Hello to all nations of Middle Earth! This one looks like it will be a fast and furious blood match with 11 FP, 11 DS and only 3 neutrals to watch the carnage.
Hopefully it will be a lively game too filled with many burning forts, dead characters, and genteel taunting courtesy of your orcish neighbors.
Greetings Neighbors! Stacia checking in. We would welcome discussions with all, but are especially interested in talking to the South Kingdom, North Kingdom, or other neutrals.
It would seem the Lords of the Dark are too busy (or dare I say disinterested) to entertain the fancy of the North Kingdom. Alas no emissaries have graced our halls. Could it be they already view the great kingdom of the north as an enemy? We are feeling very unloved. Perhaps we should send the Dark Lords some of this wonderful Elven tea and Dwarven ale that’s been left by others to gain our favor.
Dearest Black Ogre,
It would seem that you left your capital undefended. tsk tsk
To one and all,
The Stacian Dwarves would like to invite you and your friends to a block party on the to-be-newly-opened memorial green of the Black Ogre capital: Amon Olog. Please wear your party clothes. Us Dwarves just love a good party!
Oh, so sure… Now you’re bringing size into it. Everyone always wants to make fun of size when talking to us Dwarves. Let me tell you. It’s not the size that matters. It’s what you do with it!
Gosh, the Lankala want to party with the ogre too? I’ve never been so popular in my life! My dancecard is packed. Is North King coming to the dance as well?
Notice to all free peoples and our friends in the unaligned nations,
The Stacian Dwarves are saddened to report the passing of one dear to the hearts of all, the Flame of Stacia, The Sword of Royalty, The Heir to the Throne, the Flower of the Palace, our own Princess Staci.
Taken in a cowardly way by the servants of Darkness, Princess Staci was cut down in the prime of her life, by an assassin’s blade. We mourn her passing, but we salute her life! She was an example to all of us, fearlessly accompanying our army into battle with the vile Black Ogres, fighting side by side with the dwarven troops, she distinguished herself and our nation.
As we mourn this unfortunate event, the peoples of Stacia stand united with all free peoples everywhere! We must prevale over evil!