G89 - Are the DS out there?

Wot no DS :slight_smile:

Everyone has been so quiet that I thought this game was over :wink:

Thought I would send you an FP postcard from our latest holiday resort of DG. Weather is fine but soon it will get cold and then how will you cope?

I see you decided to give up on Mirkwood and go and holiday in Cardolan. Pity the resort just vanished before your eyes.

Whilst we are being generous have another post card from North Harad. Looks like that area has declared independance as well.

Ah well at least you’ve taken Mordor.

If we had started in Winter you would have lost several nations by turn 3!

Well if the above doesn’t get a response then you are dead :slight_smile:

All the best to the Bristol crowd but surely you can do better :cool:

John S
FP Team Captain.

(Now I just wait for them to tell me their plans for the next few turns. Doh! Shouldn’t have said that :stuck_out_tongue: )

Helllllooo helllllloo

Any DS out thre?

I noticed you changed your tactics, from the great Ostrich tactics, you now switched to the also famous Lemming tactics.

Everyone running out of the west gate and drowning in the river.
Or that little battle group at Cardolan, pure Lemmings there is nothing there for you :smiley:

What next a rush on the Eaterling captiol?


Also FP

It would seem to this observer that those who follow Sauron have nothing to claim credit for. Has nothing gone well for the DS? Are they sheepish because they feel they are overmatched? I will continue to watch with interest this series of events.

There’s supposed to be another team in this game???

Well, the DS have rallied after the early loss of the Dragon Lord and have made some gains in the south while raiding the Northmen and clinging to life in the north.

So kudos to them for some of these subsequent actions as it appears they are playing a lot better than in the early going.

A new turn is out today so we shall see what fortunes transpired.

There was a WK base hidden off map that we pounced on and destroyed this turn…I hope you weren’t relying on a sale of bronze from the stores there etc. to keep your nation afloat. All kinds of interesting things are learned when you LAT the pectoral for a few turns. We will put it to good use.

I suspect some extremely interesting results this turn. (hopeufully good, but hey…that’s the spice. :wink: )

Thanks for the Corsair pop centers, they are keeping us afloat. I requested Gondorian navies to have some troops to kill, soon we will have to turn our attention elsewhere.

Nasty little pointed ear guys. I hates them elves.


lol. You need to borrow the lucky rabbits foot from the Dog Lord player on your team. He must have a whole box of them…lol.

We only have so many rabbits foots to go around, if I tell you who has the rabbits foot do you promise to leave the rest of us alone?


Good to know you’re still with us Tim. We’ll try to keep you entertained.

I haven’t had anything fun to talk about the last few turns. Corsairs feeling the pinch yet?


Hi south east DS.

I have to say you are doing okay. Where are you getting the money from to field all those troops, that must hurt your ecconomies.

And I still have more MT than the two of you togeather, so I feel okay.

Don´t you think that first a Horde of Mumakil and now a Dragon is a bit of an overkill. And sending Ji Indur himself to kill my army commanders, I am honored, kind of :cool:

Don´t you think you might need these resources somewhere else?



I think the Corsairs are holding on pretty well considering the amount of troops creatures and assassins you have committed there. I doubt there is anyway to eliminate them with the population centers available for transfer and the financial aid that can be and has been sent their way. The question is how long can you keep up the assault? Those troops in the field are awfully expensive. I know that you have dragons and Mumak and your side has made some pretty good profits in the market but I also feel there are several DS who are debtor nations now and that money has to be spread around. So I guess that in the South we are looking at whose got the cat with the longer tail.


Now this qoute was new to me. I like it.:smiley:

Unfortunatly I don´t have a cat, just a bunch if rabbits, with a very short tails. Maybe that´s enough too.



No market buyout this turn. (Perhaps due to issues at the Harad capital)
Not too much money to the DS for bronze sales.
Abused tax rates for some of your nations starting to catch up with them.

The heat in this game is definitely starting to turn up.

Abused tax rates, if you only knew!!! Which you don’t. But keep coming with your expectations, because this is fun.

Troop costs are no big deal, even without North Harad.

We don’t plan on eliminating the Corsairs, just relocating them. I would be very disappointed if you did allow them to get eliminated.

We expected the losses in Harad capitol, annoying as I am sure you are aware, but manageable if you plan for it.

One more little surprise coming also, but we will wait until next turn for that.

We are playing a little better as of late, hope you are enjoying the game.

Thanks for the Ring, we will put it to good use.


I think you are internalizing some of the comments that are directed at some of your teammates as you seem focused on a particular region.

For example, the Dragon Lord no doubt abused his tax rate…lol.

I have no doubts that the Harad are fine financially, lots of towns etc. and gold production.

Yeah, losing the ring hurt…oh well, that’s the way the ball bounces some times. I had an A114 last game with the ROW who died trying to assassinate an army commander in an open hex (we checked with the opposition after the game and he wasn’t doubled and there were no guards etc.) Kinda like losing a challenge between a peon and a strong character that’s what makes the game so interesting.

Dragon Lord bankrupted on a typo from us, and good play by you. Had we added the 0 he would not have bankrupted. Oh well.

I like focusing on the Corsairs, that is the only place we are doing really well.

Ran the Cloud lord a few months ago, had all the artifacts (row, curifin and ROI) and failed on over 70% of my K/A on southern gondor army commanders, including the 10/20. Yes, they were on his pop centers. But when you have 100+ agents with stealth.

Really bad role for rusty nail on that one. The Dog Lord did fail to steal an artifact from one of his teammates this past turn if that makes you feel any better.


I’ve had some rather obscene luck with naming characters with regards to skill bonuses and stealth so it all balances out. If the DL tried to steal the ROI last turn…he was doubly lucky that Rusty had a bad roll…I would think the theft attempt would have ended more tragically than a failed order.

Played the sinda in a gunboat, we retired five agents trying to get stealth, finally got stealth on the 18th character we named. Go figure. Exact opposite with the Noldo, as we got stealth on five of the first ten named characters.



Look forward to the surprise. Really though are you the spokesman for your team. There were some DS victories and stuff to crow about over the last two turns but your team is so uncommunicative, with the exception of you perhaps.
