings are wrong, why post about it? (that’s what appears to be whining) Rather, write him an email directly pointing out the problems. I think he and his team have been working on bugs in the ratings for the past several days that people have pointed out to him in direct emails.

My advice at this point is simple: stop griping. start being part of the solution. Your metrics/ratings proposal on the yahoo group is just that. If you just stick to designing the metrics, as opposed to complaining, people will listen more and won’t view you as whining.

My $0.02…

A VC, my kingdom for a VC!

Who said PRS does not matter?


Hail DS of 233,

I and the leader of the nation of the Dunlendings.

I’d avoided contact with the DS up to this point as I had intended to go FP, didn’t want you to know, and did not want to lie to you about my intentions. I’ve been working closly with the FP. I’d sent the NG MO and LE that he used to recruit the NG HC you now face in the Gap of Rohan.

However, now that Clint has made it clear that Player Ranking System will indeed by inplimented, my goals of the game have changed. No longer do I see a fun and enjoyable game. Now I seek VCs, and to not risk being on the losing side.

What that means, is that I intend to offend no one. I’ll no longer be shipping supplies or info to the FP. However, I can’t supply any more info of the FP side to you. I’ll be a true neutral, building pops and training characters, until the end game where it is clear one side will be the winner. Then, I’ll join that side.

The only way I could be persuaded to pick sides before the end game is with huge bribes and promises of help in achieving a high VC score.

I await your reply.

Darrell Shimel
Dunlendings, 233

LOL, nuke him!



 Me no care ratings, me play game. Here is my response, which is just a mirror of your communication for the first 5 turns:

…(empty space)…

Hoarm , 233


an Official Response from the Dragon Lord g233 to the Dunlendings follows:

Begin transmission:

End transmission.

This important message has been brought to you courtesy of your friends at Mirkwood Press.

-Russ, In The Trenches


Sorry you feel I’m whining. I did write to Clint off line about an error in my rankings. The response was that he was not going to fix them. (Too much time spent already.)

I felt others should know that the ratings were not only a bad idea, but also had a high degree of inacurracy.


It is considered very rude to post private emails to a public list. However, I don’t really care as I said almost exactly the same thing on the Yahoo list.

NG, the food isn’t coming.

Rangers, forget about that ScoChar I was going to do.

FP: I’ve changed my mind about joining your side. It
would be truly stupid to join one side or the other
while the issue is still in doubt. I’ve decided to
wait until the mid or end game to see which isde has
it locked up before I decide which side to join. That
way, I don’t risk a loss that will screw up my

DS of 233. I’m the Dun player you haven’t been able
to get in touch with. I’d been planning on going FP,
but with the PRS going into effect, that would be
truly stupid. Fun and challenging, but stupid to risk
my ranking on a game not yet decided on the battle
field. To validate who I am, I know Din stole the RoW
from the Northmen last turn.

If the FP or DS want to make huge bribes and promisses
to ensure I’ll get a 2000 VC score, I’ll gladly accept
your grovelling at

I’m just trying to show how badly it sucks to play a game with someone that is interested in getting Victory Points. Welcome to the post PRS world.

Darrell Shimel

Hey, someone told me about it and I checked it out. Mr. Anon E. Mouse has been removed from from the PRS. Someone is having fun moving things around, I think.

Please calm down guys - it’s getting too personal. Agree to differ if you want but no need to attack each other either within game or out of game.

Clint (GM)

Well Darrell.

I’m just trying to show how badly it sucks to play a game with someone that is interested in getting Victory Points. Welcome to the post PRS world.

I was sympathetic to your plight untill now.

In difference to Clint, I wont comment on what I feel of your behaviour.

Here is a clue-by-4 for you. There has always been people that are very intrested in getting VP.

Originally posted by dshimel


It is considered very rude to post private emails to a public list. However, I don’t really care as I said almost exactly the same thing on the Yahoo list.

Darrell Shimel [/b]

I could care less if you or anyone else thinks I am rude. You were a putz IMO to send an email like that. You are the worst kind of MEPBM player there is, a selfish, short-sighted type that evidentially cares more about this dolt-originated PRS than winning the game.

I will do my very best to cause harm to your nation in game 233 and every other game I have the misfortune of playing with or against you. I remember you from GSI, you were a punk then and you are a punk still.

You better go back to being the Gondorian stable mucker assuming they don’t mind your pathetic nature.

Steven McAbee