FA All Neutral

Bah, comm +30 … and you might make it!

Have Fun!


I’ll put out the chemistry-set … and “WOW”!

I’m going to get the old Gixxx.

Have Fun!


Hiya all.

I’ve had a look over the startup info and must say it’s a confusing beasty (not enough pictures) Anyway, I’m as ready as can be. The following points need to be addressed, a) How many hands up do we have now? b)Where’s my turn? c) brad stop screwing around and get my turn d) Brad I will always be prettier than you, + points a, b, and c above, especially - stop screwing around and get my turn :slight_smile:

I’ve also given Diehard a kick. He’s got no excuse to mince around and then claim he never got his invite and whinge about not getting in for this one (:D) I know you’re there Keith, extricate fingie and assume the position for that disciplining you just know you’ve got coming to you :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

Hi all

Had a talk to Ruggha today and he’s advised that he doesn’t own this one so if we’re waiting for him to organise it we could be waiting a while :smiley: Does someone want to collect the names and see if we can get it going or will we consign it to the scrap heap?


Winsten Wun Toof

Add my name to the list of people willing to give this a go.

You guys contact Rob @ MEG direct. He is compiling a list.

Hi all
Drukarzun is correct. Here’s the response from Rob

‘The new 4th age game is an all neutral variant, all nations are
neutral and can’t change allegiance. The +20% K/a sna is not allowed
people can work together or fight as they wish without any formal allegiances’.

It is now filling if you wish to play the game - register with Rob.


Winsten Wun Toof

Dumb question, but this is separate from the recently-filled FA game (41 I think), correct?

Hi Darrell - yes completely separate game. I believe the other was a no NKA game. This new one is no NKA plus all neutral game. YOu can enter solo or as a group, but it is all neut.

Hope that helps


Winsten Wun Toof

No worries, I just got into 41 and wanted to make sure I still need to send in the request to Rob…sending now.

Just checking but I thought this was a LAS (ie no +20k/a but k/a allowed) game rather than a NKA game.

Hi Zanussi - check message #47 for the cut and paste from Rob at MEG. I may have reported it wrong? #47 is the correct formula


Winsten Wun Toof

Hi all

Got an e-mail back from Rob tonight. He’s in the process of setting up the NKA game just filled. When he’s finished that he’ll start work on the all neut game. There appears to be some confusion at all points to the separate identities of the two games with it being unclear as to whether players are signed up for NKA, all neut, or both. Rob will be chasing it shortly I dare say, but in the interests of reserving your position and speeding things up, it may well be worth dropping Rob a line to confirm you wish startups in the all neut.


Winsten Wun Toof

Hi all

e-mailed Rob again. He advises he’s been off work but he’s now back and NKA should be prepared shortly. I’m guessing that involves the 25 players nominating and being alotted regions, then submitting nation sheets before the positions are created and the turns run? Probably a big effort (though I’ve never played FA). Following that, we’re on.


Winsten Wun Toof

We’re on meaning the game will set up?

That was wayyyy fast if so!!!


Hi Morgulhammer. This from Rob. I wouldn’t hold it him to it with much conviction as he’s been sick and there’s much to catch up on. Rather it tells the tale of NKA being on top of the pile. Hopefully you will have your start soon… and then I can get mine :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

>sorry I didn’t get back to you I’ve been off for the last two days with a bug.
>I think the all neutral game is close to all in but I have to check
>as some people were looking at playing either the NKA or the all
>neutral game and I did have some dropouts from the NKA game which I
>used these people to fill.
>I have ll the setups for the NKA game and will have it initiallised
>and start working on the corrections today (I should have been on
>this on Monday). I hope to have the NKA game out tomorrow.
>While I’m finishing off the NKA game I’ll get the All neutral game
>checked and let the list know where we are with that.

Sorry guys,
my mother will die soon.
I can’t play, I’ll have other things to do.

Have Fun!


Gixxer I hope to see you come back to the games when you are willing. God will comfort you and your family.

Be blessed.

jerry roberts


Don’t know if you’ll see this or not.

I echo the words of my brother. My prayers for you and your family will be daily.

There aren’t words for what you face. Just know that God walks with you through everything you encounter.

take care,

Jason M. Roberts


My deepest sympathies for you and your family right now in these dark days. We haven’t played together for awhile but I look forward to the time when we do. As they say “Time heals all wounds” take your time and just be with your family and close friends. Your MEPBM friends will all be here waiting for you to return. I am very sorry for your loss.

