I’m not experienced enough with the nuances of the FA game, but it has some appeal for an All Neutral variant:
small nations are realistic
customizeable set up
I have this impression that there are designated regions that can be used to “balance” the start up
So I’m putting out the call for an All Neutral FA game. We did the All Neutral 1650 that was somewhat of a hit. But the disparities between different nations and their known commodities worked against the idea from the start in many ways.
NKA, erroneously identified as no Kill/Assassination is really No Kidnap/Assassination - or more specifically, the Cloud Lord SNA isn’t allowed. I think I have that right. One day we’ll put together an “All KA Game” where everyone has it to balance things out (see if anyone ever moves…) but until then, forget it. Make it a WarGame (well, really an Emissary game, but I digress…).
NKA All Neutral FA. No kingdoms. End Game rule: 2/3 of Current Players vote to quit. No “expired nations count as…” BS. I’ll be the first to sign up.
NKA is No Kidnap/Assassination, like you mentioned. In that game, you are not allowed to issue orders 615 and 620. I suppose it’s not banned outright to get the +20 to Kidnap/Assassination Attempts, but it would be pointless, since those orders cannot be issued.
I believe the “Limited” version (LAS, Limited Assassination SNA?) removed the +20 Kidnap/Assass SNA from the game.
Yes, I’ve been schooled in what the word “NO” means…doh~! LAS is what I’m looking for then, no? No +20 SNA, but Yes, of course the orders are allowed. Good luck loading up stealthy agents with artifacts to make squads - all equal. Everyone starts equally, no NG or Woodmen disparities. Then you make your own choices (Set Up) and the map get’s put together and away 25 players go in their quest for chaos and mayhem.
I’d be interested with a 25 nation FA free for all as it does sound fun. It may take a while to fill though. I’ve been patiently waiting for the 1 week 1650 game to fill but even that has been slow going. Is everyone holding out for KS?
I am also willing to play the fourth age all neutral scenario. To be clear this is not a gunboat style game with no/limited diplo correct? And all the SNA’s are permitted yes?
To address also the issue of folks joining/signing up together: should we maintain the 5 member limit per team? And also with no kingdoms allowed we would have to disallow the strategic pop center victory option…and also have the moderators make available those hexes that are normally disallowed at game start…see the setup pdf for those by the way.
Lastly, there are some SNA’s that are not permitted to Freep/Neutrals so will those be available or no? Same for elf/dwarf only SNA’s since the neutrals in Fourth Age are always Men?
Just some clarification needed on these issues. If the NKA game is not going to setup soon I would play this in lieu of it. I am also signed up for a 1650 2 wk game so if both the FA games setup prior I can drop my 1650 request…
Game ends when 2/3 of ACTIVE players vote to end it. Any player can call a vote at any time, no “5 turn” dumbness.
Winner is VP leader at game end.
No “strategic pop” victory. No 175 orders - Disliked, Neutral, Tolerated is likely what we’ll be stuck with. No multinational companies. Ed would love it… All “Neutral” all the time…
Have I answered all the questions? Have had too much of a good Chilean cabernet sauvignon tonight, so forgive me if there are outstanding, if so, post or get to me privately…
So Far we have:
and Whitmal Cooper from the mepbmlist
all saying “I’ll play”
Clint. You’re welcome, please open the game to fill now and shoot out confirmation requests at your leisure.
I would play either the NKA 4th age or the All neutral standard 4th age…I have not the time for both…I’m also signed up for a 1650 game that hasn’t set up yet w/ wyndhammer…
I can go two games at a time but more than that I can’t b/c of work constraints.
I’m emailing Clint & Co to see if they want to pursue the all neutral variant as opposed to the other though I know several people who likely would play the NKA and have already signed up…
I don’t necessarily see why this would impact a regular/NKA FA game being set up. This is an All Neutral, FA is merely the media within which a semblance of equality is possible, it’s not the message…
So I have signed up for this. I haven’t played a FA game for quite a while. Do we assign regions before doing the setups? This spares us the tedious work of doing three alternative setups.
As far as I remember, there have been some compensations for those that have to start in less favorable regions, i.e. northern wastes.
I have included the map that was used for a FA Gunboat game some years ago, so everybody can have a look at the regions.
the old rule was that one nations of every allegiance could settle in one region, this would be useless in an all neutral.
with 25 playing, there would have to be 7 regions with two nations and 11 with just one. I think there are 7 regions that are big enough for two nations, so that should be no problem.
the question is - how do we distribute regions? either randomly or by sending in a toplist?
There is a new map with 24 regions. Note, the FA rule I found on site give gold and pop bonuses for Northern regions, etc. So the FA you knew has been tweaked.
I believe what would happen is that we put in for our Regions - where do you want your nation. Pick 3 from the new map. Once we all have our Regions assigned, and we know Where the nation will be, we’ll know how much bonus gold or pops, etc, we get and can then send in our Set Ups appropriately.
Ah, I see… it helps to read the new FA rules :rolleyes:
The only other glitch I found is that since we can chose every setup allegiance and still be neutral, nobody will play “good” humans, because the neutral or evil ones have a better racial bonus…