Greetings all from Arnor, (the North Kingdom). I may be contacted at:
heck_monta at yahoo dot com
Know that we are a nation of reciprocity; those who treat us with disdain (or who simply ignore us), do so at the detriment of themselves and their allegiance. Yet, those who seek cooperation and friendship may find themselves rewarded. Again, we welcome the heralds of all nations for talks; let us see how we may shape Middle-earth through our combined efforts.
That’s probably true rvlvr, but I would think that communication with the neutrals would have relevance to some people in the early game, as you never know when one could be a reliable ally.
Also, it’s nice to hear some banter among the players.
Normally it will bump to 2 in the first few turns if you start at 1. There are ways and means for the freep to keep it permanently down btw - but my lips are sealed