Brad, you have my interest here. I think however I’ve become a bit confused as I’ve read this thread concurrently with the other NKA FA game being discussed on another. Please lay out the current vision you have for this all-neut game. What I’ve gathered (I think) is that you want to prohibit the +20 K/A SNA and the change allegiance order, but everything else goes. I saw a post by Rob on the list that I think applied to this discussion, that due to coding issues, all nations would have to be human, and that we would have 23 nations, with the kingdoms being one FP and one DS to keep the game from ending. Now there is a proposal that we put in for regions and have them assigned before we design our nations. Is this all correct, and if so, what else do we need to know?
You seem to have it bang on Drew.
I’ve asked for no +20 SNA, but the orders are allowed (LAS, NOT NKA…). Neutrals are always Humans so the same holds true here. Coding means no “racial” SNA’s, etc. And, of course, with no 175 order, no Good/Evil artifacts would be in play.
Everything else is as per standard FA set up that I found on the site and looked through. The map is above. When MEGames opens a game to set up, you send in your Regions first. When MEGames fills the game and assigns you a Region, you then create your set up.
I received the same message on the mepbmlist@yahoogroups from Rob with the technical reply to the Ernie inspried questions. I’ve heard nothing from anyone that leads me to believe that MEGames has set up a game or is compiling a list. I already filled a 25 player game independently recently and they keep charging me for my turns, so I’m not doing this one too. In the event they finally come online and say something about this game, we can move forward. Until then, it’s just us chatting about “Wouldn’t this be a neat idea?”
No glitch, simply the way things are. Same for everyone, we’re SOL on a pile of cool artifacts too, same for everyone.
hmm, just neutral humans? would that not be a tad boring? we would see mainly emmissary-heavy setups, I think.
whats the problem with the other races? as we have seen in the 1650 all neutral game, every nation can be “neutralized” so I think we would have no problem here…
My last FA game the camp limit hit on turn 4 and I was shockingly told by regulars that that was “normal”. I’ve never played one since…
This game is about an equal start where player choices make the difference, and we all have the opportunity to make the same choices. Rob from MEGames said we’d all have to be human. It is what it is.
If this game comes true, count me in.
I would like to see a wargame (no 615/620), but I am ok with LAS.
One question, the good/evil artifacts would be removed from game or changed to neutral?
They’re still there, but Neutrals can’t use them. If you buy artifacts with your set up, you will get artifacts appropriate to your allegiance.
Excellent discussion! I like what I’m hearing and yes some of the coding makes the “what could be” not “what it is” but overall I like the format.
Rob from the company said to email him if I was interested…it will set up simultaneously to the NKA game (which might be ready now btw)
Email ME Games and let’s see where we stand…
I’m probably crazy but I’m already in a 1650 and the NKA variant…and I’m going to do this one too…so three games…oh dear lord…i’m giving in to my gaming heart…
it’s just toooo cool…
Jz the :fork:
Here is my “interested list” in unofficial polling:
Jason…aka Jz
Brad…aka Ruggha
Darrell…aka Forum Admin
Jon Steer
Bernd Luehrsen…aka Mormegil
Chris Guise…aka hugecrisis2002
American Iron…aka Doug man…aka…lol
Which is a total of 11 of 23 players…so probably 1/2…
I sent an email to MEGames asking what to do and didn’t get a reply. Mind you, they’re still working on my Kin Strife test game turn with duct tape and bubble gum, so maybe they’ll take notice this week once that holds up well enough to face a mild breeze…
Note, add Whitmal Cooper and Michael Jones to that list from other sources. There might have been a couple others also. I certainly believe we have enough interest to open the game up to fill.
If attracting players becomes a problem, is there anything stopping the game from going ahead with less than 23 players?
I was sent an email by ME recuiting for the all neutral game so I know they are giving it a go. 11 possibles in 1 week is pretty good by modern standards?
Make that 12. I’ve dropped in a sign-up as well. Not really an FA player, but this sounds intriguing so might as well give it a go.
Something new could be interesting while Simpson’s trying the “Ring-thing”.
I’ll join it!
Have Fun!
My last email conversation with the company indicated the game was setting up…
So we could be as many as say 15 now…
I am hopeful the NKA is setting up this week so that will help…
there was some rumor that game 49 would be closing soon…if that happens some of those folks may wish to play the all neutral…thus helping w/ numbers…
I suspect this game will fill before Feb 1…which would be amazing by modern standards.
Hey all
I’ll give it a go. The other scenarios don’t allow me to create my own faction which would better allow me to be the cranky man that I really am. Ruggha I assume you’re making your own faction of 1 :mad: :mad:
Winsten Wun Toof
I can count my friends, double that then square it and I’m still left with a free hand. I beg you to leave that free hand out of the stumpy leather debate, it won’t do anyone any good…
In this format would there be an equivalent of a kingdom scry showing opening capitals or does everyone start off blind. I’m assuming blind as the mechanics are probably not in place?
blind, no kingdoms, all equal
As long as you don’t count your girlfriends via the same method
Winsten Wun Toof