FP Strategies

Some of those games exist in the Modern Days. From a current game, some turns past:

He was ordered to have the nation sell to the caravans. The stores sold was changed
because the total product sold was more than the market purchase limit. 155 Mithril
were sold for 86335 Gold.

Product Leather Bronze Steel Mithril Food Timber Mounts
Market units available 27532 19101 4689 1149 219247 838 462
Purchase at market price/unit 38 59 146 858 6 240 402
Sell to market price/unit 21 33 81 475 3 133 223

What turn is this on Drew?

Turn 80-something, and we’re currently in the 90s. I don’t think 3 week games are even offered anymore; this one started in 2001.

Are you willing to give a sitrep on that 90+ turn game? Obviously, this isn’t related to this thread…but it certainly sounds interesting…! Unless the DS are on the verge of victory and then it’ll all fall neatly into place :wink:

Yes if the game is very old like this 3weeker then the market will often be a little strange.

Otherwise the markets generally seem “sensible”. We would offer 3 week games if players wanted one but we’ve had something like 1 request in a year… :smiley:

Clint (GM)

As I’m playing DS, I’d say the DS have been on the verge of victory for the last 50 turns. <g> For a stretch of a year and a half, this was the only ME games I was in, so I put a lot of effort into it. More recently I’ve been playing with a couple of grudge teams and in gunboat games, such that this game hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves.

This was a classic single player game with 5 true neutrals. The DS side had 4 or 5 guys who had never played before, and 2 prisoners who had very limited internet access. From some of the things we saw from the opposition, my guess is the FP were littered with rank newbies too. We had a QA player who attacked the Cs on turn 1 (well they moved T1 and actually attacked T2 <g>). The Duns player had no internet access and played by post (his diplos were hand written in the old fashion, then scanned into a PDF file for forwarding). The IK and DoL between them submitted I think 3 turns in the first 4. So needless to say, this game was not like what most of us are used to seeing.

As far as a true situation report, I think I’ll pass, other than to say, the game is very fluid and front lines are ill-defined, as you might expect. There are 9 or so active FPs by my last count, versus 4 or 5 DS, depending on how you want to count crippled nations.

So the DS can easily hold off twice as many Free for years and years and years… Interesting. Wonder how that fits into my whining and lazy theory?

Terry even a 10 commander can command an army though. Seed armies can be very handy. Thats a recruit and a sell although the extra ranks being paid for is a bit of a pain. There’s always a silver lining, yu just have to look harder.

Clint, Ed. IMO 1650 NEEDS no changing. Its a gaming standard and the mainstay of a lot of the players. A veritable veterans playground if you will, so to speak. Its where we can try tested strategies and amed on them. 1650 is the CHESS of Middle Earth and should be left unsullied. Kin Strife has me salivating, the possiblities are not endless, such is the constraint of coding, but it is a very customisable game and thats only setup.

I think Alan you missed what I was trying to say… yes a 10 com is useful making the character useful but all 10 in the others stats makes that character a waste. Arthedain has a 10 emmy 10 agent 10 mage this character I would retire but it could be used still for natsells and 947/948’s …
