Errors in PRS.

The best way to fix the VP Glory seekers is to burn them out the first chance you get. They get no votes from teammates as they had none, they get bugger all victory points as their nation ends up a smoking ruin, they will soon stop the silly practice. JMO

Regards Herman :wink:

Go Hard or Go Home! :smiley:

Originally posted by herman
The best way to fix the VP Glory seekers is to burn them out the first chance you get. They get no votes from teammates as they had none, they get bugger all victory points as their nation ends up a smoking ruin, they will soon stop the silly practice. JMO

This is exactly what we had to do in the bad old days of GSI. It sucked. I have no desire to return to the days of having to deal with selfish players that were trying to score max VPs. I have no desire to return to the days of knocking down the enemy, then going after a non-team-player.

Also, it isn’t as easy as you make it sound. Sure, it is easy to take out his treasure with concentrated thefts, but if he keeps the characters moving, has high loyalties, rotates army commanders… It takes a long time to “take him down”.

The point is, that all this “no fun crap” of dealing with allies was removed when the VPs were made meaningless. I think it was very stupid to make them meaningful again.

As for the votes thing. In 233, I’m the Duns. I’ll be doing ScoChars and TranCar’s all game. The votes will go to the nations that do the most damage. Well, the few votes that people bother to cast. If there is one thing that was made clear, in the debate, most players could care less about the PRS. Clint has also said that post game comments and votes are hard to get players to send in. It becomes more about how many people in your game bothered to vote than about how well you did. AND, I really don’t look forward to the days of campagining for votes.

Mr Shimel,

Perhaps through this shining example of the new style of play you will win acolytes willing to follow you!
Perhaps your inevitable success will encourage the kind of play you loathe?
I think a better example of how to bend the spirit of the game would have been to join an alliance, say nothing for 25 turns, build your own nation on the quiet, chase VC`s then mop up in the end game? You could pretend to be an inmate!

david murray

I remember all to well in the early days how fun this could be.

9 god guys and one dark servant left and the game a year old but one.

But no its every man for himself and when its still going months later some get fed up and leave and only a few of us are chasing down the dark guy who has built all over the world.

Needless to say game end its transfer all you can to one guy and make a winner but it did take us about another year to do it.

Now not sure if I call it fun but stuckat it and but have no desire to play that game again.


Originally posted by dshimel
[b]As for the votes thing. In 233, I’m the Duns. I’ll be doing ScoChars and TranCar’s all game. The votes will go to the nations that do the most damage.


I really don’t look forward to the days of campagining for votes. [/b]

Bullcrap. You had already earned my vote as Best Teammate for doing exactly those boring “Dunnish” things. That’s what that vote is for. Your ability to maximize the resources of your nation in an efficient manner by planning ahead had yourself lined up for a Best Individual Player vote from me also. Now, you’ll do nothing for noone, so regardless of the team you join you’ll get no votes.

Bullcrap also on the campaigning point. I’ve voted in 4 (or 5?) games now since the voting started, all with different sets of allies on the team yahoogroup and never once have I seen or heard of a “campaign” for votes. Players on my team may have been publically applauding the idea of the vote on the mepbmlist or here, but within the team it’s “We Won! Good game folks, special thanks to yadda and blah and hope to see you all again soon!” and ciao baby.

Brad Brunet