Okay, so the game is balanced, in fact, the FP have the edge. So why do they lose 2/3+ games…??
Because, apparently, FP players don’t think “out of the box”. They combine their starting forces, pound at the gates, recruit massive amounts of follow up troops (HCav where possible) and pound a little more. They sell LE and FO and pick metals to flood the market with, buy TI and MO sometimes to 0 their reserves, ship product and gold to needy allies to recruit/buy more HCav and pound a little more.
In the event the DS don’t die/concede, the FP start to suffer from theft. They start to lose characters. Sometimes capital squats castrate entire nations. Of course, they suffer these injustices without 1/3 the mage power having secured, with luck, Elenruth and work feverishly to kill via curse/sickness one or another DS by turn 15. Of course, the huge agent advantage of the DS is augmented by RoW, RoC, likely RoI and the odd lost/Sinda (lost most game, no…?) Stealth Arty (see Capital Squat above).
Once the camp limit is hit Arthedain, Southern Gondor and the Noldo diligently work behind the scenes creating the odd village or town or even MTown in the event a needy ally (deserving one who doesn’t disagree often…) requires it. At which point, it’s likely too late as nations here or there have discovered that they can’t go far without dying, their armies are trashed by Dragons if they survive long enough to get there, and their capitals are no-go-zones.
One Last Cardolani HC st/st force comes barreling through the Gap, 14 backups and 5 guards later it makes it to New Morannon - a Blind Sorceror Town/Fort only to get Assassinated, Kidnapped, Cursed (or, if you’re playing Clink Weaked/Weaked/Weaked/Weaked/Sicked/Sicked to death) after losing the army to 400 LI and 3 dragons.
Fingers start pointing, people are quitting, Arthedain deny’s an MT to the Eothraim, SG’s newly named 20agent/10emis (stupidest character ever, check the Automatic Skill Orders folks and please stop doing this…! 10/20 bad too, but better than a 20/10…) fails to 949 (the order DOES fail, again, see Dice Theory at www.guaranteed.com/iwantmymoneyback/whineysuck.html) for the Northmen and the DS start posting on the forum again after a 3 month hiatus calling for a concession, which, when Noodle refuses to say Die starts the old bug-hunt-should-be-banned conversation up all over again.