G45 4th Age

Only need 2 (or one if you play two positions) to get started. Who’s in?

Clint said on Friday that the game is full.

Bob N.

Game is now full and players have been emailed with their allegiances and choices. So you can discuss set-ups with players who have joined with you, but no-one else atm. Feel free to send in diplos with your first turn and I’ll send on. Enjoy this variant and if it goes well I’ll look at other updates/improvements we can make.


Calling all Neutrals - the “Good” side would love to connect. Please email raven@rinzai.com and I will get you in touch with the right people. Thank you!

Nah, don’t call the goodies, call us instead! Evil is way more more fun.

Great Trollusk - adamonmars@yahoo.com

Heck no, the DS are in the hot spots down south, you’ll sweat all game. Or in Lorien where the ents are. The Free Peoples are Free Spirits with Free Love and everything! – Jeremy jeremyrichman@Comcast.net

The DS know that flowery words rarely sway the allegiance of the neutrals. We prefer action over words.

Know this my future friends and compadres … The DS are united, cohesive and understand interdepence. We know the value of shared resources, for if one falls we all fall.

If you are looking for teammates rather than FREEP platitudes, seek your nearest DS recruitment center and we will happily welcome you into the fold.

The Men of the Shade.


If one falls all fall!? oh dear…

Don’t build your castles on sand friends.

Join with the Free and Make Middle Earth Great Again! We will wage economic and military war against those rascals until final victory is assured!

Snickers … MMEGA FREEPs !!

All the FREEPs offer are tired slogans and outsourced apparel made in the slave markets of the Far East. Heed not the words of these charlatans, for they speak with forked tongues and only seek personal enrichment on the backs of their neutral followers.

That’s the last straw. 100% war machines purchases from here on out.


Just Playing devil’s advocate.

I think you will enjoy battling 100 Men-at-Arms and 1,250 War Machines. I suspect two of your well-placed Agents will end this after one turn.

Hmmm … Sounds like you have it all figured out. I guess I should just resign now and spare myself the pain.

The last straw? Just curious what was that?

I think my joke did not go over well.

T’was a fine joke, but you’re telling Mike Judge jokes to a Larry the Cable Guy crowd.

woosh right over everyone’s head.

‘All the FREEPs offer are tired slogans and outsourced apparel made in the slave markets of the Far East. Heed not the words of these charlatans, for they speak with forked tongues and only seek personal enrichment on the backs of their neutral followers.’

It’s unbelievable!

Totally fake news, we have the bigliest armies, and i’ve done more for Middle Earth than anyone, anyone! in the entire history of the universe…oh yes if i was Sauron i’d be the badest…so bad…but i’m good…so good…

Join with us and we’ll have low taxes, full employment and ice cream for everyone…oh yes we are bringing ice boxes to middle earth!

Comedy gold.

Whiskey and red headed elven girls. Keep the ice cream…

Stop it people! There is just too much activity on this thread.

Tone it down.